Hello. I am going to be a new mom; I am currently almost 20 wks. I feel like I know nothing, am I supposed to be reading books? Going to classes? Does anyone have any tips/advice for a new mom? Any good resources? I don’t even know where to start; I am very excited but at the same time kinda freaking out and don’t feel it’s real. I have not purchased a single item for the baby. I feel like everyone is telling me what to do, and I don’t really about it. I know I will be overwhelmed, so I’m avoiding.
Most people go with the flow. Books and classes arent really necessary as it comes naturally. The supplies however (diapers, formula, clothes) should definitely be planned ahead. If you have a baby shower you will get 90% of the stuff you need. If you dont have a shower I would definitely stock up on 3-6 month clothes and size 1 diapers.
If you know what hospital you will be delivering at, contact them and see if they have any classes or resources for you. That helped with my first born when I didn’t have family near me.
Yes, go to birthing classes and read all the books you can. There is no such thing as too prepared.
It’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed. But reading what to expect when you’re expecting and the first year is super helpful to new parents. I was pregnant in 1994 and was only 18. I took a parenting class at the hospital. And I had my mom and grandma for advice and helpful tips.
Check with ur local health department they usually have pare t classes and pamplets
It helps to brush up on baby care. The nurses at the hospital are a great resource. It comes naturally though.
I had tons of books & didn’t read them. I didn’t take many classes, but I did go on the Hospital Tour as well as took the breastfeeding class, which was SO helpful! However, I got ALL of the information I needed, as well as support from new and experienced moms, from joining various apps & forums. I suggest looking at the apps The Bump, What to Expect (when you’re expecting), Baby Center, and finding New Mom support groups on FB! That’s all I needed! I joined in the middle of my pregnancy & was able to find community forums within those apps based on my son’s birth month (like the “May 2019 Babies Club”). I could ask questions & also see what other moms were going through so I didn’t feel so crazy! The support continues even after you deliver; most of those apps send you emails that go over milestones, tips for what your baby might be going though, etc. I highly recommend downloading those apps and signing up for their newsletters!!
Also, if you start a registry with Amazon, once you have it you’ll find lots of checklists with links to ideas for what you’ll need to get your baby!! I added way too much to my registry, but it was so nice to have ideas all in one place. I actually did NOT get most of what I needed from my baby shower, but was able to get things off my list and use my discount code. Target is another great place to start a registry (more discounts)!
Oh i remember that feeling!!! It can seem really overwhelming, but hang in there! I’m a mom of 3 and I never read any books, I did take birthing classes though… mostly because I was afraid of the birth! Lol
the best advice I can give is to take advantage of the advice from those who have been through it and if books and classes make you more comfortable, do it!! Don’t feel bad for asking questions or for choosing what’s right for you and your baby!! And definitely stock up on baby items, especially diapers, wipes, and formula if you choose to formula feed! Just remember, it’s your baby and this is new to both of you so cut urself some slack and you’ll figure it out!
Best wishes and congratulations!
What to Expect When You’re Expecting is a great book. but mostly when the time comes, trust your gut and go with it. You’re not going to be a perfect parent, no one ever is. We all learn from our mistakes and become better for it.
It will come naturally. I took classes at the hospital to help me mentally prepare because I’m an anxious person. My husband read a few books because he wanted to, but really it’s all unnecessary. You will do great!
Don’t you have family, mother, sister, aunt or friends that have a child that can give you help. You will be surprised how your mother instincts will kick in once your child is born. After you are further along you will be given a baby shower. You register at whatever store you want listing what you need. Do this before you go buy a bunch of stuff so you don’t get a bunch of duplicates. You can read books but most is hands on lessons. It can be overwhelming for a new mom but you will be fine. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
You can read books and watch videos etc. But hands on is how you will learn. Know the basics CPR etc. The rest will come naturally
I never even held a baby until I had my first… it really does come naturally.
If you ask me birth is the easy part. Sleep deprivation was the hardest. My suggestion is that you should read books that give you sound advice on actually taking care of the baby.
I liked " sleep baby basics" and happiest baby on the block". They were a tremendous help.
