As a mother of 4 (24,20,17 twins), I assure you you will have a natural instinct but that doesn’t mean gaining some knowledge before is a waste. Reading articles, books and joining a moms group will be beneficial. Even family and friends with experiences that they share are just bits of information for you to reference. No 2 women share the same experience but don’t discount their experiences because they may have some info that is helpful. Don’t feel obligated to do as anyone else but recognize someone who has been there done that may have some insight. You won’t need as much as you think. Alot of cool gadgets are more work than they are worth. The sounds like a great resource. It’s tough but these sweet babies are worth the hard moments. Congratulations
Congratulations! I just had my baby 2 mo ago and can tell you that I was on the same page. It was frustrating that all classes were canceled because how do you know what you don’t know…right? So much information so I found different resources. My go to was 2 podcasts the first ia called The birth hour (my fav) and the other is The pregnancy podcast. I truthfully learned a lot from here because of all the different experiences on here. At the end of the day all the info you gather is meant to have in the back of your mind in case you need because as some mamas already said some things you’ll notice yourself doing naturally and others will sound familiar from whatever research you did.
You need to get busy
Oh and congratulations
Do you have any mom friends with little kids? I suggest spending time with them and learn how to change a diaper and feeding schedules. Differences between boys care and girls care and such. We spent some time in the nicu with my baby and the nurses says they are always surprised when a new mom doesn’t know how to change a diaper.
It’s hard - everyone has an opinion about what to do and when and how to do everything. I tried to do what felt right for me at that time. For example, I didn’t buy baby stuff until just before my small human was born because I’m a bit superstitious. I made sure no one rubbed my belly (family/strangers?!? often try, it’s the craziest thing!) I ate peanut butter (my child is not allergic to nuts even though a lot of people said he’d be!). I also didn’t tell anyone what names I was considering. If you’re asking for “advice” start by making lists in a scribbler -stuff you need, think you need, what your OB/GYN thinks you need. Do what feels right for you in the moment, it may change. Remember that everyone (even people without kids) thinks they know best. Be as joyful as you can and relish each moment.
There is no handbook for knowing everything about becoming a parent. I have 3 kids, and with my first, I was 18 with no experience. You do what is right for you, even if you mess it up. We’re not perfect. Trust your instincts and go with your gut. You’ll be fine
I had my first baby at 19 years old. I had no experience either but I can tell you, your motherly instincts will come naturally! No need to worry or panic. Once you hold your baby for the first time you will know exactly what to do and when:heart:
I mean the best advice I can give is even as a soon to be mom of three I know about nothing and just wing it. I change butts when they need it, feed them when I eat, or if they ask for food, and they sleep when they’re tired. There is no handbook that will walk you through how to be a parent. And all parents wing it through parenting. You’ll question yourself lots but I guarantee you’ll be great. Maternal instincts seriously kick in when they’re born, you’ll know what to do.
I was tormented by my baby’s father during my pregnancy through threats. My anxiety was so high and I was searching for a way to flee the state that I didn’t have time to take any parenting classes, or read any books. I didn’t even know that when your labor contractions started it was normal to bleed some. I panicked and the ER nurse said to me “didn’t you take any classes”? I can tell you that despite having no experience with babies at all…my natural instincts just took over, and everything was fine. I knew what to do do, and I knew how to do it. Every single time I looked into my daughters eyes I just knew.
You can read books, take classes, and get all the advice possible, but the best teacher will be your baby and the love you have for him/her. It’s amazing and I wish you the best. Don’t worry, because it will be fine, and you’ll do great!
What to Expect when you’re expecting and what to expect the first year give some guidance. But mostly it’s hands on training. You’ll do great.
Wonder weeks app is a lifesaver. It tells you what to expect when. I read Ina May’s guide to childbirth and it helped prepare me for labor.
Your motherly instincts will come to you,you will do great,and they show you movies in the hospital how to bath the baby, and other things too,you will be fine,I was scared with my first baby too
Get nursery set up. Learn how to change a diaper, how to burp baby, how to bottle feed or breastfeed. If you are bottle feeding get formula, baby breeze if you want one, sterilize your bottles. The rest will come in time.
I just had my 3rd this year and I am still learning and now know I did a lot of things wrong the 1st go around 12 years ago . None the less they are all 3 healthy and happy! Even with my last and now I like to read articles about babies and development bc it changes all the time. You will be fine mama! Congrats!
