I am 29 weeks pregnant and feel like baby is balled up...is that normal?

29 weeks and my stomach feels like baby is just in a ball. I can feel her ball up, is it normal? At first I thought maybe contractions, her movements have slowed more the last few days but still active just mainly balling up.


My youngest my fifth was always felt balled up on my right side I just thought maybe it was because the placenta was someone in the front and low lying but when he was born he was wrapped up in the umbilical cord in a ball it was crazy but he was born happy and healthy when he came out Dr had to spin him a few times to get it off of him

I can feel my son do that also and I’m 30 weeks well about to be 31 weeks this week. It feels so funny to me

Sounds like Braxton hicks but if your having decreased movement, I’d definitely go get checked! Better to be safe then sorry! :heart:

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Mine used to like that position. As long as it’s moving, don’t worry.

I bet it’s Braxton hicks. That’s what they felt like to me

What does the doctor say?

Ball up…. Like in the fetal position…. That’s how they fit as they get bigger. They move less as they get bigger. Less room. Yes. It’s normal.


This is definitely something for your doctor to check on, better to be safe than sorry❤.


Def Braxton hicks or contractions. I had what some call “irritable uterus” so I had contractions my entire pregnancies n that’s what it feels like.

I’d notify Dr to make sure the naval cord isn’t wrapped around anything and keeping him from moving


If movements have changed, get checked asap. I’d be heading straight to ED or your maternity ward. PLEASE get checked


They prefer the fetal position. But if movements have decreased notify your doctor.

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Braxton Hicks contractions! I am 32wks and was having the same and talked to my dr about it bc I didn’t remember with my first. They aren’t “real” contractions, just practice ones getting your body ready for the real deal lol


I would contact your doctor and tell them about decreased movement. Also do your kick counts. If your worried please go straight to labor and delivery for monitoring

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Could be Braxton hicks or just how baby is laying. If you’re really concerned especially with the decrease in kicks (less than 10 per 2 hours) I’d call your ob to be certain. But a baby balling up typically is no big deal lol. Might just be comfy for them and if it is Braxton hicks as long as they aren’t painful it’s no big deal… I’ve been contracting since my 2nd trimester (34weeks now) and it’s just your bodies way of preparing for baby. Annoying but how it goes sometimes lol.

Sometimes people do perceive contractions as baby balling up. I would at least call OB


Call your doctor. There is someone on call 24/7.

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Movement does slow down as there less room to do flippy flips… but should still be active…

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Could be nothing, could be something
Call your OB
I went into preterm labor at 30 weeks


If your so worried. Why aren’t you asking a professional. Not random. Gees. Wake the fake up


Maybe she is balled up my boys would do that n some times kick my ribs. My second boy on ultra sound he had his head n my ribs took us a hour to finally get him to move down. I got a ultrasound every week cause I was high risk with him. But if u feel something is wrong always go get checked

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Sounds like contractions. With my first I thought the baby was “balling up” too. It ended up being contractions, I was in full blown labor at 27 weeks and delivered at 30. I would go in just for peace of mind, the can do a AFP swab and it will give you an indication of you’re going into labor early or not.

You definitely need to contact your Dr or go to UC to make sure everything is OK with your baby. Decrease in movement is definitely not a good thing.


Yes , not much room in there

There’s never any silly questions for your OB or GP ! If you’re concerned enough to ask, you should.