I am afraid my child will lose confidence if she gets crowns: Thoughts?

My child’s dentist is recommending my daughter replaces her bottom row of teeth with crowns rather than fillings. The front four teeth will definitely be white crowns, but the bottom three on each side will be silver. I have done the research, and it seems like the silver teeth are more durable due to more research. I have explained to my daughter what her teeth will look like, and she is a little nervous about the “shiny teeth”. I don’t want to sound superficial, but I am worried my daughter will lose confidence to smile/ also do not like the look of the silver teeth. What are your experiences with silver/ white caps?


I refused to put them on my kids teeth…the one dentist I took my kids to wanted them I said no and went someplace else their new dentist never uses them…

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That would be badass she will have a grill. Be baller AF

She’s probably nervous because you are worried about it making her worried about it. I have 3 silver ones. If they are not in front, you won’t see them much.


My son had crowns and they hurt him esp when he was losing those teeth he had to have them Surgically removed

Why put crowns on baby teeth, aren’t they going to come out?


I don’t know about them as far as how they are for their purpose, but from the confidence issue…I have seen a surprising amount of kids with them in schools so I think it’s fairly normal now. The first time I saw it I was surprised.

My son had 4 caps and spacers. He thought he was the shit. :rofl: he is super excited to get braces!

She’s probably worried about them, because you’re showing her you’re worried about them. If it was something else, besides a “look” thing… It’d be different. But yes, you’re teaching your daughter to care what others think about the way she looks. Instead of showing her, that you’ll not care, and she’ll be beautiful anyway. She’s young. And especially depending on her age,a lot of young kids really don’t care. Unless they see that their parent does. Because they mimic that. And you say you’ve explained what they look like too her, and that you don’t like the way they look. So I’m assuming she knows that too.


My youngest daughter had almost all of her molers crowned when she was 5. She is 8 now. She never paid attention to them until this year. Now she likes to show them off.

My 2 year old just got 4 white ones on her top front teeth. I was extremely worried. They look totally normal though! I was pleasantly surprised. Our dentist said she would never do silver up front. They are more durable but she does the white for obvious reasons.

My son has a silver crown and thinks it’s cool? We got ours done under general as they can be painful to get done, don’t make a big deal about it them tho and she’ll be fine.

I refuse them too. My step kids have one on each side and you can see them when they talk

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My daughter is 2 and has 4 silver caps on her molars. They aren’t super visible but you can still see them sometimes. We just tell her they’re jewelry and that they’re oh so pretty and she loves it. Also, since she is two she was put under but she had to have four teeth removed and two cavities filled as well.

You can ask to do a composite filling. If that doesn’t work than do the silver caps.

I have 2 silver fillings. I absolutely hate them. I hadn’t been to a dentist in a really long time and just had a crown done on one of my back teeth it is super comfortable. Soon my dentist is going to crown one of the silver teeth that I have. I have always been so self conscious about the silver because it looks as though I have cavities. So excited to have them replaced.

In school, all the cool kids had silver teeth. I don’t know if it’s still that way. I always thought they were cool, but never had the chance to get any

I’m not sure if it depends on age of person and the dentist but i have 1 crown it isn’t gold or silver, it looks like a regular tooth. Maybe they would be able to go that route?

They’re just baby teeth, they eventually fall out. My daughter had a couple of molars done with silver crowns when she was 4 and honestly she really doesn’t care about them that much and she’s 8 now. I’d rather them do a silver crown on the molars anyways as they’re stronger. Her white crown has fallen off twice. So if they did them on molars I’d be worried about having to go to the dentist often to get them fixed.

Baby teeth? If so, I wouldn’t worry so much about what they look like since they will fall out eventually! My daughter had several done last year and has already lost a lot of them (9 year old). I believe you can request the white crowns but it is my understanding insurance won’t cover it. I paid over a thousand to have her silver ones done, with good private dental insurance, and am glad I didn’t opt to fork out extra since most have already been lost!

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My daughter loves her silver teeth. I didn’t know anything about bottle rot or that you had to brush teeth that weren’t totally there or being used very often, so she had to get 8 crowns. She thinks they’re the coolest thing and she looks like a pirate. If you love them she’ll love them.

I’ve never had a crown but as a youth I would not have wanted silver

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We did porcelain caps - sucked to pay the extra money for them and they fell out a few years later but overall worth it to not have to worry about your child’s confidence

They’ll fall out. Don’t stress.