The bump was a great website I used when I was pregnant it helped with all of the what to expects with parenting
I had my first daughter this October. Never read a single book. No classes. No friends with kids but one who is almost 16. No family with little ones all grown or teens. I didn’t have a single thing not a crib bassinet blankets clothes or any idea of what a baby might need until i was 7-8 months pregnant. I didn’t have sleep arrangements for her until i had her home. Best thing to do for your coming child is follow your instinct your going crazy rn and trust me you will feel like because you have no clue or anything for the coming baby your a failure been there done that. Your far from it. To be worried and scared shows you already have a instinct seed growing in you for the days to come after birth. When i had my almost 2 month old i knew instantly the basics. Not from a nurse or someone to teach me but because i had a feeling of right and wrong. The rest i am still learning on the go. Its gonna be new and scary but enjoy it. Don’t let worry and fear make you miss out on the best of the Baby growing before your eyes. Good luck and healthy wishes to you both.
I was 39 when I had my daughter. Even worked L&D as a nurse. (LOL). I had a full blown panic attack on the day of discharge because the idea that they were going to send me home with a newborn scared the hell out of me. She is now 7 and still alive. Even says she loves me. Not to mention, the state of MO lets me foster! I always tell my patients when they ask for advice, “love them. Hold them when they cry, feed them when they are hungry, change them when they wet. If you tell them you love them every day, that’s all you need.” Not a day has gone by in 7 years that I haven’t told my daughter that I love her and that she is beautiful! You will do great, Momma! Congrats on your precious bundle.
Everyone has an opinion and truthfully every pregnancy is different.
Take it all in, it sometimes comes from a good place- but don’t apply any advice if it doesn’t work for you.
I wasn’t prepared for not sleeping anymore, not being able to breastfeed.
Stay away from those who give you forceful opinions, do what’s best for you and your family.
You don’t know everything but that’s the point you learn as you go.
My battle was dealing not so much with the unknown but rather the forceful opinions from other mothers because they wanted to tell me what to do and how to do it and if I didn’t listen they would get mad !
I should have cut them off sooner.
Ask your doctors loads of questions!
Diapers are always a must lol
Best advice I can give is just wing it. I had no idea what I was doing when I had my son last year. Everyone told me what to do but most of it didn’t feel right. If you want to hold your baby then hold your baby you cant spoil them by loving them. I have a 17 month old and a 3 week old. It’s not easy by any mean but it’s worth it. Research everything! From milestones to food to shots (especially shots and the ingredients and what the ingredients do to the body) also follow your gut. If something feels off then dont do it. The fact that you’re already worrying means that you’re already an amazing mom. As for it not feeling real I felt the same both times. It doesn’t feel real until you hold your baby in your arms then it all sorta kicks in. It will come naturally to you as we have that motherly instinct. Congratulations on your little one.
You’ll be great! I used,The Bump, app and it was amazing, I also read What to Expect when you’re Expecting. I still go to certain chapters; it was very helpful. I would also get anxiety when I started reading certain stuff… at that point I would put the book down and do something else. Just take it little by little.
Take some deep breaths and try to enjoy your pregnancy. If a baby shower is offered, accept. You really don’t need a ton of fancy baby stuff. Diapers, wipes and a way to feed will do. Practice ignoring unsolicited advice now.
Just take a breath hun i didnt start any of that till i was 30weeks with both mine but never rush there is always time and half the stuff ppl say you need forget about it xoxo there is no right or wrong time hun xoxo i never opened a book or did a class … well i did a few with Katherine Hancox who runs a great class 100% xoxo she was with me through the who thing xoxo
But just enjoy your pregnancy hun you know your body xoxo
I will also say eat anythink you want throu it thay tell you not to eat nuts, shellfish, some cheeses, but i just carried on and both boys are happy healthy
My biggest piece of advice? Do what YOU feel is right. Anyone and everyone is going to tell you what you should and shouldn’t do. If it works for you then stick with it. As far as tips and tricks? Sleep as much as you can when baby sleeps, those dishes and the laundry can wait. Get all the baby cuddles and snuggles and enjoy baby being this small. And have confidence. There is no getting anything right. We all make mistakes. I’m a young mom of 3 and have absolutely no idea what I’m doing. You got this!!!
You learn as you go you learn to trust yourself more, sometimes it’s easier for others an sometimes it’s not an that’s okay…start buying that wee blanket you see that looks cute…someday shortly you’ll be holding your wee baby in that wee blanket
Take a deep breath. You’re going to be fine. I read a lot of blogs and other sources of information. Just do what makes sense to you and you will be fine.