Prepare for all sorts of scenarios when it comes to dealing with a new born. Some sleep all the time, some only sleep during the day then they are up all night, some want to live on your breast 24/7 and some want to eat every hour and a half around the clock.
Its normal to feel nervous. Start with making a list of things baby will need, (there are definitely good lists online), at 20 weeks i personally started buying a pack of diapers weekly , talk to the ob/gyno for birthing classes, there are even apps If you’d prefer to use them instead of classes. There’s baby care videos and apps as well ,around 25 weeks I usually start meal preparations and freezing them so that part isnt overwhelming for awhile, around 30 weeks is a good time to have a hospital bag ready. Good luck and congratulations😊.
Go to a 1st responder class at least learn CPR and the heimlich. Kids are always putting crap in their mouth. Talk to your local wic office. Even if you don’t qualify for wic they offer so many classes even online! Your OB will also have a ton of info for you
Once the mother instinct sets in…it will come naturally…everyone worries and frets its natural…but go with the flow and enjoy your pregnancy:) its the only special moment when the baby is solely yours xxx
Baby needs some clothes, diapers (whichever works for y’all), food, a place to sleep and a car seat. I suggest researching now whether you want to long term rearface or not so you can start putting money aside for the right car seat once kiddos out of the bucket seat. And I’d suggest a swing. If you want notes hands on practice get a large baby doll to practice diaper changes and wrapping, putting them in a carrier, car seat properly, etc. parenting classes prob aren’t happening normally.
And don’t listen to people who insist they need alone time with baby to bond. Be prepared to set boundaries with people and don’t feel bad enforcing them!
I never read a book or went to class its crazy how it literally just comes to you. And after having my baby i am so happy i didnt read books and stuff about it! I would be so paranoid about every thing! just remember BABIES ARE ALL DIFFERENT. Some eat more than others. Some learn to walk crawl and talk faster than others. Some eat more than others. They develope so different from baby to baby!
Congratulations!! Its very scary to be a new mom snd very overwhelming. I just constantly read stuff online, but be careful to not read stuff and scary urself! Just enjoy ur pregnancy its very easy to get lost in getting ready for baby. Snd if u need help, physically or mentally make sure you ask.
Books aren’t going too help you raise your Baby. I’m just gonna put it straight forward too you & take it too Heart. Raising Babies/Children isn’t easy…
You will have Sleepless Nights…Bags under your Eyes but Raising that Beautiful Baby Boy/Girl is a Big Blessing altogether in life. Just take what you know from growing up & make it better for that Bundle of Joy. God Bless You on Your Journey of Parenthood & Motherhood.
I’d start by buying clothes and bottles diapers and wipes now. It took my whole pregnancy each time to have the bare minimum for baby. Bibs blankets. Washrags towels gum washers. Meds.
For baby items especially clothes go to thrift stores, shop for used I would not buy used nipples for bottles teething rings or pacifiers (I don’t like pacifiers anyways) they grow out of clothes so fast the first 2 years it is not worth buying new. Always have extra clothes with you for you and baby when you travel, nothing like having baby vomit cover your shirt all day. Don’t be afraid to let the baby cry, if they have been fed, clean diaper and are safe so you can take a shower, get a quick bite to eat if you don’t take care of yourself you can’t do well taking care of the baby, with my first I would put her in the stroller in the bathroom while I showered if she was asleep. Each baby is different, each mom is different what worked for me might not work for you, don’t be afraid to say “shut up” to the know it all that says their way is the only way, you don’t have to politely listen to others how to parent your baby. Most of all relax becoming a mother is a learn as you go thing, even when your kids are adults you still learn as you go with them. It is ok to say I need help. One thing I do suggest learning about and making others around you aware of is postpartum depression, that is the worst part about becoming a new mom and hitting postpartum depression and not knowing why you feel so off, when I was a new mom it was not talked about. I also suggest making an email address for your child each week write her or him an email with the things that happened that week with photos, things like first steps, first tooth, first time they rolled over, then on their 18th birthday give them the email and password.
