I am a FTM and 31 weeks pregnant, my doctor is already suggesting a c-section: Advice?

My 2nd baby was suppose to be “BIG” and he ended up being 7.11lbs
They kept saying he was going to be 9-10 lbs… not always correct. You do what you feel is right!

My son was expected to be big and my OB asked me if I wanted to discuss delivery options. I told him that I didn’t want a C-section unless it was absolutely necessary. He asked me if I wanted to push out an 11 pound baby and I said I would if I could. Anyway, I had to be induced at 37 weeks due to complications. He was 8 pounds. Do what you think is best for you and your baby.

I would schedule a c section close to the due date. I had an emergency c section because he was stuck in the birth canel. My son was 9lb 2 1/2oz. Congregations and good luck what ever way you deliver.

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I had to have a 30 minute ultrasound because I was in a car crash and they needed to see if I needed an emergency c section. Thankfully i didnt but they estimated my son to be around 9.5 lbs 14 hours before i gave birth to a 7.0 lbs baby. They can definitely be off. Are you sure that your due date isnt off? That can happen as well.


I was recommended for a c section- they estimated my son being over 9lbs and I was a young mom
He ended up being only 5.3lbs …
People have delivered big babies

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Get a few opinions and educate yourself properly on risks of both options, personally I would get another growth scan every 2weeks and if he is gonna be too big schedule a c section, doesn’t make you less of a mum or warrior. I’ve had my 3 natural and in all honesty with this next one I’d be happy to have c section if needed. Both options have risk. And reward, you still go through labour with a c section and the recovery is hard with both. But at the end you get a baby to snuggle and boom you’re a mum! I wish the “stigma” of cesearean births would go away. Labour and child birth is incredible no matter how you do it.

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At my ultrasound with my daughter they estimated her to be about 9 pounds had an induction done 2 days later and she ended up weighing 6 pounds 14oz

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My newborn was considered big enough to change his due date at 16 weeks. No matter how many times I protested about my real due date, they kept telling me he was big. So, I fought to not be induced before the due date I knew he was to be…and low and behold, even though they say he was 2 weeks over due
…he came the day before I said he would. He was also only 7 lbs, smaller than my first who was 2 weeks early.

Their ultrasounds are not as accurate as they say, and they will do what they can to scare you into doing what they want you to do

:frowning: it’s a hard decision, especially when they hound you about it. Good luck

It’s not exact or even “very accurate” in was told my second would be so small and he was my bigger baby and opposite with my first they said huge off the ultrasounds and he came out 7.2oz seems like c section is pushed on people to me.

You should ask for another ultrasound closer to your due date. Regardless of how you go i can guarantee you will get stitches either way if your baby does get bigger (9-11lbs). I vaginally delivered my son weighing in at 10 lbs 5 oz and need my woohaa stitched up. So your options are: getting your vagina stitched up or your belly. I had both thanks to my twins that came later. Good luck!

My daughter was measuring 11.6 lbs and I had an emergency c section. She turned out to be 8.6lbs. They get it wrong a lot - being big boned is a real thing when it comes to ultra sounds lol

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I had to have a csection because labor wouldn’t progress and her base heartrate was low. It turned out that she was big at 9lbs 11oz and had wide shoulders. The dr told me that if I had her naturally my hips and her shoulders would have broken. I was having ultrasounds and NST tests 3x a week the 3 weeks before age was born because I was having a lot of swelling suddenly and proteins in my urine. She was measuring 8+lbs 3 weeks prior. Oh and they found out the reason her base heartrate was low was from her umbilical cord being wrapped around her neck and body.
I had mentioned her size to my OB after they where already measuring her over 8lbs and my OB said that it could be off by a lb or 2.

I had a big baby first 9lb 1, when I was having my daughter they said she was a good 7.5/8lb she came out 5lb 10. They said with my second she wasn’t growing and came out at 6lb. They do get it wrong xx

I was told my first baby was going to be over 8 lbs an she ended up only weighing in at 5 lbs 5 ozs.Then with my last two i was told they would be super tiny an they were both over 7 lbs.

I think it’s reckless for a doctor to suggest a c-section if your child is healthy; it’s really up to you. Having a c-section is major surgery, and makes caring for a newborn all that much harder. If it was me, I’d ask my doctor to let me labor on my own and only do a c-section if it becomes necessary.