The four bottom teeth will be falling out before the ones that are silver. The four bottom front ones are made of acrylic they are not as strong as the stainless steel crowns she will have on tge back teeth. The reason they are placing crowns on the the baby teeth is because the decay has gotten into the pulp or nerve of tge tooth. So they will have to do pulpotomies on all those teeth befoe placing the crowns. Its sounds like milk bottle rot. This comes from laying your baby down to sleep with a bottle. Many parents do not realize the damage that it causes to their teeth. Its important to keep her baby teeth in till they are ready to come out on their own. Taking baby teeth out to soon can cause alot of problems for the permanent teeth coming in. The stainless crowns are the best for her situation cause they have to protect and help keep that baby tooth in there for several more years till at least she is the ages between 9 and 12. The 4 front ones she will lose between ages 6 and 8…it wont look to bad once they are done and its better than if they pulled the teeth and she would have nothing there and possibly screw up her permanent teeth.

My daughter is 4.5 and has 4 silver caps. They’re cool at this age and will fall out by the the time it matters

My son was so excited to have silver teeth even though it’s way in the back he showed everyone

There is nothing wrong with the white crowns they look like normal teeth my daughter had them when she was little and couldn’t notice the difference not to mention she had both top and bottom front teeth done

Everybody cares about what they look like. It’s important to look good. Get her the white pretty teeth. It will haunt you to see her try to not smile

To be honest. My son had some done. He cried bc he didn’t like his silver teeth for the first week. He’s okay with them now. I was worried about having to refill or more cavities.

White crowns only. The porcelain crowns are just as durable as silver. Esthetically the silver will not be at all acceptable.

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I had 2 silver caps when I was a kid. They don’t replace your teeth with them. They just cover the existing tooth. It didn’t affect my confidence at all and I all but forgot they were even there. Don’t make a big deal out of it and she’ll be fine. The procedure to get the cap is probably what she’s nervous about.

My 4 year old LOVES hers! The key is to build her confidence up, like let her know how beautiful her teeth will be and how they will make her smile unique & glow. :blush::heart:


My daughter has crowns and I told her she has pirate teeth that are worth a ton of happiness that’s fixing her grown up teeth so far she loves them and says she can finally eat more comfortable. It’s all on the mama to support her, I was upset when she needed them but after all this time it was worth it and her smile gives us giggles :blush:

She will only have issues if you act like it looks bad, if you say how pretty her “new teeth” are she will be fine, plain and simple. Also any dental work done to baby teeth is actually protecting the adult teeth that will come in, it is to stop cavities before the adult tooth starts to come out.

I remember having at least 1 silver cap when I was really young like, 6/7 maybe and I don’t remember feeling any type of way. My mom didn’t show concern for it or didn’t act like it was a big deal or something that would make me feel self conscious. Act normal about it, she’s probably feeling that way because your feeling that way.

I have some crowns they look like normal teeth

I have had porcelain crowns for 30+ years, they do not fall out. She still has to brush etc

Crowns won’t make her loose confidence. My youngest is 8, and has a mouth full of crowns. I think she has more crowns than actual teeth :woman_facepalming: and she couldn’t care less. She is the most confident kiddo I know.

Tell her they’re princess crowns and she can pick a different princess for each crown. My daughter needs 7 crowns and that was how her dentist and I explained them to her to make her less worried about it. She may feel uneasy about it for the first week, but I bet she’ll be happy with them.

I rocked the hell out of my silver capped front teeth when I was little

My great grandaughter had silver crowns on her baby teeth and it didn’t seem to bother her. A lot depends on how you react and explain to her.


Girl, my daughter has crowns and she is so proud of her shiny teeth. Obviouslg not proud of what she had to go through to get them. Just boost her self confidence. Remind her of how beautiful she is no matter what! And that it doesn’t matter what she looks like as long as she is a good person! Looks dont determine your beauty :heartpulse:


If they are not for permanent teeth dnt worry about it. Shes a kid it’s not unusual

We had to put sliver crowns on my daughters back teeth because they didn’t grow right and we told her they were princess crowns so she was actually excited for them and showed them off afterwards

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The new composite filling hold up good and can me matched to her teeth and they stay in better than the silver crap …and if done right can’t tell they are compostes …try on one tooth and see

Also depends on if the teeth are baby or permanent.