Reading books and taking classes definitely helps learning what you need to know. Like how to change a diaper, how to swaddle, breastfeeding etc… BUT you’ll never be prepared. All that shit goes out of the window lol. Once baby gets here you’ll learn him/her and figure out what to do. The best way to raise your baby is your own way!
Listen as in hear advice and do what you think is right most people mean well. All parents will do somethings we see as mistakes most of them will not be remembered by your child some will be seen as something great. Love always discipline when needed. I remember feeling the same way 18 years ago. You got this mama
I never took a class. I felt a natural mother instinct and was pretty confident but I did buy a book called “Mama Natural”. I loved it and it helped prepare me for certain things like breastfeeding, and expectations with my own health etc. Birthing was totally different than you expect and going through it you’ll know what to do in the moment. No book/ class will fully prepare you for delivery in my opinion
Read What to expect when your expecting! Great book. Ask Your Dr, s office what hospital you will delivery at. Then call hospital and take the tour, ask if they have classes and get signed up before your so far along your not comfortable on the floor. Good luck little Momma, you got this!
Read the books if you want to but most of the time ftm wing it. It’s all figuring out what works for you and your baby. I liked the knowledge from books but it’s a learning on the job experience too. The books and websites will give you ideas of what you need and again you won’t use half of the things they suggest.
Idk where you are from but check into a women’s resource center. You can watch videos on parenting/relationships and earn points then you can trade you points in for baby items. Clothes diapers and even the big stuff. Hope that helps. Oh and it’s all free
Go to the LaLeche league for breastfeeding
I googled so much in order to be prepared lol.
Don’t believe everything the nurses say, either. I had a very big first baby, and she just kept screaming. Nurses said to only feed 1-2 oz at most, but she needed 4. Baby knows their limits.
I took a newborn class at a university hospital. It was informative and my husband and I both took it! Check into that. We only paid $25 per person and it lasted about 1 hour and they went over a bunch of stuff and even gave you a fake baby to practice stuff with. My husband was clueless with babies and it really helped him a lot! And I got to learn to swaddle and was more informed about breastfeeding and all the differences between breastfeeding and formula. I Highly recommend a newborn class!
I would go to SLEEP now because you will never sleep again lol
We like the “what to expect” books and for our first we went to 2-3 classes. Honestly some of it is like “duh” but it was good to hear and go over. As for what you need look at some checklists and see what would be best for you. Obviously big items like crib and high chair are great but we bought three swaddle blankets and my daughter hated them. Lol. So maybe get some things to start and get more as you need them. Stocking up on some wipes every month is so helpful too. Talk to other mom friends too, it helps. Good luck!
When I was pregnant I just read what to expect when expecting and asked the doctor any questions I had to ask. Buy all the things you need for baby and prepare for it. Not so many newborn clothes or diapers because they grow out of those quick! Maybe take a CPR class if you don’t already know it.
I didn’t read any books or take any classes because of COVID. I just googled things when I had questions along the way and did what felt right. Every baby is different.
The best advice I was ever given is buy pajamas with zippers and not snaps. It will save you a lot of time especially half asleep
No books, articles, tv shows, anything will prepare you to be a mom. But you’ll be awesome! Start getting some clothes, diapers, bottles, etc together though for sure!
My hospital offered free classes for all new parents to be. My husband and I took a labor and delivery class and a newborn care class. Both were very helpful! We knew nothing about babies and were the first one of our friends to have one. The newborn class was especially helpful because it helped us know what the expect the first few weeks at home with a new baby.
It will come naturally…you can read but every delivery,baby is different. Maybe mommy classes? I would start buying diapers, wipes socks and onesies. Recieving blankets. Take a deep breathe and nap when you can
I did those hospital classes and don’t buy anything until after your baby shower you’ll get soooo much, then get what you need.
Also I had my daughter in 2019 feel free to message me for any questions and I will be happy to answer them. I’m not an expert, but I was a first time mom also and I learned so much
I’m a mom of 6. 5 boys and a girl on the way. I’ve read all the books, went to multiple parenting classes and I’ve honestly never used any of it. It comes to you and whatever doesn’t I ask my mom or sister. Congrats you’ll do fine!