Take it easy on yourself don’t get nervous about motherhood you be a great mom. Try reading and doing all you can but in the end there is no right or wrong answer out there. It will come to naturally.
“ what to expect when you’re Expecting “ is still a good book to read. Trust your own instincts but listen to your doctor. Don’t be afraid to as lots of questions!!
Your instincts. Every mom does everything a little different. Try your local health department. I know when i was pregnant and on wic they had classes.
I just had my first child in July …i asked friends and family and other mommies for advice when it came to my son…
I’m 20 weeks tomorrow not new mom
But if you can download some
It will keep track of the baby growth and your growth that’s really all you can do right now especially with this “pandemic “
More things will come naturally to you than you think… try what to expect when expecting for basics
Start buying diapers. Every time you go to the store, buy a pack of diapers.
Maybe follow some mama’s pages, however try to find information from good sources. You will find a lot of info on internet. Just look for info slowly you still have time !
You will figure things out once there baby is here. The baby will tell you when it’s hungry, needs changed, is tired, etc
Babies don’t come with an instruction manual. It’s all hands on, trial and error.
Its the best feeling in the world when you hold your baby in your arms for the firs time
My advice is
*To love your little human. You are their entire world. You will never again experience a bond so strong as between you and him/her
*Please trust your instincts.
*Don’t try to parent like other parents. Every family is different.
*Try to sleep as much as possible. Housework can wait trust me.
*If you can’t do something you think your supposed to (like breastfeeding) don’t sweat it there’s tons of healthy alternatives.
*Lastly relax your going to be amazing
I have a large old fashioned family. I’ve been helping raise babies since I was 6 years old. Started babysitting for neighbors at 14. Nothing could have prepared me for motherhood. I had my first at 20. I struggled for a while. I raised her as a single mom. We got our feet under us and she is now my 19 year old best friend. After being told for years I couldn’t have anymore, I gave birth to her little brother 4 days before she turned 18. It’s no different now. I still make mistakes, but I love them unconditionally.
Good luck I’ll pray you and your tiny human stay healthy and safe.
Just breathe and enjoy your pregnancy! If you have safe place for baby to sleep, a couple jammies/outfits, a couple blankets/receiving blankets, diapers/wipes, lotion/body wash, comb, petroleum jelly if having boy and circumcised, rubbing alcohol for cord care, nipple cream or bottles/formula. Soak in all the education from OB visits and when in hospital when you deliver!
motherly instinct is REAL. dont worry, it will come to you. you will be so in tune with your baby and know just what to do! congratulations!
Having a baby can seem overwhelming. Regardless of what you read/see in shops, new borns don’t really require much stuff at all.
My Daughter was my 3rd baby but the only one to come home from the hospital (1 born sleeping and 1 passed away neonatal) and I bought everything and anything for her but didn’t start til around 20 weeks. Most of it she didn’t use for months if at all.
I’ve been a single Mother and sole parent since the day she was born (father left at 17 weeks pregnant not seen/heard from him since) I remember thinking on the drive home from the hospital “f**k what do I do with her now?” She’s currently 4 and a half and to be honest I’m still winging it but winning at it. Whilst she can have her moments a majority of the time she’s an absolute treasure. Well behaved, polite etc. I do think the fact she has nobody to play me off against helps with that though… lol
I worried about everything and anything on that drive home but once we were home and was just me and her it just clicked and I did what was needed.
Absolutely everyone will want to give you unsolicited advice or so it will seem, however you’ll find things easier if you do it how it works for you as long as its safe. I think the worst I came across was a woman I didn’t know at all at a bus stop. Was walking down the street with baby in her pram and she was crying. This woman stopped me and told me she needed her dummy (pacifier if you’re American). I told her she didn’t have one as we never used them and she insisted that baby was crying for a dummy and she knew that cry because she had raised 5 kids. I asked her how baby knew to cry for one if they’d never had one to know what one is? She then turned to the man she was with saying "run into that shop there will you and buy that baby a dummy because clearly she’s not going to! I just walked off. Baby had actually filled her nappy (diaper if you’re American) and needed changing.