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How old is your daughter? A lot of how kids perceive things comes from what is absorbed around them. I work in dental so I know all about the silver crowns. White ones are not an option for primary teeth. But also how bad do her teeth look now because getting every tooth crowned means there is rampid decay and I’m sure they’re not sparkling white!!


My boys have silver caps on their back molars… we don’t even notice them unless we’re flossing

She needs to develop excellent oral hygiene. Dental health has life long impact.

I’d get a second opinion before proceeding. Then, do as many white ones, knowing they’re less durable and she will have to have them redone in the future. Think forward to her confidence, not just now, but as a teenager and beyond.


Silver teeth turn black in times girl with black teeth is not a hsppy girl

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Better than being pulled! My son has his front four pulled at age 2 and caps on back ones but he’s fine with it he’s 7 now and fronts r just now starting to come in

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I had silver capped front teeth when I was younger and it was awful! My self esteem tanked and I was so self conscience that i kept my mouth covered with my hands most do the time and refused to take pics. Also, I’ve had problems with the permanent “white” crowns not showing dark through them as my teeth turned black. I would totally get a second opinion, I would never go that direction with my kiddos.

My daughter is 9 and just got 4 crowns, two on top and two on bottom plus spacers on bottom. She is rocking it. She was terrified of the dentist and underwent traleatment at the local hospital. She feels so much better now and loves to show them off. We call it her “bling”

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If. Her. Teeth. Are. Silver. In. The. Back. They. Won’t. Really. Be. Notice.

Honestly they dont look that bad. My little brother had them on his front (due to an accident) and he told everyone it was just his bling :slight_smile:

They will NEVER pay attention to them, unless someone else does. Seriously, .

Ask the dentist to put in a few more white crowns to be sure that the sliver ones to show so much if your daughter is worried.

LISTEN. TO. YOUR. DENTIST. NOT. THIS. GROUP. OF. NON. MEDICALLY. TRAINED. PROPLE. as a dental assistant I see TOO MANY people just not get crowns and they need them then you have to pull the tooth… yes fillings are nice HOWEVER if there is too much decay OR the teeth have been ground down to where a filling won’t hold them you are just wasting your money. They have crowns that look like real teeth… like you can’t tell them apart if you tried. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE for your wallets sake and your daughters sake get her the crowns!!!


My daughter has one silver tooth right now (we’ve been told it will fall out when these tooth comes out naturally) and she was self conscious for about a week but she’s over it now, about 16 months later (she’s 8).

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Get a second opinion

I think silver teeth look cool

Baby teeth don’t need crowns, gees they all fall out. Crowns on adult teeth in a young child why? They file the teeth down and there is no repairing that. second opinion definitely. See on orthodontist,

Your daughter’s ideas about her beauty stem from you! If you make her feel like she’s beautiful no matter what then she’ll believe it


As long as u tell her about how beautiful and so on and it’s cool to have. Also how old? If she still has her baby teeth then most will come out. Maybe a second opinion about the crowns etc .

My daughter has the silver teeth and she called them her “golden teeth” didn’t bother her in any way and she knows that they are her baby teeth

I had silver teeth when I was in elementary school and thought I was the coolest kid in school it’s just how you make her feel about them!

Why dose she need crowns on her lower central teeth?
This is something we will not do in the UK , she can have fillings (white).

Also with the porcelain / Whitecaps there’s less concern of allergic reactions or heavy metal poisoning. Besides the neverending metallic taste.

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Get a 2nd opinion before you do this, if you have not already.


Do the white ones silvers cheaper

How old is she? Are these baby teeth? Maybe get a second opinion. You will have to do something fast.

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I got white porcelain crowns when I was around 15 maybe and I’m 39 now and I still have all of them holding strong. On my back 2 top teeth on both sides. So almost 20yrs no problems yet. And I’m not even very good at taking care of my teeth. Soo that should tell you something about durability of the Whitecaps. Dentistry techniques have even improved since then so I wouldn’t worry. go ahead and get the whitecaps as long as she doesn’t plan on chewing on ice which I’ve even been doing all along or opening bottle caps shouldn’t have any problems either. Lol. Best of luck to you all in the new year.

get a second opinion i used to take my kids to cavity busters and they do work just to do it to make money since they are baby teeth so please make sure its needed!!!

Please get her adult teeth fissure sealed!

