I am 5 weeks postpartum and wanting to try for another baby....advice?

I had my baby at 39. An older pregnancy does not necessarily mean a high risk one, unless you have other factors like you mentioned.

However, postpartum is considered the first two years after having a baby. I personally would wait a bit, like a year or two, before having another. You still have time

Oh good Thor, give your body some time to heal.

Enjoy the baby you have before wishing for another! U don’t get the time back and 34 is so young

Don’t do it! It’s a trap! :rofl:

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What is wrong with you? You need to wait at least a year. Let your body heal, that is very important for your next pregnancy. Please wait.

My first two are 13 1/2 months apart. That’s a lot of diapers to change. Your body needs a little rest to heal. Wait at least 8 weeks before trying. It’s a lot, though, to be pregnant and have a small baby.

I’d wait at least 12 mos.

If there’s one thing I know about pregnancies, none of them are going to be the same! With one I had pre eclampsia, one I had morning sickness, one I did not, one I had low progesterone and all three were just so different. So if I had to base it off how the other pregnancies were, I don’t think that would be a great idea. Just my opinion tho.

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Your body needs time to heal and when you have babies very close together you’re at more risk for bad postpartum. Enjoy the baby you have

I’d wait.
My friend was high risk… she nearly died. They managed to pull her back but she now has serious heart issues that’s deteriorating her health.

The baby is also not ok.

My daughter had her kids 16 months apart. And she says having two so close together has been extremely exhausting and challenging even with help. She struggles daily to find enough time for everything that needs to be done she tends to fall asleep pretty much every chance she gets to sit down and take a minute for herself. she says she wouldn’t change it for anything though…

My first 2 are 14 months apart. My second wasn’t planned but my fertility doctor told me I had a 0-0.5% chance to get pregnant a second go around. It was much more painful had I waited they said I would of been fine. All 3
Of mine were C-section! I strongly suggest you heal and wait. Your going through a wave of emotions, u don’t want take away time from your baby that u already have.

You might have to let your body decide. If you are breastfeeding, sometimes you don’t ovulate. It’s not 100% true for everyone, but I know when I started trying while breastfeeding I couldn’t get pregnant. The day I stopped, I got pregnant the following cycle.

I have 5 kids.
Do what’s best for you!!
My oldest are 12 (13 in 2 weeks), and 10. They’re 2 1/2 years apart - great age gap!
My middles are 2 and 3 (they’re 13 months apart, little tougher )
And My youngest is 6 weeks. Him and my 4th are 2 years apart, I’m starting over again after having gotten rid of the stuff from Mt 3rd and 4th in that time

My kids are 8 years apart I had my last at age 39 I wouldn’t trade it for the world they have the best relationship ever oldest had time to enjoy mom dad and now my 1yr old gets to enjoy and have our attention and bubba understand and he is also a big help when it comes to entertaining his sister so we have a break

let you body heal. wait a year and try again. a healed body is a healthy body you still have a huge hole to heal from where your placenta was

Give your body time to heal, at least 9months-1year and then have another one, if your already consider high risk, then I don’t think waiting another year to have one is going to make a difference, but still talk with the professionals. Enjoy the moments now with your newest addition, having another so soon is physically mentally and emotionally going to exhaust no matter how positive of a pregnancy you had and no matter how good of a support system you have. You are a new mom you have yet to see how different, chaotic, happy, exhausted and all in between you and your husband are going to be. :heart:

You might still be riding the adrenaline. If age is the only factor of you being high risk I had three babis after 39. They are now 10, 8 and 6. I would suggest waiting a bit because two in diapers is a lot. Enjoy your baby.

Please give your body a chance to recuperate and heal fully my gosh

I dont see how you could have a “positive postpartum experience” if your baby is only 5 WEEKS. You’re barely into postpartum.

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my sisters both had their last baby at 44 and one at 40
my daughter had her last at 42-43

So you intentionally don’t want to don’t with your baby? You also have a dinner plate sized wound in your uterus that needs time to heal. Just because you stop bleeding doesn’t mean it’s just completely ready to do this again. They recommend a year minimum if no issues the first time and the average is 18 to 24 months. You grew an entire human. Soak in the one that you have :heart: 34 is not even old.

I was extremely high risk 42,with medical issues but my son is fine,got pregnant again but ended in miscarriage and didn’t happen again although wanted at least one more after him it didn’t happen so guess who got all the love

Wait at least a year. I was high risk w both of my boys. My first was stillborn and I had placental abruption plus preeclampsia.

For me personally I waited to they were out of diapers all my baby’s are 3 years apart my youngest is 7 months he was high-risk had a lot of complications so I stopped with him and his siblings are 13,10,7,4 honestly idk if I could do baby’s close in age id loose my mind lol I wait till there transitioning out that toddler stage and using potty on there own I don’t want to have to change multiple baby’s lol :rofl::rofl: also girl your still healing atleast wait till everything down there is good

Your need to wait at least a yr for your body to heal to make sure there is no complications

Two of mine are 15 months apart no regrets and as adults they are really close

Let your body heal and talk to your doctor about it. Some people need to wait longer than others if your already high risk. It’s important to heal and enjoy the baby you have.

:woman_facepalming: jmo , I’m not you … but nope. Focus on the new little one snd give your body time.

If you are high risk, for your babies sake please wait. Don’t let the baby grow up without their momma. :disappointed_relieved:

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Wait at least a couple months, your body needs time to heal.

Give your body some time to heal. Discuss family planning with your OB GYN and they can talk to you about the risks associated with your situation.

