I had it with my twin and singleton pregnancy…was sch…cleared on its own and no issues…scary I know! Good luck!
I’ve had this in two of my successful pregnancies, occasional spotting but did not effect the baby at all.
I did have an early miscarriage and that was very very obviously different. Like the period from hell.
Some spotting after an exam or sex can be normal. Idk if you’ve had anyone poking around in there lately lol
Sounds like implantation bleeding. It’s normal. I experienced it.
You may need a rhogam injection if bleeding continues. I had to get this between 6-8 weeks with both pregnancies! First they will need to draw your blood to see if your antibody is positive or negative
I had this with my first. It might just be more implantation bleeding. Which is normal. If it gets heavier or is paired with pain, contact ur Dr asap.
It might be nothing to worry about!! Though my miscarriage started that way unfortunately:(
Spotting is pretty common, but if you start cramping get checked asap. I spotted 25 yrs ago with twins and most recently one of those twins started spotting/cramping from a tubal pregnancy that transferred to uterus. Rarely do they survive.
I had some spotting when I first got pregnant with my last child and then again when I was 4 months which was caused by a subchoronic hemorrhage it was a lot of bleeding and it scared me to death but luckily I have a beautiful 4 yr old but I would definitely keep your Dr informed or go to the ER if bleeding becomes bright red and heavier. Also when I was pregnant with my 2nd one I noticed I had some bleeding when I only went to the bathroom and found out it was kidney stones which are actually common during pregnancy.
I have a little bleeding from a hematoma in my uterus. Babys fine. I would get checked just to ease your mind
i spotted a lot during pregnancy with my daughter and everything was fine! Get checked out just in case momma if it makes you feel better! Good luck
I had this with my first. I got told it was old wall blood/what would of been period blood. I went to hospital for an early scan and as was heavy and baby still fine.x
What’s your progesterone levels?
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I have had spotting with my last 3 out of 4 pregnancies. My first two were red spotting, almost like a very light period and my last was more of a brown spotting. Once when I would have got my period and then again a few weeks later. My doctor said as long as it wasn’t bright red, which means new blood, then it was totally normal. I would say if it gets progressively heavier or you start cramping, I would call your doctor, but light spotting, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, is pretty normal.
Get checked. Mine started out like that and sadly I had a miscarriage
I have spotted in pregnancy between 7 & 9 weeks and carried to term fine. I’ve also lost a baby without spotting. Just go to the doctor to ease your mind. Worry won’t do any good & our opinions won’t ease your mind. Best of luck.
When in doubt, check it out. Go to the er.
I would go just in case that happened to me twice when I was later on and my placenta was detaching and with my son I got a uterine infection which caused a pinkish spotting
Spotted with all three pregnancies. The second one ended in a miscarriage. Sometimes spotting is normal and sometimes its not. There really isn’t anyone they can do for you at 7 weeks. If the spotting gets heavier or you start cramping go to the doctor.
As a nurse, I would recommend going to the ER and getting checked out especially with your history. Never hurts to be safe.
Get checked. I spotted for a month before I miscarried (not saying that’s what happening) If you feel cramps DEFINATELY go in even if you don’t find them painful.
I bled for no reason for 8 months with my oldest. Sometimes our bodies are weird. If you’re concerned though, I would go.
Implantation bleeding… lay down if you feel like your cramping… but if its not alot… you’re good
I had that with my second. Went to ER 4x, and had a huge clot fall after some weeks. After that, nothing and I carried her to term. Go in anyways, always go in and get checked. They can do an intravaginal ultrasound.
I had two full periods during my first trimester. Definitely call and let your doctor know, but don’t let yourself worry without reason. Best of luck mama❤️
Hospital don’t ask questions go go go
Get checked couldn’t hurt
Go just in case. I bled with all three of my pregnancies. Much more with my last one (just gave birth 19 days ago) because I found out I had a cyst on my uterus that was monitored the entire pregnancy
I bled with both of my pregnancies. Wasn’t worth a hospital trip. I bled bright red. They said its very common and told me to take it easy. Also said as long as it wasn’t heavy I didn’t need to be seen.
Spotting is normal, however, wouldn’t hurt to check it out in case! Better to be safe than sorry when it comes to pregnancy
My OB put me on progesterone.
Brown is implantion bleeding. Don’t stress mama! I know it’s hard. With my first I had periods heavy for weeks and still had a healthy baby .
If you’re worried, go. It’s much easier than not going and staying worried if there’s nothing wrong. And if there is, at least you would know.
Mother of 3, bled with all my babies, I bled for 2 weeks straight with my first baby. As long as you’re not cramping it should be fine. If YOU’RE worried go to the ER and ask for a pelvic ultrasound.
