I am a FTM and 31 weeks pregnant, my doctor is already suggesting a c-section: Advice?

So I am currently 31 weeks, my due date is Dec 7. I just came back from an ultrasound and according to that my baby is measuring quite big for his GA. He is measuring closer to 35 weeks and is weighing in at 5lbs 11oz. His growth is literally off the charts (according to the ultrasound tech), greater than the 98th percentile. I just had an ultrasound 3 weeks ago and in that time he gained 2lbs 2oz. My Dr is already recommending that I get a scheduled C-section because he will be so big by the time he is near term. She says she does not think he will come any earlier, just that he will be very big when he gets here. Now, my question is this: have any moms had similar experiences to this and your baby came out at a normal weight? I asked the ultrasound tech how accurate the ultrasounds are and she said very. I am not against having a c-section but I am a little sad that I won’t get to experience labor. I would be upset if I had the c-section and he came out at a “normal” weight. I am a first time mom and this whole situation has me a little freaked because even my Dr seemed so surprised by his rapid growth. Any advice would be so appreciated! Thanks!


I have heard a lot of dr.s say this and baby comes out normal weight.


They are not accurate when it comes to weight. My son was measuring “big” and was 7 lbs at 36 weeks. He came out 3 days late at 6 lbs 7 oz. My daughter was measured the day she was born and was supposed to be 4.5-5 lbs and she was 7 lbs 11 oz. I would not schedule a csection for a big baby.

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As a person who had a c-section, I iplore of you to ONLY have a c-section if absolutely medically necessary. And the weights are never correct that they give


I’m a personal believer in allowing nature to run its course. No reason to rush or force anything. If his size causes complications at delivery they can do a c- section then. Honestly, a lot of doctors seem to be pushing scheduled c- section/ induction, even weeks early, because it’s what is convenient for them.


They told me my baby would be over 9lbs at birth. He was only 7 1/2 but I still ended up needing emergency c-section but not because of that. That’s just an estimate don’t freak yourself out. If you don’t need induced at 39 or induced period, I wouldn’t. Let nature run its course

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The doctor cant even fully say the weight of a baby… my son was supposedly weighing 8 pounds. He came out 6lbs 2oz

On my 5th baby born on the 25/01/19 from 30 weeks they said she was going to be a huge baby I went into labour 3 days early and she was only 8lbs 2 and half ounces so dont look to much into it xx

C section will keep your kitty pretty. :grinning:


My first son measured big and he was. I am pregnant with my second and he is measuring big. We have a csection schedule for oct 31st. But only reason because I have high blood pressure and diabetic. So having him 3 weeks early

They made me wait with my son, ultrasound said 6 lbs, 2 weeks later when I delivered he was right at 9, had shoulder dystocia, and I had a really rough delivery. It can be done, but listen to your gut and discuss it more with your doctor.

They are not always accurate my 1st born measured less the 7lbs 3 days before he was born…ended up needing a csection and he was 9lb at birth.

My 1st they were wrong he came out a pound and half smaller than what they said he was the day before.
My 2nd they were right on track with her

my babes weighed 9# each,it was rough but natural birth

Ultrasound can be +- a pound. My first baby was 8lbs 11.4oz, second was 8lbs 3oz, and third was 9lbs 5oz. All 3 were vaginal births! You got this momma. Stick to your guns. Get a second opinion!

I was told I was having a huge baby. My doctor suggested a c-section. She ended up inducing me a week early and baby was around 8lbs. I was told he would be around 10lbs. The ultrasounds unfortunately are not 100% correct. I would wait!

Ultrasounds arent 100% accurate. Tell your dr you want to try vaginal and if for some reason you can’t, then talk about a c section.

So not accurate
They estimated 2 of my babies at 10 pounds plus. They were 8.

At both my 28 and 36 week scans my bub was measuring 5 weeks ahead and at 36 weeks they said he was 8p, i was induced at 39 weeks as my OB was worried about bubs size and he was 9p 7o at birth…

I had diabetes when I was pregnant and my baby weigh 10 lb

Have it your way. Don’t give that up without trying.