Take the advice you want. Some of it can be helpful but shut down those that are getting too pushy because they can be more stressful than the actual baby. Regardless of what people say, the newborn part is the easy part. x
If you have mom friends and family with one or several kids, lean heavily on them. Ask them all the awkward questions. The conversations that you will find the most helpful are usually the ones that seem the most embarrassing to talk or hear about. Find out what works for them about everything… breastfeeding, nipple cream/butter, pads for both your lady parts and your breasts, sleep training, and on and on. Ask what their absolute go to products for monitors, boppies, nursing bras, sleep pillows, what baby clothes and types work best, how to swaddle, what did they use and what did they never end up using… if you can think it up as a question then ask. There are no dumb questions when preparing for your first and even second baby.
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I am on my 2nd too. I didn’t know anything with my 1st and I don’t know anything with my 2nd. But everyone’s alive so I’m doing something right.
I have 2 girls. Trust me when I say this…being a mom comes natural. With my first, I was freaking out because I didn’t know anything either. But once my baby was born, my motherly instinct just kicked in and I knew what to do. After you deliver, watch the nurses when they change the baby’s diaper, give him/her baths, swaddle him/her, etc. If you’re breastfeeding, ask the lactation nurse as many questions as you need to. They are there to help. Overflow your babies pediatrician with questions if you aren’t familiar with something. I literally only had about 6-8 Newborn outfits for my 2nd baby because they grow so quick. Don’t spend a ton of money on clothes either because they just spit up on or poop on them and stain them up especially when they are little. You’ll be fine! You’ll know exactly what to do when the baby gets here. If not, ask questions.
It all comes do natural, I do not understand what ever young mother freeks it about. This is nothing new, it has been going on since the beginning of time
No book can prepare you for the reality of motherhood
All children are different and there is no one size fits all method of parenting
Just enjoy your baby
See if you have a woman resources center the have a lean and earn program
One thing all the books and such say is," the baby will likely sleep every 2 to 3 hours." That is misleading. The baby will likely go to sleep every 2 to 3 hours. If you’re lucky the baby will sleep for an hour.
I’m a mom of 3 with a 14, 4 and 3 yo I’m still learning! My best advice is to not overthink/stress, trust your mom intuition and know you will make mistakes but you are doing your best and that’s all you can do enjoy your baby and just soak in every moment they grow up fast
There are a lot of Books About being a New Mother, if You Live near a Library and There Open You Might Find Some Good Books There Too It’s an Amazing Experience I Was Like you 27 Moved away From friends and Family Married Had A Baby !!! Changed My Life For The Better I have 2 Amazing Boys That are Young Men♥️
Three pieces of advice. #1 Name your child as an adult. Cutest names will sound horrible when they are 30 and in a profession. #2 Motherhood is the most wonderful thing … relax you’ve got this. #3 a baby’s job is to have needs a mama’s job is to fulfill those needs
Trust your instincts every baby is different books can help but no baby is the same. Pnce you get home w the new baby you’ll fall into a routine. Accept help thats the hardest but you will need a break or shower so let dad or grandma step in. You’ll make mistakes no parent is perfect. Do make sure that the baby is sleeping in a safe space. I’ve got a 9 and 4 year old and still jump up at night to check on them lol it becomes habit.
Never read anything
Just watched other moms and asked questions of moms when I would see one at the grocery store especially ones with multiple kids. So much info and they loved sharing
Honestly I would start to tune out all the others! Almost 3 years ago I was a first time mom, and I was in the exact same boat. I didn’t realize until now that I was putting pressure on myself for no good reason. Change baby’s diapers, feed baby (formula/ breastmilk are just as good as the other - don’t let ANYONE talk you into doing something that puts too much stress on you), and love baby to pieces. Give yourself a break and you will figure out the rest as you go - like how you use a boogie sucker and when to give tylenol (after 2 months). Rely on your Pediatrician! I read what to expect when you’re expecting (it covers the first year) and it was pretty good. I had major anxiety after having baby - read up on safe sleep (nothing, including bumpers, in crib/bassinet, no loose blankets- sleep sacks are my favorite for my sanity so I can sleep while he slept) but you will get there. Try to avoid social media posts about the bad stuff, it gets scary and overwhelming. You can do it.
I agree go with instincts…my mother in law was a great help
When you see your baby everything will be ok. No love like it. There is no book in the world to tell you how to parent . You will find your way. Always ask for help.
No matter how prepared you get you’ll never be ready for what’s to come
You’ll catch on
Don’t worry about it
They don’t come WI t h instructions
You will be just fine
Get the book: What to expect when expecting. Great resource week by week and after.