I did and my son was born 11lbs 2 oz. They said he would be 10lbs and I was induced and labor for 36 hours,dilated 1cm and then had c section.

I was induced at 37 weeks due to the docs saying my on wasnt growing and weighing at just over 3 pounds . When I had my boy he was in fact 5’5 . Doctor’s aren’t always right . Maybe get a second opinion, just incase. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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My baby girl weighted in at 10 lbs

I went to have an ultrasound on Friday, they said my daughter was weighing 9 lbs 7 oz and that she would be way to big to have naturally if I didnt have her early… 2 weeks early… I was scheduled for an induction for that Monday. She was born on Tuesday weighing 6lbs 9oz. They are not always accurate… she was my first (back in 2015)

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Idk. My niece had a 9lb 10oz (beautiful) son, who they had to take early for this very same reason. Don’t fret Mama, as long as the baby is healthy is what matters❤

IMO doctors are pushing c sections to much now days. When I had my daughter they tried to make me have a c section and I wasn’t having it. She was born naturally 2 days before her due date. Get a second opinion if you want but do what you think is best.

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Ultrasound is VERY tech dependent and the measurements are not always accurate. I had 2 different US techs tell me I was having a boy and actually had a girl. Weight and such are just estimates based upon their images. If you do not want to schedule a c-section, you do not have to. If you want to try to vaginally deliver, go for it! Things can always change and you can have a c-section if it is absolutely necessary.


Ultrasounds and weight please don’t believe it

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My son was the exact same… But the closer you get the weeks of how bug get bigger… Just like when you’re smaller they always say you measure a week or two ahead of shedule… Some times they arent always accurate… My dr was doing the same to me and kept telling me my son would be 10lbs or over but at my 39w appt he was back to normal averaging about 7lbs… He came out 39w and 3d at 7lb 7ozs even

Croc, they were saying when I was 7-8 months my little was 9-10 pounds. She came out 6lbs 11 oz. She was induced then emerge C-section at 42 weeks

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Had a 10lb baby naturally and there are women that have had bigger so it can be done and they can be close but not perfect. You can try for natural but if things aren’t going good then prepare for the a c- section. Just remember the most important thing is keeping you and baby healthy.

You don’t necessarily need a c-section for a big baby

My last bub was measuring big. I don’t know why they told you that it’s very accurate, because they are always +/- 500g. I had 2 previous difficult deliveries and he was measuring bigger than both the other 2. I was the one that pushed for an early delivery due to previous complications. I was offered a cs but declined and chose to have a birthing plan and be induced at 39 weeks (they wouldn’t do me earlier). I actually went into labour the day before I was booked to be induced and had him with no complications. He was pretty much on weight, but the measurements were out so not as big as they thought. He was 3710g (8.2 pounds)

Yeah, my 1st they said she was 8lbs at 35 weeks, she was born 6.5lbs at 37 week and 2 days.
Definitely no need to get a csection… Woman deliver over 10lbs babies all the time.
Personally I would do anything possible to avoid a C-section… I’ve had 3 natural births and 2 C-sections…

My first baby was 9lbs 4oz and 24.5 inches long and she was born naturally just fine so was her 9lb brother

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C-sections are more expensive and have read harder to recover from. I would wait and see before making that choice. They can if you can’t deliver naturally.


I carried my son to 40 weeks and 1 day. They swore he was going to be 9 lbs when he was born or more. When I had him he weighed jn at 7lbs 6oz. So they were very off.


My first baby at 17 was 9 pounds 9 oz…
There is no reason you can’t have a natural birth. Tell your Dr a c-section can be utilized in a life and death situation. Otherwise…a natural birth is your preference. Dr’s are looking to make MONEY…


Same thing happened to me with my second pregnancy. Ultrasound technician and doctor informed that my daughter was on the big for her GA and above 85 percentile. They had me scheduled for an induced labor at 39weeks but I went into labor 2 days before. My daughter arrived weighing 6lbs and 8oz.

The measurements aren’t always accurate…I wouldn’t opt for a c-section unless there were other complications. I personally would try to go natural and just see how it goes.

