I am 34 weeks pregnant with a swollen ankle: Advice?

I’m 34 weeks pregnant & my left foot hurts so bad from being swollen… I have a dr appointment Tuesday for a regular dr appointment, but is this something I should be worried about??

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Try doing some yoga too. It helped me a lot

Everything is gonna swell. Put ice one it or soak it in Epson salt. Keep it elevated also

Only thing I would recommend is drink lots of water and elevate the foot as much as possible.

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It could be pre-eclampsia I’d got to L&D to get checked just to be safe


Could be something to be concerned about; could be normal water retention. Keep it elevated and just monitor it; if all else, call your doctor and see what they suggest. It’s never a bad thing to call and ask questions, you aren’t bugging them, it’s part of their job.

Raw ginger… Soak ur foot in warm water and raw ginger

If you have your own BP cuff, you can monitor from home. If it’s just one ankle it could be an injury or from your ligaments being stressed. If you have other swelling (face, hands, both feet) and other symptoms like headaches, blurred vision, seeing spots, then yes I’d go to L&D or simply call a nurse on call and ask their advice. I wouldn’t be running to the hospital for one swollen ankle though with no other alarms. Prop it up, epsom salt soaks

Get it check asap! Could be pre clampsia! Happened to me at 36 weeks! Went to labour and delivery and i had a emergency c section the same night, its very dangerous don’t wait


Probably you’re retaining fluid but ask Dr on Tuesday

See your Dr or midwife ASAP

could be your blood pressure elevated get it checked asap

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Press on it, if the finger mark stays tell the Dr immediately