Nothing will prepare you for being a mom like the experience. You could read books your whole pregnancy and still not be prepared. Love them is all they want.
First, take a deep breath. Motherhood comes naturally. Don’t overthink, don’t over worry. When you have a question or need help, ask someone. You will do better at this than you think. Love goes a long way. And that baby will bring you all kinds of love. You will grow and learn together a little at a time. Congratulations!
No one really knows what their doing because every baby is different. Just ask questions when you need to and do your own thing
My advice is find another mom (someone your age, with a kid under 3 or 4) and make them your text/advice/phone call buddy for all of your questions. Or join local mom’s group. Something that when you have a question, you can ask a specific person and rely on them in those harder moments.
The first 6 months is the hardest because you have to change your whole life around…
After that you just wing it.
Your whole brained child and every other book written by this author has saved me countless times when I needed help understanding how my child thinks and sorts out information.
I’ve read this book twice and currently re-reading No Drama Discipline, because 5 and 2 year olds are soooooo much fun. But knowing how to keep ahead of them makes it so much more relaxing to be a parent.
Just go with the flow. You’ll figure it out as you go along. You’ll be fine.
Some hospitals offer free classes and reading books can help give you knowledge. I bought diapers and wipes with coupons and sales to stock up. I made a registry on Amazon and Walmart and posted the link on Facebook since I am far from family and couldn’t have a baby shower. I bought the crib and any big items I needed when I found a good deal on them but it was before the baby was born. Every baby is different. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed but prep what you can so you don’t get even more overwhelmed. Having what you need can help reduce the stress and fear.
Stock up on diapers size 1 and 2. Get as many boxes of wipes as possible. When you’re in the hospital all of that stuff is covered by insurance so every single day I asked for a new bag of newborn diapers. for my 2nd daughter when they did nurse change I would ask the new nurse for a new bag of diapers. Your insurance covers the cost. Also stay for as long as your insurance will let you I believe mine was 4 days and I went home on the 3rd day and regretted it. Just tell the nurses that you’re not comfortable yet and they talk to the doctors and they make it so you can stay. honestly go with the flow trust your gut and don’t compare your child to any other person’s kid every child is different and comparing them is just going to unnecessarily stress you out for nothing. There’s only one book that I really suggesting I thought all the other ones are pointless but I would get and read “the happy sleeper”
Trust your gut don’t let anybody tell you what to do or that your doing it wrong. I can’t tell you how many strangers at the store would randomly tell me how to parent my kid or that I am doing something wrong when I was absolutely wasn’t.
I felt the same way with my first, I was 15 so I had no idea and was being told what I needed to do and such. I found out when I was 16 weeks and so we would get stuff here and there. I would suggest getting clothes, look on yard sale pages online and little consignment shops for clothings. I wouldn’t get two many newborn clothes just because they grow out them so fast but sleepers, onesies, socks, little mittens, hats. Get a variety of clothings with sizes just because every baby is different so baby might fit in different sized clothing. Car seat, baby soap and lotion, baby tub, I never personally used a tub I just like it better without using one. If you don’t wanna co sleep with baby then a crib or play pin. Bottles if you don’t breast feed and it’s okay with whatever you decide on that as well! (I was always told to breast feed and first baby wouldn’t latch and with my first one I was scared to ask for help with my age and going to school I couldn’t really pump so I just decided not to after he wouldn’t latch and my second baby I pumped the milk and took it to him in the NICU, with all the stress from him being in the hospital and not being to go back to see him since I was sick left me really depressed and stressed that my milk supply just dropped to where I couldn’t get any so both babies were formula feed. I’m on WIC to help with formula cost, which they do provide for you while pregnant so look into that. I also got a pump from them as well since I couldn’t afford to buy one.) But anything essential that you would need for yourself in general is what baby needs before born. I do know some hospital do give you stuff if you don’t have it and I believe they ask you when you go in to have baby. It all comes to you when baby gets here and in your arms but definitely get some mom friends with younger children and get into more mom groups just so you have that back up if you get stump, I’m still stumped on things for my second baby and probably will be for my third baby that’s due in February so it’s okay not to know everything! I definitely don’t mind more mom friends if you’d like to add me and such I have a 4 year old boy and a 8month old boy and currently 26weeks with a little girl❤️ but you got this momma❤️