I had two children 11months apart, all I can say is I cried alot !! And it really got bad when the first one was going thew the terrible two 's, and the next one was right behind him

You haven’t even experienced parenting yet and already want to literally put your life on the line and risk your child not having a mother for what?

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Please do wait until you are completely healed.

my last 2 are 15 moths apart and it was a rough road .

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I would just want 3-6 months . I had my last child at 37. No. Issue’s at all. Had a healthy baby. Good luck.

Our sons are 16 months apart

I’d give yourself 6mo - 8mo (at least) to heal & bond with your new baby. I know you think you have the parent thing figured out. It may even seem easy with this 1st one. I’m here to tell you, going from 1 to 2 babies is life changing!! Usually the 2 nd one is the total opposite of your 1st. Everything you thought you knew, doesn’t work lol. Then add the extra stress of 2 in diapers, one trying to crawl/walk & get into everything… all while the new baby is demanding your attention. It sounds nice having another. In all reality it’s REALLY F**KING HARD!!!

You haven’t even had the postpartum journey yet.

Mine are 13 months apart. The 2nd pregnancy was way more painful. I got SPD and they chalked it up to my body not having enough time to recover. For the last 11 weeks I could hardly walk. My hubs was lifting my legs into the car and into bed for me. I had to lift my own leg to get into the shower. When I walked I dragged my feet. Chiro and PT didn’t really help. It went away quickly after birth, but I read it doesn’t for everyone.

There are some perks… like them being in diapers at the same time and they’re close to eachother… but I’d give your body SOME time. Just my opinion. Like minimum 6 months.

If you had a c section they recommend at least 12 months. Your risk of rupture is higher if you don’t.

Wait 6 months at least give ur body time to heal

It’s the hormones girl calm down. Wait at least a year ideally

No. Just let your body rest and enjoy your little one for a bit.

This is something to ask your doctor, but typically, they recommend at least a year between pregnancies (some doctors say at least 2 years between pregnancies). Fast succession of pregnancies can be high risk in and of itself. Why risk that?

*also, I delivered #6 just shy of my 43rd birthday. AMA isn’t necessarily high risk. Just greater chance of a baby with Down’s. And our placentas tend to want to give out a little sooner than younger moms (~39 weeks). Neither is a super major concern…

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That’s way too soon. It takes 18 months for a human body to heal from pregnancy and labor.
My daughters are 2 1/2 years apart and it’s fantastic in many ways. But also has its issues. If anything your recovery is going to be harder. But recovering from any subsequent pregnancy gets harder each child labor you add on. My third was my hardest recovery I was 31 when he was born (I’m almost 33 now) My worst pregnancy by far was my second I was 24. There is no one right thing.

You can do whatever you wish. And being 34 doesn’t make you high risk. Geriatric pregnancy shouldn’t even be a term that’s used. You can have a healthy pregnancy or unhealthy pregnancy at any age.

If you’re taking a poll I say wait and enjoy this time with this baby before you even start to try for another. You can have a better pregnancy in a years time than you would have getting pregnant right out the gate

Back to back pregnancy does not give your body time to heal which increases the risk of miscarriage

You’re still very newly post-partum, 6 weeks is the usual reccomendation before even trying sex let alone getting pregnant! Enjoy your baby, time goes fast and there’s no promise your “journey” is going to be as smooth as these first few weeks you’ve had…

Your body really needs a whole year to recover if not high risk, but you should AT LEAST wait 6-8 weeks after birth for the “trying”

3 months from delivery is what my on told me bc I was 40 & high risk.

Post paturm is the devil and I mean that literally. Please take your time with your mind and your body before you just hop into another pregnancy. It’s not fair to your baby or you. That’s to soon. Post paturm is not something you should play with. Be very careful!

I had my first at 17, second at 18. They are 364 days apart. I had my sons first birthday in the hospital. Them together I found it easy and they have such a strong bond now. They are 17 and 16 now. I had my 3rd at 20 who is now 14, and then my last baby at 30 who is almost 5. I HATE the gap with my last one. It’s so difficult to accommodate everyone’s needs and spend time with them equally. I always feel like someone isn’t getting what they need from me. Kinda wish I would have kept them closer in age.

Uhhh let your hormones level out. Postpartum is just like being drunk. No major decisions!

Probably unpopular opinion, but seriously wait. You’re 5 weeks in, full honeymoon stage. Yes its adorable now, everyone loves you, the baby, your family, and your happy hormones are flowing copiously in preparation for the inevitable sleepless nights, poop, omfg, the poop, the vomit, the weird illnesses that magically resolve once you’ve locked yourself in for the 12 sleepless hours you will wait, the moments when you decide the vomit smell is better than the poop smell, and you haven’t showered in 4 days so you spray the perfume you will learn to hate because it reminds you and all the above, and thats not even everything, crazy. Oh, and you’re either pregnant or have a newborn.

Just wait a while. There is no rush. There isn’t. Picture that, times 2 or 3. At once. And then you get sick too. While pregnant or with a newborn.

Enjoy baby 1 before going for baby 2. Mainly because reality bites hard, and you don’t want to be back here in a year posting about how run down you are and asking for tips on how to cope.

Trust me (mum of 4 few years apart, above still applies despite the age gap).

Don’t look into these stats. I am pregnant with my 4th, due in a couple weeks and all the doctors have done is stress me out about my age. I know my body better than anyone. I’ve had a healthy pregnancy with no complications and yet they run me through every fucking test possible that I continue to pass. Don’t rush anything. Time is already a big enough thief when watching your babies grow that you need to enjoy each one as you don’t get that time back.