I was told same thing and got induced and had an emergency c section not by choice but it saved our lives so anyways I was told she was going to be a 10lbs baby well she was 7pounds

I was told my baby was measuring smaller from ultrasounds he ended up almost being 9 pounds. Those ultrasounds aren’t 100% accurate

My son they est over 7 he came out at 6 exactly. I would go with what was suggested to me but if you don’t want to I would express that to the doctor or ask for another opinion

My first birth was natural. It was horrendous. So much so that I had a planned c-section for my second birth. It was a game changer. If I fell pregnant again and was offered a c-section, I’d be accepting it on the spot.

They said the same of my last pregnancy. Even changed my due date 3 times. Said he would be over 10 pounds at birth. Had a c-section. He weighed 7 lbs 13 oz. :person_shrugging: go figure.

I’ve been induced, natural without meds, and 2 c-sections (1 emergency and 1 scheduled)

I say no c-sections unless medically necessary.

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I had my 9.9lb girl natural birth :woman_shrugging: I’ve heard of 11lb babies being born naturally.
No c sections unless you absolutely have to in my opinion. If it’s necessary they can schedule an emergency csection once you’ve tried natural labor if it doesn’t work out?


My son was 10 lbs 8 oz and I had a natural delivery. Don’t let them bully you into anything! Your body is literally made to push that baby out.

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Why don’t you just roll with it and don’t make any decisions until they need to be made and for very valid reasons ,
Just because bub is long doesn’t mean a hole lot to me ,
Is baby happy , healthy and doing all good things that’s what I would go with ,
If you want to labour go right ahead ,
Your body your choice , and if everything is fine with baby why not …
Best of luck xx

I think they should wait… maybe recheck measurements… they told me my baby could have fluid in the brain and all kinds of stuff I was so worried and stressed for a month before I seen a specialist they did a 3d and the measurements were off. :roll_eyes:thank god but I was so upset.

You should try if you want, doc probably wants to just make it easier on himself, :roll_eyes: I often hear of doctors wanting to also induce because they have things going on around this time like wow

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Your body can only grow a baby it’s capable of naturally giving birth to, I’ve had 3 big babies all in the 98th percentile and still was able to give birth naturally, they tried to tell me with my newest bub 4 months old now that i needed a c section i bluntly refused and instead they brought him on at 38 weeks due to his head being too big for their comfort because it was 38.5cm round, don’t be pressured into having a c section at all if you want natural be firm and they will find ways around it

I had 6 csections and would do it over vaginal delivery any day… they always said my babies were big… they were 11.7 and still had a few wks. 1 born at 33 wks almost 8lbs. Have them do a pelvic symmetry… good luck

At 36 weeks my son was measuring at 7lb 5oz, i had him at 42 weeks and he was 8lb 6oz, its all a guess!

It can be a much longer recovery time with csections. I would recommend making that a emergency only scenario but its whatever you feel comfortable with. Ultrasounds are not always accurate for weight either.

Ultrasounds can be way off in either direction, a lot of the time. With my 3rd baby, who was born at 32wks, I had an u/s done the day before he was born, and they estimated him to only weigh around 3-3.5lbs, based on his measurements, and they also took my husband and I up to the NICU, to show us what we could expect in a baby that small. Needless to say, after seeing those babies in those incubators, I was literally petrified of delivering such a tiny baby myself. However, when they delivered him via c-section the following day, the doctors all about fell over sideways when they pulled him out of me, cause he came out weighing 5lbs 14oz at 2mo early!! I do believe that my dr’s exact words were, “WOW…where exactly were you hiding at in there big guy, cause I def wasn’t expecting to pull out a baby this size!!” And come to find out, my son was literally laying along the back side of my uterus, right on top of my right kidney, so they weren’t able to get an accurate measurement on him. And he isn’t my only child that they were wrong about their estimated weights, based on the u/s, as out of my 5 babies, only my oldest was pretty accurate, as they guessed him to be weighing around 8.5lbs the day before he was born, and he came out weighing 8lbs 4oz. Other than him, the others have all been off by at least a half a pound or more.

So if it were me, I would not go by what the ultrasound says, and I would def try to deliver the baby vaginally first. I wouldn’t opt for a c-section, unless it was absolutely medically necessary. I had all 5 of mine by c-section, and I would have given just about anything to be able to experience a natural childbirth with at least one of them, as c-sections are a MAJOR surgery, and in my experiences, they weren’t very fun to have to recover from.