Congratulations!!! I’m a mother of 3. It’s not like preparing for a job or a test. You will do great! You may not always feel like you are though. Babies grow at lightening speed. You don’t need much to start out with. A few outfits will do. Diapers u can never have enough of. It just seems overwhelming because you’ve never done it. Get as much rest as u can through pregnancy. When baby comes if someone offers to help, let them. Look out for postpartum depression. It’s real & it hits some new mommies hard. Don’t be scared of labor. It goes by & u forget about it as soon as baby arrives. Everything else you’ll figure out as you go. Kids don’t come with an instruction manual, though I often wish they did lol
Take a birthing class to at least say you did it may or may not help during birth but that’s okay. Remember everyone has free advice some good some bad. They outgrow clothes fast so don’t go too overboard on newborn sizes (lesson I learned) plastic bottles melt in the pan without enough water (another lesson learned, then was banned from sterilizing bottles) favorite thing was my boppy for nursing and then baby used for sitting. Most important Love that baby they grow so fast
Trust me, u learn really fast!
Save your money, you will start to nest and when you do you will shop for your baby, clean like a crazy woman for your baby. This will happen naturally, and except help when people are willing to share their time. Except anything even if it’s second hand, wash it all real well and most stuff cleans up well. Also if you find out weather it’s a daughter or son you will really start to connect.
What to expect is great, if you only do one thing then read that. Make a baby registry so people can send you things. Ideally you’ll want to have a baby shower, but if you don’t then let people know so they can send gifts directly to you.
Usually the local hospital you affiliate with will have classes/programs specifically for new parents. These are very helpful. If the father can’t make it to classes with you, bring a friend or family member.
My hospital required me to watch a video on “purple crying,” which was a very scary video whose contents were basically to not shake your baby no matter how much they cry, because sometimes babies cry for no reason and you may feel overwhelmed. I think it’s a good thing to inform new parents about, but it’s uncomfortable. Bring the father or a friend with you if you’re asked to watch something like that.
Most of all, don’t be afraid to rely on friends and family to help you when you are feeling overwhelmed, particularly non-toxic people who have experienced motherhood themselves, because you don’t really know unless you’ve been there.
Take a deep breath.
I did all the classes, so I would know what to expect. But my main wish was for a healthy baby. So I excersized, ate properly, didn’t drink or smoke. Basically I took care of my self.
I was in my mid 30 's. Had a normal, no drugs, delivery and had healthy baby.
I read the books. I followed and did what I was comfortable with.
I was happy with a no drug delivery and nursing for 18 Mos till he weaned himself.
I did what was Right for me. Do what is Right for you.
I hope you and baby are happy, healthy and safe.
It’ll come naturally I was a mom at ,17 fuck a book and what ppl say u raise your kid as u please you got this
I didn’t read any books or go to any classes(mainly due to COVID). I just let my maternal instincts kick in and went with the flow. You’ll get it no doubt. Just know no book can prepare you for the first three weeks. They were hell for me. But it definitely gets better once the baby is on a schedule and sleeping longer
There is nothing wrong with reading books/articles and trying to prepare as much as possible. But honestly most of what I read went out the window when she got here. Your maternal instinct will kick in. I promise! I felt the same way. My daughter is now 6 and it’s a nonstop learning experience at every age and stage! You will be okay! Being a mom is the best! The most important thing is to have a support system! And don’t be afraid to ask for help!
I honestly just read what to expect when expecting. Didn’t take any classes. Took my doctor’s advice and starting shopping after I found out the gender. You will just know what to do, listen to your gut. As far as major items, will you be having anything like a virtual shower? You will be just fine, just breath and try to relax
Start small. Talk to a close friend. You have plenty of time to get things. I would start putting money aside now to save for it. Make sure you take care of yourself physically and mentally- vitamins, lower stress, eat healthy-ish (lol). You can’t pour from an empty cup! Congrats!!