I had gestational diabetes and my daughter was measuring big. I had a planned csection at 39 weeks and she was only 6 lbs 14 oz.

Ultrasounds can be a couple pounds off in either direction. My 3rd I was measuring bigger and my baby was measuring 7 lbs. My doctor called me the next day and said I had a lot of fluid and they wanted to induce labor the next day. My daughter came out 9 lbs.

My last ultrasound was 10/24/18 and they said he was 9lbs I had him 2 days later on 10/26/18 and he only weighed 6lbs 13oz so not accurate they also said the same with my first had ultrasound a week before I delivered they said 10lbs and he weighed an even 7lbs at birth

My baby was measuring bigger at my 33 week ultrasound. She came early at 37 weeks and 5 days. A few days before I was supposed to be induced… and she was 9lbs 11oz!

My doctor told me by son was going to 8lbs. He was almost half that at birth a few weeks early. I would let the decision to do a c section to happen naturally.
Doctors these days are to quick to have a scheduled day planned for your birth.


Ok they were off about my baby’s weght the whole time. They talked about c section w me too. Saying she was about 10lbs when I still had time left. Won’t you know a month later she was born vaginally weighing 7.4

They told me my son was 5lbs from scan he came out at 10 and shouldve been csection ive had so many complications its unreal

They predicted my first to be over 10 lbs. He ended up being 8 lbs. And he was over due by 2 weeks.

My Dr wants me to have a c section as well because I have really big kids and each pregnancy they have been bigger. I simply told her no, only if its an emergency. They do plan on inducing me though if the ultrasound near my due date shows him being big as well. But you do not have to have a c section if you do not…

Csections are a scam! Im a 4x victim because my 1st was an emergency… Theres no reason for you not to try vaginally at first… If something were to happen they can get the baby out in less then 3 mins if they have too… I labored for 26 hours before they decided i had to be cut from hip to hip… Try natural first they cannot make you do otherwise if its not an emergency threatening your or your babies life


I haven’t had a cesection but my son was born 8lbs 2 oz. and the ultrasound I had right before I was induced said 8lbs 4 oz. if that tells you anything about how accurate that they can be.

My baby was way off they told me my baby was 7 pound he he was only 4 pounds at 37 weeks those things ain’t always right

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My first measured small, but then I ended up in an emergency csection because he was 9lbs and stuck. I elected for a planned one with my daughter because of the stress me and my son went through. She ended up being 8 lbs.

My son was 9lbs 10oz & was emergency c-section. I’m tiny & they still had issues getting him out. He’s healthy & almost 2. My recovery was surprisingly fast! There was no way he was coming out the traditional way but I was right at the end of my pregnancy.

I was told my first would be 12 pounds. I delivered him on the side of the road and he was 7lbs 4oz. Ultrasounds are NOT accurate for judging weight.


With my 1st baby the ultrasound showed that she was going to be big and was measuring in the 98th percentile. I was induced at 38 weeks because of this…she was 7lb when born so the ultrasound sizing was quite off!! I suggest you talk to your dr and the midwives about your concerns…

My daughter just had her first on Sept 5th. They told her for several appointments that he was measuring way ahead. She thought she was having an almost nine pound baby. She had to have emergency c section due to preeclampsia. (Her bp got up to 175/125 ). We do tend to have bigger babies in our family. She was 9.27 when she was born. My brother was 10.8. A couple cousins were 12 lbs n 15 lbs. So we were definitely believing the dr when he said the baby was over eight pounds. My grandson was delivered at 36 weeks n weighed 7lbs 13 oz

My last baby was 9lb1 delivered naturally,go with what you think is best for you.

So I had to get ultrasounds every month n then 2 times a month towards the end. And my Son was measuring at 41 weeks when I was only 38 weeks they induced me n said he is measuring at 9lbs 8oz when I had him the day after he was 9lbs 6oz and I had him naturally fa 1st and easy as your dr about having an induction my Son measured 6lbs at 30 weeks so i understand explore yoiur options 1st most ultrasounds are off my dr is the best in my state for ultrasounds but they can be off

The Ultrasounds are not as accurate as they say. at 38 weeks they said my daughter was barley 4 pounds. I had her exactly two weeks later on my due date and she weighed 6.9lbs. I’d go with your gut. but if anything you can request to be induced that way if anything goes wrong they’ll just take you for a emergency c section.