2 weeks before my son was born, I was told he was already 8 lb. He was born at 5 lb 15 oz.

My mom was told my baby brother was going to be 10 lb. She had a CS, and he was only 8 lb 6 oz.

All this to say, those measurements aren’t always accurate.

Its not as accurate as they are leading you to believe–it can be off by 2 pounds each way! That said, i was told the same thing with my most recent baby and he was only 8lbs3oz (my first baby was 8lbs12oz, so i say “only” because of that haha) and they tried saying he would be over 10lbs! What i had planned to do was to try a vaginal delivery first and do a csection if it didn’t progress well. As it happened i had the quickest delivery ive ever had for the baby they thought would give me the most trouble. Only problem he gave me was not enough time and the pain all at once!
I wish you lots of luck. You are only 31 weeks so you have plenty of time to figure out what you want to do. And if you want to go through labor, dont be afraid of that either–the drs are trained, youll have meds available if necessary, baby will be well monitored, AND not the least of all: women have delivered huge babies with no issues before you and they will continue to as needed. You got this, Momma!

Had my daughter c-section. FTM here also. Ultrasound was accurate. She arrived a few days early and came out 23 inches and 10 lbs and 14 oz. i has a very healthy and wonderful pregnancy with her. I pushed for 16 hours and never got bigger than 3cm. Every baby is different, every labor is too. It honestly depends what’s going on when it’s already happening.

Lol this was me. I wemt went into labour. And ended in c-section. I tried. Baby was to big. Ended up bein 9.10lbs . They laughed that i I tried pushing him out.

I also was upset to. But you dont don’t want baby stuck. And you will probly get to pick The day

All great stories but ultimately it is what your body your pelvis is able to handle. Doctor may just be putting it in your head now in case the normal vaginal delivery doesn’t work out. Everyone wants that “perfect birth experience” but ultimately you want your baby born health and happy regardless of the route. Not all babies come out the traditional way. Voice your request but be open to how it all plays out.

So I’m gonna be the bad one here. C-sections should be the last resort for anybody!! If its not life or death situation c sections should not even be an option. I have had labors lasting from 6 hrs to 22 hours!. Ultrasounds can be wrong!

I have had some experience with this:
My daughter was constantly pressured by her doctor to have a c–section, but she refused repeatedly. She has delivered 2 babies naturally.
My step son’ s GF, age 17, gave birth naturally to a 10lb. daughter…all naturally.
Don’t let the doctor pressure you into something that you don’t want.
I have had 3 c-sections, and it was never even suggested until I couldn’t deliver natural the first time.
I am quoting my doctor here: “Surgery should always be the last resort. Any surgery is invasive and can be risky.” (He just did surgery on my hand)

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Can you request a second ultrasound? I have heard that the smallest mistake in clicking/measuring the baby can change the projections (so can baby’s movement). Will they not offer to induce you - to give you the change of a vaginal birth? Good Luck mama!!

I’m wondering if your initial due date was wrong?? You can always ask to be induced vs C-section. My first baby weighed 9# 3oz at birth and it was a difficult delivery so when I had my 2nd and 3rd… I asked to be induced a bit before my due date and the other 2 babies were still 8# 7oz and 8# 2oz. All natural births. It’s ok to ask for a 2nd opinion and to ask to be induced as long as OB says baby is healthy to do so…as I had my last 2 babies induced. Good luck and Congratulations! I hope it works out without doing a C-section

I was told at my 38 week check up my son was measuring quite small only like 5 pounds. Well four days later I delivered a 9 pound baby boy. Yeah found out the tech that performed the ultrasound was a student. When I asked are you sure because when he moves it feels like there’s no fluid in there and his movement actually hurt. She said he is actually very small only about 5 pounds. Ha ha ha wrong there’s no way he gained that much weight in 4 days plus he was 23 inches long

Don’t plan for it at all. I know that sounds weird, but you have enough to worry about.

If you end up needing one, they will schedule it. Do not let them box you into what works best for them (mon-friday from 8-4) just so they can get back to their own lives on schedule.

When the time comes, make the decision that will first benefit your baby, and secondly benefit you.