I spotted at 7 months and everything was fine. The doc said it could be from sex lol
When I was 34 weeks pregnant I was heavy bleeding. I went to the doctor and they said everything was okay. I would go just to be safe. They’ll do a “NST” to check you and baby and monitor the baby for a while.
I bled with all my pregnancies. The 2 I lost, the blood was bright red, then small clots. But to be safe, go for a piece of mind.
I spotted with a second and ended up having a hematoma, y body eventually absorbed it.
I had brown/light red spotting until I was roughly 12-14 weeks with my first pregnancy and my third. The doctors all said it was normal, and as long as it’s not soaking a pad to just relax. If you’re worried, it doesn’t hurt to get checked and have some peace of mind. Best of luck mama.
Always safest to get checked but I bled heavily. Not just spotting with my lo. Sometimes our bodies just do weird things in the process of growing another being. Try not to over stress yourself
I spotted with my son for three months, thought I was having small periods till they stopped and I realized I had a little tummy, then I took a test and went in and found out I was 13w pregnant lol
Anytime you have a bad feeling then go. It may not be anything at all but it will ease your mind and of it is something then they may be able to do something to help
For your own peace of mind, go and get yourself checked.
It all depends on how YOU feel! If you feel there’s something wrong then go to the hospital! When I was pregnant with my daughter I had a full blown period every month for the entire 9 months. I was concerned in the beginning and I would go to the hospital every single month. But when they did sonograms and blood work, thank God everything was fine. My baby was born healthy and here we are 12 years later.
Like I said it, you know your body. Everyone is different. So if you feel something is wrong or even if it’s just to hear from your doctor that everything is ok, GO TO THE DOCTOR!!
I spotted with both my 2nd and 3rd babies. 99% it’s just implanting but still scary. Both babies were perfectly healthy
Go get checked for your own peace of mind! It’s probably nothing , it’s actually normal to spot.
I spotted til 7 months
If you are questioning it go get checked better safe than sorry. Good luck momma
I spotted then turned into heavy bleeding for 2 months. subchronic hemorrhage, I would go get checked to make sure baby is okay.
I had light bleeding with my first pregnancy till i was 5 months and test results telling me i wasnt pregnant till 5 months.
Everybody’s pregnancy and bodies are different. As everyone has said for peace of mind go to the doctor so you stop stressing over it
Brown blood is just old blood dont stress
I spotted a little bit in the early weeks but im also a nervous wreck in pregnancy and I would definitely go in. It would at least save me all the worry and anxiety.
I spotted with my daughter at bout 5 months n everything turned out ok
Go get checked out just to be sure and safe. Gods blessings over u and the baby.
I work at an ultra sound clinic. Doesn’t hurt to get checked out.
It’s normal. Just relax drink water and get off your feet. Take it easy.
Get a different OB, tomorrow! I ignored the warning signs with my first and believed my doctor. I ended up having an abruption later on. Switched doctors for my second. Wish I would have listened to my inner voice with the first!
I spotted off and on until like 4-5 months. I was always a nervous wreck but all test results would come back good. Doc said as long as it was brown blood it was ok. I had a very healthy baby. Try not to stress, I know it’s easier said than done!
I spotted all thru my first trimester (actually how I found out I was pregnant). It was light at first and skipped every other day but about a week later it was enough to where I thought I had peed myself. I went to the ER and turned out to just be a blood clot that I kept reopening. I had instructional treatment for a week and the bleeding went away. My daughter is now 4 and perfectly healthy. I’d definitely get it checked out tho. Good luck!
I bleed at 9 weeks with my first heavy bleeding like I was having a miscarriage I freaked out and went to the hospital they checked me out and said I had a blood pack that would pass they checked the baby was still good…should be fine but if ur worried go in …just for peace of mind.good luck
Sex can cause bleeding too, but I agree, I would rather be safe than sorry!! Have it checked out.
Go to the emergency room just to be on the safe side
Spotting up to 12 weeks is 100% normal. I spotted a couple times during my pregnancy and she was perfectly fine. If you are worried definitely call your ob. Doesnt hurt to ask
If you’re in doubt go to the hospital. I spotted with all 3 of my pregnancies and almost all the way through, but I still got checked each time for peace of mind.
I bleed 6 weeks up until 8-9 weeks with my daughter and had two early scans xx
It can definitely be normal. I bleed my whole pregnancy with my last. But id go get checked for ease of mind
Ive had 6 miscarriages and went through this. Go get checked, it may be a sign of miscarriage. Especially only being 7 weeks. It wont hurt to check. And get u a different OB! Sounds like he/she doesnt care that u are concerned.
Go get checked, u sont wanna take any chances. I was constantly at my ob for any and every little thing when I was pregnant with my son. Better to b safe now than sorry later
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