Try natural 1st, then induce if you have to, csection last resort. What they dont tell you is you have an increase chance of c section in the future and they wont induce a 2nd time. Go natural if at all possible

Omg im due december 8th! How cool. Im having a c section too and theyre scheduling it a week before her due date to have a controlled environment. But im sorry i dont have any advise for you. But i was also told abe was under and over weight. So i think it just changes for each baby.

My daughter measured 8pounds at 39weeks and came out exactly a week later on her due date at 9pounds even

Gestational Diabetes?

I had numerous doctors tell me my baby was going to be big. Hey kelt a close eye on it and talked about c section, had multiple ultrasounds monitoring as well. The actual ultrasound tech says they are accurate give or take a pound… a. Whole. Pound… that makes a huge difference. Needless to say baby was delivered naturally at a whopping… ready for it…

8pds.1 oz overdue at that

Not huge at all. I say go in naturally. And if things change on day of delivery then be open to c section.

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Go for c-section to help the baby and save yourself possible days in labor and pushing for hours. Safer for you and your child!! My daughter in law had the same issue with my grandson who ended up very sick after the prolonged labor and pushing. His dear little head was bruised and he was very sick at Johns Hopkins NICU for several weeks. After much prayer and a super team of doctors and caregivers he was okay THANK GOD! But it was very stressful for family and my precious grandson!!

My babies were all big. In fact at my first ultrasound with my last child, the doctor literally said “either your due date is wrong or you’re going to have a 15lb baby”, all because she was measuring so far ahead for her GA. But both my older kids were bigger babies, so I already knew this one would be too. Which my previous was born vaginally, full term, at 40wks 1day, at 9lbs 2oz. During that whole pregnancy he measured 4 was ahead gestational. He came out just fine!. She (my last) ended up coming on her own, vaginally, at 38wks and 5 days, 5 days ahead of a preplanned c section. I only agreed to have a planned c section because I always wanted my tubes tied since this was baby #3, not because she was going to be big. Which she was big, 9lbs 2oz. The exact same size as my previous who was born at 40wks 1 day.

I think as a first time mom, everything is always scarier because it’s all new. I think if you’re comfortable with it, you should wait until you are farther along to decide. Yes, it is helpful to have c sections prescheduled. But your baby could come early! You never know. Don’t make any decisions you’re not 100% comfortable making. Do not let anyone force you or pressure you into anything. YOU ARE YOUR ONLY ADVOCATE. Don’t let anyone make decisions for you. It can be scary and that’s okay to express your fears and concerns. If you have a doctor who’s not willing to listen to them now, you don’t want that doctor later. You want to make sure your team of providers are on the same page as you and will respect your decisions. You could go all the way to 40 weeks and have a beautiful delivery. YOU JUST DONT KNOW. Don’t take the experience away from your self on what “could or could not happen”.

I say wait it out until the doctors have a better idea of just how jog your baby really will be. Waiting 4-6 weeks to decide isn’t going to hurt anything.

My daughter came early via emergency c section. She was estimated to barely be 3 pounds at 36 weeks 4 days and was actually 5pounds 7ounces at 36 weeks and 5 days. She measured behind the entire pregnancy. My son measured ahead and was estimated to be 8+ pounds at birth. He was born as a scheduled c section and weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces at 37 weeks and 1 day. Positioning in utero along with many other variables can cause measurements to be of during ultrasounds. If you don’t want a c section make it known to your ob now! They can’t force you to get one unless medically necessary. Personally I preferred to have a c section because I was terrified of vaginal delivery and I’ve had plenty of other surgeries so it didn’t scare me to be cut open at all. But I have heard so many horror stories about c sections that I understand not wanting one. Make sure that they put in your chart what YOU want! Let them know natural/vaginal first and c section only if absolutely necessary/emergency if that is what you want

My doctor and nurse looked at my ultrasound and guessed he would be 9lbs 4oz and they were right on! Went through labour for 58 hours before emergency C section

Both of my girls were about 10lbs and I had them with no issues

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I had the same problem my baby was showing big and I had alot happen before his birth where my fiance past away and they thought it could bring labour early and it didnt into the end they said need to go in hospital and be induced as baby showing 40 weeks at 37 weeks. I was against a c section but in the end I had no choice but to have it as nothing was working for me and he came out healthy at 8lb 13oz witch I’ve been told is a normal weight.