It’s just an estimation. My first son was expected to be close to 7lbs, he came out weighing 8lbs. My 2nd son always measured 3 weeks more than his GA, they estimated him over 10lbs but he came out weighing 8 1/2lbs. I ended up having an emergency c-section with my first one due to him going into distress during labor so they scheduled a c-section with my second son too. I’d wait and have another ultrasound closer to your due date.

I would try to relax and not worry about it. I had gestational diabetes and ended up having 2 C-sections. They said my kids were measuring large/ahead. They were perfectly normal sized babies the largest at 8.5 lbs.
Also talk to your Dr and let her know that you’d really like to try to deliver if it’s safe to do so for you and the baby.

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I had a scheduled C for my first and am 4 weeks away from my second. I had a similar situation and my doctor explained it to me like this… The recovery with a scheduled C is always easier than the recovery with an emergency C. That was enough for me to say go ahead. I wanted to have the easiest recovery possible so I could enjoy the mom part.

My Olivia came 4 weeks early and they were measuring her bigger and at 4 weeks early she was 7lbs 7oz and 21in long. Now if I had went full term I’m sure she would have been much bigger but I had to have a csection with both kids my oldest who is 11 now was 8lbs 13oz 21 1/2 in long and that was full term.

Around 32 weeks, my son was measuring about 4 weeks ahead. I was scheduled to be induced at 39w2d. A few hours before my scheduled induction, my water broke. I still had to be induced and I labored for 13 hours and never got past 4 cm because his head was too big. I was in so much pain and asked for a csection. My son ended up being 9lb 13oz. And his head was 39cm. I would have rather skipped all the pain and nervousness to have a scheduled csection. The recovery was easier for me. I know sometimes the ultrasound measurements can be off and the baby ends up smaller, but sometimes they are right on and the baby is big.

I was on track for a natural birth my whole pregnancy (hes 5 now) the day of the 36 week ultrasound I got in a very minor car accident but ended up in the er and developed complications. They still tried for a natural birth a week early. After 52 hours of induced labor I agreed to the c-section. I was tired and exhausted. I couldn’t hold my son for the first day…to many wires and iv’s but he was healthy and at the end of the day that is all that should matter. He was also big on all the charts. Still is but he so healthy just tall and hyper. I like to think sometimes espically when it comes to babies doctors know best. But as a mom you always know what’s right in your soul.

I was told my daughter was measuring big, they made it seem like she was going to be huge! She was a perfectly normal sized baby, under eight pounds even but they believed she was over that before she was even born. Ultrasound can be wrong it’s just an educated guess is what I was told after I had her.

My second baby was measuring large as well at his 37 week ultrasound. We had a scheduled csection due to his size. Luckily he came early at 37.5 weeks and was able to have him natural but he was still 7lbs. 15oz. at 2 .5 weeks early (close to the weight they measured via ultrasound). Had we gone full term he would’ve been at least 10 lbs and a csection would’ve been necessary (I had a really hard and risky delivery with my 9lb first baby). Ask as many questions as possible, express your feelings to your doctor and do what you feel is best and safest for you and baby and that will result in a happy and healthy baby, momma and delivery.

Mine was normal weight all through the pregnancy until the 38?39? Week checkup I had an ultrasound and he measured 9-9.5 lbs. I was induced at 41 weeks. After 2 days of meds, no contractions, and still being at a “1” I had a c-section. He was 10lbs 5 oz. his birth was perfect because he and I were both healthy and happy.



YOUR birth experience, YOUR body. You should have a choice. My 2nd child was a C-section because of size. Had 2 successful VBAC’s after. So all in all 3 vaginal, 1 section. If given the choice I’d NEVER have a c-section!!! My 3rd delivery was an inducement 2 weeks prior to due date because of history of big babies. Ask for this. Ask for cervidil (sp?). Made the inducement so much easier. Be active in your delivery plan! Be vocal. I wasn’t with my first two. Learn from MY mistakes. :grin:

So my suggestion would be to go with what you feel is best for you. My son was 9lbs 3 oz. I was induced bc of blood pressure. It was a natural birth without an epidural. ( we requested one late into labor, and before the doctor came to put it in my water broke and there was baby) I had an episiotomy which is normal with a larger baby. Sometimes if I sit the wrong way or stand to long it hurts. I’ve also dealt with a prolapsed bladder. So looking back when they couldn’t get my blood pressure down and labor was long, and the issues afterwards I wish I had said heck yes to the C section option. But that’s hindsight’s now.