Your child doesn’t need a perfect mom, they need a happy one. Dont sweat the small stuff. You’re going to make mistakes and that’s okay we all do.
Ignore all mommy shamers. This is your child and you make the choices and as long as you’re not doing something dangerous tell them to kick rocks.
Oh and you never have enough burpcloths.
I’m a second time mommy here and I had my first child at a really young age… My oldest is 10 years and just had my second baby so it’s been a while for baby things.
I joined alot of baby related pages on facebook to get me with links for all types of baby topics. I saved all those links to a personal Excel for myself to always go back to. Hope this helps! And congratulations!
Books, classes, all that!
Even if you think you will know what to do, take random advice from family/ friends or have baby sitted babies/kids at some point— it’s never a bad thing to gain more information. Every baby is different, might as well spend the time pregnant gaining as much professional knowledge as possible. Many classes are free!
I cannot count how many times at least one thing lit up in my mind with my two kids because i took the time to read books, go to classes, and ask my doctors questions even when it was uncomfortable or not a great time for me.
As far as classes, taking an infant CPR class is something you will not regret even if it’s not your infant that needs it.
You are going to be great. Everyone will try to tell you what you need to do . . . . . but you do what feels right for you and your child. You don’t need to read books - most are full of BS. As for not having bought anything yet? Not a problem - if you have a baby shower you will get a bunch. Then you know what you need to get. Remember, the main thing - babies grow like weeds. They will outgrow most of the “cute” clothes everyone buys - go for diapers and older clothes.
You’re never really prepared being a first time mom! As long as you know how and when to change a diaper and feed them then the rest will come naturally.
I got like half way through a book and it was so boring. We did do classes but those freaked us out more. The best thing we did was tour the ob ward so we knew exactly where to go! I also bought WAY too much stuff. I advise to definitely buy clothes, diapers, wipes and some of the bigger things like a bassinet or playpen and swing. Then go from there as baby grows.
Find a good midwife-they are so helpful. they’ll take the time to listen and talk with you and they usually have childbirth classes, too. Congratulations
Talk to your midwife about recommending an antenatal class that you can take
Nothing wrong with reading up or asking for advice from those you trust.
I never took classes, but I’m sure those who have say that helped. I just feel like my body would know what to do, since it’s basically what it was built for. But then again, I’m a very go-with-the-flow type person. If you’re a planner, classes may help.
Either way, just remember that there is no right away to parent. As long as your child ends up happy, fed, and healthy as possible, you’re good!
All this advice is wonderful. You will g BF ave everyone and their mom giving you advice. Take it all in and use what you feel comfortable with. Have a nurse, lactation person, or midwife you are comfortable with to ask those questions you want more professional advice. It’s always good to have reinforcement if you aren’t sure.
Get a couple books from the library… no first timemom is ever really prepared cause its so different for everyone… just breath… and try to enjoy… i took a class with my 1st …it can’t hit
Find a group of women that love you and encourage you. It helped me to separate myself from negative influences…i.e. ‘you’ll never be the same’ ‘motherhood is hard’ ‘rest now because you’ll never sleep again’ ‘just get the epidural’ those people aren’t helpful. And honestly you ‘avoid’ all you want. You will find yourself become the mother you were made to be. Be confident. Be courageous.
I took a class I thought it was interesting. I’d read a book but dont get overwhelmed with information and you should follow your doctor’s advice and not worry about what people tell you. Do as you please because some will tell you do it naturally and to breast feed only but if you bottle feed or get the epidural that is completely your decision! Whatever makes your experience better is what you should do. Congratulations and enjoy it. It goes so fast I know everyone says that but because its true!
You do nothing. You can wait until about 30 weeks and you will start “nesting” and then it will come naturally what you think you need for your baby. And you will get it done. And the only thing you need you need to worry about is what to pack in your hospital bag, after you spend 3 days with the baby in the hospital you’ll know exactly what to do when you get home. Just make a little night time box to put by your bed so your not running around in the middle of the night for stuff, it should have like diapers, wipes, nipple cream, bottle, formula, some baby water (if you dont breast feed) but can also do both. Thats it everything else will come naturally believe it or not its what we are built to do.