First bsby i was told was huge. I went 11 days over due. He was 8lb

2nd baby was apparently tiny. Well u der 4lb at 38 weeks. I went 3 days over due, she was 7lb.
-3rd baby i declined a late scan because of how much unnecessary stress they caused me. Both very inaccuarte.

I had an ultrasound on my due date, and they were estimating him to be 12 lbs. 4 days later, I birthed a 7 lb, 12 oz baby naturally, with no complications.

C section is not a bad thing I had 3 of them just do what u think is better for u and your child some times the scanes r right other times they r not either way there is always some risks of what could happen

My last baby was 2lbs less than they were saying he’d be at birth.

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My last baby, the dr said the entire pregnancy, “That is a BIG baby.” Every single appointment. She measured about 2 weeks ahead and I was huge as well. I was seriously anticipating a 10lb+ baby based on ultrasounds and my drs assessment. She came out 7lbs14oz.

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I had the same thing with my second pregnancy…I had alot of issues giving birth vaginally to my first who was 6lbs 9 Oz’s and they predicted my daughter would be bigger so they planned a C-section ahead of time…they were right she was longer and came out at 7lbs 2 Oz’s…I would listen to your desk advise and just see where you are on your last ultrasound and decide for sure.

I was measuring several weeks ahead with my son. The ultrasound tech informed me the weight could be off by 2 pounds up or down! My doctor was convinced my son was going to be 10+ pounds at full term and my body wasn’t yet preparing for delivery so she induced me to keep his weight down before birth. I had him 5 days before my due date and he was 7lbs 9oz. 

I knew someone who had gestational diabetes and was told her baby would be 10 plus pounds so she opted for a c-section instead of a VBAC. Her baby was only a little over 8 pounds. One of my friends had a 10 pound baby vaginally. I’ve always been told the ultrasounds are actually not that accurate but I could of been told wrong. I say go with your gut!!

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My ultra sound tech said my first baby would be 11 lbs, she was 8 lb 6 oz. My second baby was supposed to be 7 lb 6 oz, and was born 6 lbs 3 oz. I personally would leave a c section as a very last resort, it’s considered major abdominal surgery and the recovery time is longer, plus it’s harder to get your baby and lift them, you have to deal with pain killers, etc.

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Every time I’ve heard a person say that an ultra sound measured their baby at “this” size, they were always smaller. Do what you feel is best.

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They tried to push me into a section with my first. Told me he would be too large for my pelvis. I was determined to try. 8lbs 1oz and a week overdue. It literally took me 6 minutes of pushing. No tools, no stitches. No problems at all.

My second they tried again to convince me but again I was determined. They induced me 3 weeks early but it failed. She was born on her due date at 9lbs 3 oz. Less than 5 minutes of pushing with her. Again, no problems.


Do not set up a c section. Find another doctor.

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My kids were all “huge” babies on the ultrasound. All measured way ahead. They were all 7# and change. Pregnant with #4 and they’re already telling me he’s going to be big again. I don’t believe them.

My sono with the one I just had said she was already 7 pounds at 35 weeks she was born at 38 weeks only weigh 6.11

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This is your first I think a c-section should be In emergencies or only if really medically necessary. This is a natural process let it be what its going to be. Both my children we’re over 8lbs no issues. Stand up for yourself.

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Don’t do it! Let the baby grow and go into labor naturally! They pulled the same thing with me and I had my son naturally and he was 8 pounds 14 ounces but they said he was going to be over 10 pounds. Drs will push all day for a c section because they make more money and delivery gets done faster. Don’t let them push you into anything!


