Ok so I’m 9 weeks I drink half a gallon of water daily but still feel extremely thirsty even when drinking water I haven’t been to see a doctor yet my appointment is feb 4th and helpful suggestions
Drink something with electrolytes like a liquid I.v… drinking to much water can make it worse because it’s washing out essential minerals and such before the body can absorb them.
HBA1C test! Check for diabetes
Make sure your OB knows so they can test you for gestational diabetes.
I had this early on too. I went and asked my dr and for me all was ok. She said it can be just because the extra volume of blood your body is starting to produce. But always check with your own doctor as everyone is different
Diabetes. I would have your dr check it out
Half a gallon isn’t really that much, definitely get checked for gestational diabetes but whenever I’m pregnant I’m just always thirsty it seems. My doctor told me it has to do with the extra blood pumping or something. Pedialyte or Gatorade might help too!