DONT GET LOST IN THE DETAILS. Best advice I ever received. Most people already have an innate idea of what kind of parents they want to be. Theres plenty of literature out there that can tell you the basics- what to expect from pregnancy week by week, what to expect from birth, formula vs. breastmilk, cosleeping vs. crib, etc. Aside from the medical FACTS that they can give you, the rest is really up to you, your lifestyle and what works best for your situation. My sister breastfed, I tried, failed, bottle fed. It worked well for both of us based on our situation. I cosleep because I keep wonky hours and my kid looks for that bond and comfort. My sister crib sleeps because shes a SAH mom and crib sleeping keeps the baby on a schedule that works for her. They both get sleep. They both get fed. As long as your babys basic needs are met, as long as you are happy, your baby is happy, your decisions work FOR YOU, you’re doing great mama. It’s a fun adventure. Enjoy the ride😘
Babies don’t come with a instruction manual you learn as you go. Right now I am learning to be a mother of a 9 almost 2 and I have one on the way in February. When it’s your first baby you never are ready cause there is so much to learn. I had to learn a lot with my first baby and looking back I’m like I should Have done this and that…good luck mama you’ll be okay
You’ll be just fine! Say thank you to people the buy what you want! You’ll know the second your child is born what to do! You’ll be a great Mother, don’t let others ruin it for you.
Ps… Please, do not suggest “maternal instinct will kick in” as advice. That simply does not happen with some moms and there are many reasons for that including postpartum disorder which is not something anyone can prepare for or control.
Just hospital where I gave birth offered classes. It helped me to feel more prepared.
Nothing can prepare you! Maternal instincts will kick in and just know everything will be fine! It is scary but it’s the best thing to ever happen to you! Congrats and I wish a very healthy pregnancy for you. Just hope your baby will sleep through the night I got lucky with my 1st!
Follow your heart . I never got anything till I was closer to my due date. Just make sure you have a to go bag when you go into labor
What to expect when expecting and what to expect the first year were good informal reads. Congratulations! If you plan to breastfeed, reach out to your hospital for a class.
Follow your gut. You will know your baby best. Ignore the rest. Or alteast remember it for the one time you will need it. I remember well being that scared. Now bring it on. Each day is new and different from the last
Don’t worry, it will all kick in when your bundle of joy arrives. Just relax and savior every moment.
Educate yourself about after care for yourself!!! me and 4 of my friends all had different doctors. We all were under-prepared and overwhelmed, between new mom exhausted and sore from recent delivery I wish I had prepped better for myself and things that would have made my care easier and better. Like get a toilet top sitz bath because squating down into a tub is awful!!!
You’ll be fine. I was nervous but I had plenty of help after I had my son. If
It will all come to you. Honestly it’s a learning experience all the way.
I never read any of the pregnancy books I never went to the classes either…
What to Expect when you are expecting books are wonderful.
Join your birthgroup on Baby Center (babycenter.com). Your birthgroup is the month and year your baby is going to be due. I learned sooo much from other moms there. Also, I got a free Boppy once becaus the company was there looking for product testers and they sent me one with a survey.
Congratulations let me share a few things that helped me and work. Get the baby on a schedule as soon as possible. Do not make the house quiet so the baby can nap the baby needs to get used to the noise. You the new mom will need to get breaks especially in the first year so you will need to have family and friend you trust and can rely on so when you need a break you can get one. It’s okay to be trust and cry it’s normal make sure the baby is in a safe place then go to the bathroom and cry I did and I felt better when I felt overwhelmed.
Apps like pregnancy + and baby Center were great
Look take care of yourself I didn’t know nothing and was better for it. You have time to get things and will be amazed at what you don’t need. Babies need lots of love, kept fed and warm and dry.
Your doctor will tell you what you really need to know about the birth. Relax and enjoy your pregnancy.
Google anything your not confident about.
You got 12 weeks left
They do have parenting classes check online for one near you