My first measured big. They said 10lbs. I was a week and a half over due. He was barley 7lbs.
I ended up with csection due to not dilating and later learning after a hysterectomy that my body would never allow a baby to be born “naturally”
Csections really are not that bad

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I was told my second baby was going to be big and that we might need to consider a c-section. My baby was 6 lbs 14 oz, absolutely nothing crazy. I asked around when it was happening to me and several friends told me that they were told the same and also had normal and even small babies.
I also have several friends who had very big babies that were born vaginally with no need for c-section. One being a 12lb baby boy, with an 11 lb brother and a 10 lb sister before him. I think often times induction and c-sections are pushed because it is much more under control rather than waiting for natural birth to occur and women are unnecessarily scared into them. But it can also be a preference. I have a friend who choose a planned induction and c-section for all 3 of her kids because she was uncomfortable and to avoid going into a messy labor with contractions and water breaking, etc.
In the end it’s up to you, but just know that contrary to what these ultrasounds say, babies end up usually being smaller than they claim they are. Good luck!

I argued with one of the drs in the practice that delivered mine not to schedule a csection He was #4 and I delivered him fine

Both of my girls measured very big. Both I ended up being induced. They were 9lb 10oz and 10lb 4oz respectively but were both born vaginally no problem.

Keep in mind if you’re tall your child might just be tall. Both my girls have been making their own height charts since birth because they’re taller than the 100th percentile according to the stats. If you are able to, try to have a look at the measurements yourself. I know when I had my ultrasounds, each measurement had an estimated gestational age and the average is what’s taken. My girls were measuring big but looking at the specifics it was clear their femur measurements were really big but everything else was just slightly above average.

I recommend you wait and try for natural birth. Recovery from a c section is going to be difficult. If you can avoid it, do so. My 1st was normal but I’m very small… they induced 1 week early and the little sucker still got stuck. It was close but no c section which I am thankful for.

Recently, my daughters dr was 2 lbs off… so I would be wary. While I believe c- sections can be beneficial, I think they are over used… it is your right to get a second opinion, but most dr’s are on the same ’ team’ and there for, I’m not convinced they would give diff advice…

C section is common now. Done right it is easier on both of you?

They are hardly ever accurate about the size of the baby before it’s born.

Ultrasounds can be off by 2 to 3 pounds. It’s weird that THATS the reason they’re suggesting a csection. I mean listen if you want but be weary that weight on US’s aren’t 100 percent.

I would not ever opt for a C-section for your first child. That should be for emergencies only. I gained over 100lbs with my son. My doctors were convinced he was going to be a huge baby. Had a late ultrasound and he was weighing at 8lbs. And the doctors were expecting a 10lb baby. My son was born 7lbs 6oz at 38 weeks and 3 days. He was born via emergency c section after 36 hours of labor and 2 hours of pushing. My son had a lot of issues in labor. I would never ask for a csection it needs to be an as needed with your first. And I definitely needed it but tried to have naturally first.

Did u get checked for diabetes yet?

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One of my kids was predicted to be 6ish pounds full term. He came out at a whopping 9lbs 10oz and I was fine lol. Shocked, but fine. Let your body go into labor naturally. Our bodies were created and destined to do amazing things through childbirth. I personally don’t think anyone should get c sections unless it’s necessary. I’ve had 4(working on 5) naturally and I wouldn’t want to do it any other way. Partially because I’m a wuss when it comes to medical procedures. Lol. Good luck mama!!

I dunno… I’m the horror story where my son WAS too big and got stuck and it took a lot to get him out, so with my daughter I elected a c section and it all went perfect :woman_shrugging: no one here can tell you what to do, what do you want? Do what you feel comfortable with


The doctor said that about my 1st & 2nd. They weighed 10lb2oz & 9lb4oz. I had them both naturally. My 1st was 153 stitches.


My OB and ultrasound techs all said the weight is a guesstimate give or take a pound either way. My daughter was measuring 6 lbs 2 ozs at 36 weeks and was 7 lbs 14 ozs when I delivered at 39 weeks. They suggest a baby grows 1/2 lb per week at the end.