When I was 30 weeks pregnant with my oldest he was weighing over 5 pounds - he ended up coming early at 35 weeks and 3 days and he was over 8 pounds ! If I would have made it another month my doctor said he would have easily been 11-12 pounds … yes I do believe they are accurate ! I had him c-section and I’m glad I did! P. S - even at 8 pounds his lungs were not ready and he still spent a week in NICU being the biggest newborn in there :scream:

I agree with Heather. My first was10lbs 4ozs and 24 inches long. I had him completely natural. Its doable. Do what you feel is right.

My husband was 13 pounds and my mother in law delivered him all natural she’s a way better woman than me I would have requested a c section

Id see what further ultrasounds say and you could always try for a vaginal delivery but know you may end up needing a csection.

My first borne became an emergency c section… I was over induced and started crushing him with my contractions that I couldn’t even feel… second child was planned c section (I wasn’t going to let them fuck that up a second time) I recovered quickly from both with no issues… I’ve heard c sections are better with bigger babies, you would probably have to be cut, and if they don’t cut in time you will rip clean to your ass hole depending on the size of the baby at birth. My friend wasn’t cut in time and the baby ripped her almost to her ass and even up the front a little, she had to have stitches, it burned when she peed to the point the only relief she could get was sitting in a tub of water… that’s my experience, I personally would rather have a c section!

Let nature take its course. They said my boys would be small and they came out at right at almost 8lbs said my daughter would be big she came at little over 6 and half pounds. The ultrasounds are not always accurate or even close to accurate on wait.


My daughter was told that her baby was measuring 2 weeks early and was going to be a big baby by the due date. This was her first. They didnt want her to go over. She went in on her due date and tried to have him but had to have a c section. Her “big baby” was 6 lbs 11 oz. But she was still too small inside for him to pass through.

They said my first born was going to be about 7 pounds. He was 9 lbs 3 oz. My 2nd they said would be about 8 lbs. She was 9lbs 12oz. I had them both natural. I was in labor both times about 4 hours.

My second son measure big and he was 2weeks early and he was 8’8 and today he is 8months and hes 25pounds and in size 2t and big brother is 2 and a half and he 25pounds and size 3t

My second child was a c section. My son was 8 lbs 8oz a ultrasounds. Said he would be around 9lbs. He was breach from side to side his but cheeks s were coming out first he was too large they tried to turn him But was unsuccessful… So a c section. It was could a saved a lot of pain. Just going with it in the first place like dr. Suggested

My mother in law pushed out a 10lb 8oz baby!:grimacing:

Your doctor is the doctor for a good reason he went to school for many years and knows what hes talking about if you dont trust him go to another doctor that’s your right

I don’t have any advice of c-section vs vaginal in regards to the actual issue but we were told our girl was like projected to be like 9 pounds due to her growth and she was only 7 pounds and I delivered at 40w2d, and after that it seems like a lot of moms says those projections aren’t accurate.

9.3 oz natural childbirth ouch

Maybe suggest they check baby’s weight again at 37 weeks when baby will be developed enough to be not and they can induce you

My 4th and last baby was my largest. He was measuring at about 8lbs at 39 wks. At exactly 40wks my doctor said I should be induced. Since it was my 4th child, everyone assumed it would be quick. I labored for 12hrs, pushed for an hour. Then my son’s heart rate started dropping with every push. Last minute they decided to do an emergency C section. I was sedated, my husband couldn’t be in the operating room because it went from a serious situation to a extremely dangerous situation in a matter of minutes. I woke up alone and in the worse pain I ever imagined, but the nurses informed my I had a healthy, big baby. He weighed 9lbs 1.5 ounces. Beat my other 3 kids by 2 whole pounds.
If your baby’s lungs are developed, I would ask your doctor to induce you and let you labor, let you try to deliver naturally, if your baby or yourself start showing signs of distress, then do the C-section. I wished I could have delivered my son naturally like I did my other 3, but I am glad my doctor let me decide how much intervention I wanted from her. I hated that for the first week, I was so sore and loopy from the pain meds after my C-section, that my son’s first week seems a complete blur.

Wait and see how things go. Your hips naturally spread and if you have a good Dr he can tell if you will be able to have a vaginal birth of not. Good luck.