Luckilybi didnt have to make that decision… my kids dentist said they basically cost the same and charged the insurance the contracted price for the silvers… he said he would never do that to a kid…

Tell her that with the silver teeth werewolves will be afraid of her (it gives her something cool to tell kids at school)

Don’t do silver. Kids are mean. She’ll get picked on.

How in Gods name did your kids teeth get so bad that they needed this kind of treatment? Did you EVER brush them??? Shit like this makes me want to punch parents!! It is COMPLETELY AVOIDABLE!

My daughter calls them her gold teeth and thinks they are just the coolest.

My daughter has a couple silver crowns and we call them princess teeth. While they’re different she likes them and because of them being crowned her teeth don’t bother her anymore

Maybe you should be more worried about her brushing her teeth inside of how shes going to feel having new teeth. Most of us have fillings or crowns, who cares!

Silver is cheaper if they’re going on baby teeth, that’s why the dentist recommends them since they’re not permanent. If they are permanent teeth I would do white

My kids have a couple, and they are fine with their “sparkle teeth”… you just gotta play it that there is nothing wrong with it, totally normal, woohoo her teeth sparkle!

I was worried as well. My son has 2 white crowns for his 2 upper front teeth. They are a little more white but what i wasn’t expecting was the pain he would have to go thru getting them done and put on. He was in so much pain. Is was horrid to watch!!! He is 6.

I had silver crowns, and never felt self conscious, and three of my five have silver crowns. I feel like it’s super common around 6-10 to have silver crowns. 🤷

Our son had to get 4 silver crowns as an 8 year old. He’s 10 now & the last crowned baby tooth just fell out last night. He always thought they were super cool & showed them on purpose! :flushed::roll_eyes:

There is some that are white on the front and silver on the back my boy got those and they look good plus yes it’s more durable

How old is your daughter? Baby teeth or permanent teeth? They will match the color of her teeth as close as possible but in time natural teeth change color faster. Crowns are exspensive but if she is losing her permanent teeth it is an option. Crowns or implants should be compared

My son has silver crowns in the back I think 2 on each side top and bottom. We don’t even see them

My son went under to have a few silver crowns put on, he ended up coming out with all back teeth crowned, top and bottom. Hes had them about 5 years. The reason they done them all because he is scared of the dentist and his teeth arent flat, they have deep grooves and no toothbrush will get into them so they decided to do it all at once and save his baby teeth from getting holes and affecting his adult teeth underneath. He was a bit upset at 1st when he seen them but it didnt take long for him to get used them and actually start showing them off. Alot of children have them and it also seems to be something children bond over because they have the same. My son has the biggest smile ever and always smiling so every single cap is seen, he has never been given any hassle about it by anyone and once I explained to him that they are only temporarily and are a major help to his adult teeth in the long run, he was fine. I wouldn’t worry too much about it xx

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My son had 6 crowns on the top. 4 white and they rest silver. He was almost 4. Since he had a chipped fron tooth kids realized his teeth were different and liked them. Mo one noticed the silver on the sides. They are needed to keep decay from spreading since they enamel is thin on baby teeth; and also as place holders for adult teeth when they come in. I was more worried about him being under anesthesia. He did well with both.

I’d get a second opinion from another dentist/orthodontist before proceeding with any dental work.

I have had a silver crown on my farthest back upper molar since I was probably 5 or 6 years old. It hasn’t bothered me much, and most of the time when other kids found out about it they thought it was super cool.

That being said, most dentists nowadays don’t like them as permanent solutions because you can’t see what’s going on underneath with an x-ray, so now they are wanting to have them removed and put a typical white crown on it.

I would definitely recommend the crowns over fillings if the dentist is suggesting it, but if it’s her baby teeth I would ask about the potential to have silver crowns removed down the road due to inability to see what’s going on underneath. You don’t want to pay for silver crowns only to have them removed and pay for white crowns again later…

My grand daughter has them and she thinks they r cool

My grandson got the silver ones on the bottom and we made a big deal saying now he has super powered robot teeth…he loves it!

My 5 year old has silver on the bottom back 3 because his teeth are too close causing risk of decay. He loves them. No problems. And we cant see them unless we are brushing/flossing. He was pretty excited to have silver teeth.

Mine has silver caps and she hates them some of her favorite snacks she can no longer have

My story a bit different, but he has a silver cap but on a tooth that will fall out, my sons dentist was amazing, he managed to convince him he had a super hero tooth. :kissing_heart: sending much love