I personally would not do a c-section unless medically necessary ive had 3 vaginal and 1 emergency c-section and the c-section is definitely harder on the body and takes a lot longer to recover from. All of my babies were tiny ranging from 3.8lbs to 6 lbs the biggest but my friend gave birth to a 12lb 9oz baby vaginally just fine . the ultrasounds aren’t that accurate they told me 45 mins before giving birth that my oldest would be 6.8lbs and she was only 3.8lbs

Drs love for you to have a C-section it cost a lot more and frees them up to do what they want. Don’t do it!!

Ivr never seen it be accurate. They are usually off by a pound or so…at least that’s my experience.

That isnt always the case. My last baby measured at 8lbs at 36 weeks and was 7lbs 1 oz at 38 weeks when she was born. Another measured at almost 9lbs at 36 weeks and was born 6lbs 13 oz at 38 weeks and I swear 75% of that was head!

Have you discussed possibility of early induction when he gets closer to full term size?


Do what you feel is right. I never got to experience labor myself because my 2 were both c sections. 1st was emergency at 28 weeks 2nd was over due by 2 weeks and my body wasn’t doing what it needed to do,no signs of labor except minimal dilation. Plus they wouldnt do VBAC (vaginal birth after c section) I am very small so maybe that’s why idk

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I had the opposite happen to me with my last baby(had her 2 weeks ago). My 35 weeks ultrasound said she was measuring small and they were even concerned about it. She was 2 days over due when I had her and she weighed 7lb 12oz and she was 21 inches long :flushed: lol. More than a pound and 3 inches bigger than my first!

I had 2 C-sections with zero problems. I didn’t have a chouce but would chose it if i had to.

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Be wary if you want. Ask for another ultrasound closer to your due date and make a decision then. I didn’t have a C-section with any of mine so I have no personal stories, however can you imagine how awful you would feel if you opted for a v birth and something went wrong that hurt baby? I don’t blindly trust doctors but ultimately they are the professionals and their main goal is mom and baby safety

From experience on the c section side, it is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. I’ve had 2. One emergency and one planned. But i will say do what your body feels comfortable with. They cant make you have a c section. If you want a natural birth go with that and if things start going down hill then they can go with a c section. If I ever got pregnant again, I’d want a vaginal delivery just so I could experience it all. But I agree with what most people have said, trust your gut and go with what you feel comfor with.

I had to have an emergency C-section due to my son’s low gestational weight and the fact that his heart rate plummeted any time I had a contraction. I would recommend asking more questions but ultimately consider listening to your doctor. They’re looking out for you and your baby’s health. My son is now six weeks and is perfectly healthy, but did come out very small. If it’s a planned C-section it might be easier than if they have to do an emergency one when the time comes. You might not need staples which personally was one of the worst parts. Yes, the recovery sucks but if you have a supportive team behind you to help you and the baby when you get home (you might not be able to do everything by yourself or get up all the times the baby needs you) then it won’t be that bad. I felt back to normal at about three weeks.

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My daughter had her 1st at 38 weeks, 9lbs 16 ozs…I wouldn’t wish that experience on anyone…we almost lost him cause she had too much trouble pushing him out…his shoulder tore her inside…many stitches and 3 pints of blood…do what YOU think is best

They estimated my son would weigh 7# and he was almost 9# at birth. I had to have a csection because his head was humongous.

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My doctor told me my son wpuld be atleast 11 to 13lbs… He came out 5 lbs and fit in preemie. They were talking c section from 6 months and on. I choose not to then had one anyway necause he had the cord around his next. Ultrsounds are am estimation

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They told me my whole
Pregnancy that I had a big baby. Measuring bigger than she actually was at every ultrasound. She came out 6lb. So those things are more of a sometimes really wrong estimate lol.

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They said my last son would weigh 9 to 10 pounds at birth but was actually born weighing 7 pounds

Both my girls came out under the weight they projected by about a pound maybe a little more. My son was born really early so he was tiny anyway.