I am a single mother and have constant fear: Advice?

Sounds like ppd. See a doctor asap


if you pray that will help you. Also, try and find a parenting support group

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If all of this happened in America…you can go after the biological father for Child Support.

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I was in your exact shoe once upon a time. I felt that fear. I felt the shame from the community and family. That fear you have for your baby is very normal. We always fear the worse because it’s a way we use to protect them from that pain. That’s just how the human mind works. Lashing out at your son is an entirely different issue. You could be feeling the pain the father left, or pain from somewhere else that hasn’t been resolved yet. And that you need to dig deep into yourself and seek your truth and find your peace. You can also seek counseling. It isn’t easy to open up these emotions but if you want to be a successful, loving mom to your boy, you need start seeking help. Good luck

No you are not turning into a bad mom. Please seek the assistance of a medical professional. You sound like you may have some postpartum depression or anxiety symptoms.

The fact that you can see a problem and admit your faults, you are not a bad mom. The proper guidance you need is to seek someone to talk to, and contact your doctor right away. It’s possible you have a form of depression like postpartum. It is very common and can be aided. There is no shame in asking for help and making a support network for you and your little. It takes strength and courage to admit and take the steps to make it better. You do not have to go through that alone, reach out to the proper people so you can feel better soon. It’ll be alright, just make that call :blue_heart:


PPD is often unspoken of, but it’s very real and you dont have to go through it alone. I would call your ob/gyn or your general practitioner for an appt. Explain to them your thoughts and feelings. They can advice you what to do next.

No you are not a bad mom. Worrying like this means you’re a good mom. However you need to talk to your doctor. Find a good counselor as well, just having a neutral third party to hash things out with makes a huge difference. Most places are still doing phone appointments is you’re worried about covid. My heart goes out to you. Mom life isn’t easy, I can only imagine how tough single mom life must be. You’ve got this!

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I would seek out some professional help if you are taking your feelings out on your baby it in no way makes you a bad mom we are all human sometimes we need a little extra help, as far as society is concerned your situation is nobodys business unless you allow it to be try not to sweat how other people view you its not healthy to stay in a relationship where you arent valued

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Could be PPD but also its normal to lose patience as a mom sometimes. You are human as long as its not child abuse then your guilt sais you’re still a good mom. :ok_hand: Learn how to cope with your stress, find calming strategies that work for you and walk away when you need a minute. Toddlers are tough and exhausting stage. Focus on the positive side of everything and after a while it will become nature to think that way.

Sounds like you need to talk to your Dr about this they have medication for that. When you feel that way take a minute to walk away , and no you’re not a bad mother prayers and lots of love

Go to a doctor and get on some medicine. It’s hard being a mom let alone a single mom. I’ve been there. My obgyn gave me sertraline while I was pregnant and he refilled mine for a whole year after as well because I was struggling mentally . Losing it literally . It’s hard and harder to get help but I feel so much better and I am a better mom for it.

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Stop taking your problems out on your baby, yes you are headed down the bad mom road, stop that , and be good to your baby no matter what befalls you

Don’t be so hard on yourself, post partum depression could be the culprit, which is not uncommon,plus you are definitely under alot of stress. Please reach out to your doctor or your babies doctor,there is help available to you. Good luck my friend.

Your not turn into a bad mom because sometimes you lose your temper. Those are just the stressful days. I’m a single mom as well. Just remember alone time is important. Even if it’s only 10 minutes. Gives you time to clear your head. Even if your exhausted you take that extra 10 to 15 for yourself before you go to bed. Or even wake up a little before he does to get it. Just remember your not alone!!

Go to your family Dr. and tell him how you are feeling!

If you feel you may harm your baby please get help ASAP

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I am not a doctor, but I myself have experienced postpartum depression. It is real, and there is NO shame in getting help. Asking for help can be incredibly difficult, but it will make a world of difference. You do not have to feel this way. Hoping the best for you! Edited to add: if you are in the US here is a number you can call to help direct you to mental health services in your area: 1-800-662-4357. If in India I found this number +91-9820466726 (its for aasra) or if you have a family doctor, contact them. If you feel like you may harm your child or yourself, please seek help immediately or go to your nearest emergency room.


See a doctor right away. He will help you .

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Speak to your doctor. Sab teek hojayega…our society is sometimes the jhurr of making us feel like shit you did not make a mistake of having ur son…see him as a blessing and watch how everything changes x if u need to talk inbox me x

GET SOME MENTAL HEALTH HELP ASAP…There is nothing wrong with getting help you sound like you may be stressed out…DO IT FOR YOU & THE BABY…

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I don’t know anything about how things go down in India so I don’t really know how to help you. But know that usually moms (especially new moms) that worry about if they’re being a “bad mom” are usually very good mommies. The fact that you are seeking out help shows that you actually see what’s happening and you want to make a positive change and that is good. I just don’t know what services to recommend in that country.

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Go speak to a doctor. You are alone and frustration sometimes gets the best of us. Go see a doctor to help you and ultimately help your baby.

get therapy asap, before you hurt your baby or yourself.

If your in cananda find a strong start group. They are usually at elementary schools and have people and information you can access. Hugs. The worst part of this pandemic is the lack of moms having moms.

when you get to the point where you’re so frustrated and scared you start talking it out on the baby, you need to put the baby in it’s crib and walk away and take a minute to gather yourself.

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Be Proud of yourself for OVERCOMING so much!! Do something nice for yourself with and without baby! You will thank yourself for it later. Happy Mother’s Day! Ur a ROCKSTAR!

You have got this! As a young windowed mother of 4 boys it is very hard sometimes! Shine your love and light to that boy and ignore judgment of others! One day at a time!! You are never given more than you can handle. Love and light your way…take the bad thoughts and turn that energy into good… your life will change for the better!

That’s the biggest sign of post partum depression and while its a horrible feeling it is normal. Talk to your obgyn and they can help with meds to deal with those issues and point you in the right direction of a possible therapist to work through it as well. Good luck mama, no shame here!

So basically when ur pregnant there a part of ur brain that opens up, they call it the “worry gland” . So could just be new found anxiety or could be postpartum depression or could just be the all around stress of everything… so just go to the doctor, tell them everything (even about the dark thoughts) and they will help get ur head back where it needs to be. :heart:

If you’re physically abusive to the baby, have the baby removed from your custody and get therapy until it’s safe to reunite. That would be in the best interest of you both before the situation gets worse. The fact that you recognized this as a problem and reached out for help is a very brave and courageous first step.

If your taking shit out on your baby your an asshole
Hurting a helpless baby makes you a sick individual!!!

Do not give in to those worries or bad thoughts. It’s just as easy to think good things as it is bad. I was told I have nothing to fear but fear it’s self! You are a good person.