My partner has a “healthy” digestive system. He goes daily, and when he does, it is SMELLY. Normally I just deal with it, but I am pregnant again and can smell EVERYTHING. You can’t even mask smells with me. I suffer from really bad nausea. I have had to be prescribed several different medications just to function. Even on a good day, his “breaks” get to me, but I endure. On a few bad days, he stinks up the apartment! (3 bed2 baths) a family member lives with us and she had one room and one bathroom. So we of course, share ours. But on his bad days, it can be smelled from the BACK OF THE APARTMENT BY THE DOOR/IN THE LIVINGROOM/KITCHEN. EVERYWHERE. We have talked, and he opens the window, turns on the fan, flushes many times, and sprays air freshener! I can’t ask him not to poop! But there is nowhere for him to do it. We spat about him pooping while I’m napping because I’m forced out of the room. I had enough. And I came up with all the ideas of what we are doing now. Today I demanded he find another solution because he is not the only one that lives here and it’s not just bothering me. I am very bothered, though, and it’s making me hate myself because I’m angry over something he can’t control! Am I an asshole for demanding he find a solution to this stinky problem without my help?
Uh you’re definitely being an asshole. How tf can you demand him to change the smell of his poop?
You’re kidding right. Hope you don’t have sons . I have a husband and 4 boys. You will be in for a real treat.
To be blunt. Yes you are. It’s nature poor bloke, I get you’re pregnant and maybe Hormonal but jeez the poor bloke is getting an earful for something he can’t control by the sounds of it. It’s his home too. Let him poop in peace…
And you’re having a baby? Get ready for those explosive diapers
You sound like a lose effin nut. And a brat. Maybe the you need to go find somewhere else to stay
Wow hope the baby doesn’t have daddy’s healthy digestive system! Who will change those horrible diapers?
If I were him I’d feel so damn embarrassed. I get you’re pregnant, but you both should work together on it. Go outside while he poops ffs. He’s a man!!
Buy wall plug-in fresheners, put bleach or a really strong multi purpose cleaner down the toilet and air the house out. There’s got to be a way. But don’t make him feel like a dog for having stinky sh*ts.
Everybody’s poop stinks. I’m sure yours doesn’t smell like roses. I feel sorry for this poor man having to deal with this lol
Could be a certain food… but anyways rub some Vicks out something under your nose
Buy or make some poo pourri. It works
You need to chill, turn on the exhaust fan 1st, light a candle, go outside
I’m guessing your shit don’t stink tho?!
He could have IBS or something, maybe his primary can help figure out how to help him.
Goodluck when the baby comes get over it
There is a product especially for this problem… Pooboo. I know the owner if you need supplies.
Um… You’re fucking nuts. Stop being a brat, let the man poop in peace… My husband’s shit smells too but… But ya know what?.. it’s supposed to be smell bad… That’s why it’s poop!!!
I mean…yeah you kind of are being an asshole. It’s a normal bodily function; how would you feel if he did this about your shit? Or if he was disgusted by your body during pregnancy? I think you would be heartbroken. Get some candles and some air freshener and deal with it.
Yes, you are being an a**hole. Pooping is natural so making him feel bad for it and demanding him to change his poop is ridiculous.
Yes , u being an ahole
Yes you are an asshole. You could cause him all kinds of gi issues with that kinda of demand. Did you know that making someone hold it, could cause pain bad enough that it can feel like a heart attack. Get yourself some damn nose plugs.
Now I’ve read everything
He should be angry at YOU! I get it, but get over it. If it makes you so nauseous while he shits. Leave.
I get being pregnant and not being able to take certain smells but he can’t help it. Everyone goes to the bathroom and you can’t control how it smells. You are just going to have to deal with it. Maybe suck on a cough drop to help you with the smell.
I cant believe I just read someones issue with smelly poop. I guess get to building him a outhouse. Or better yet why dont you just go live outside.
Yeah, you’re the a**hole, go for a walk or something if you can’t deal with the smell.
Don’t shame him for doing something that’s natural. To put it bluntly, if you don’t poop, you die. If he tries to hold it because you make him feel bad it can cause a lot of issues.
You need to relax. Try some yoga and deep breaths.
Does he have the bathroom door wide open when he shits or?
Wow. Next question please. This one is too ridiculous
Yes. You are the asshole.
Everyone poops. It’s natural. There’s nothing he can do about it.
I understand smells are stronger and worse when pregnant, but you’re being dramatic for getting mad at him for a naturally occurring thing.
Honestly that is horrible! To make someone feel badd about something they have a 0 control over. You’re about to have a baby, better be prepared for the worst smelling, looking nastiest, shits you’ve ever seen in your life! He’s just helping you get ready girl! Lol
I had debilitating HG.
I carried a lemon to sniff when I got around bad smells
You are definitely an asshole. How are you going to dictate where/when he can and cannot defecate ? Is this a fucking joke ? Because if not you have a whole other set of issues to deal with. If it’s that bad leave the apartment. But honestly this seems blown WAYYYYYY out of proportion. I had back to back babies and severe nausea to the point where I couldn’t eat except like two things, and I never EVER could smell anyone. Whether I was in public or at home. So you need to figure out YOUR problem because it is NO ONE else’s but your own. You seriously sound crazy to think that you can kick your partner out for doing something that can literally not be stopped. I suggest getting some professional help because this is deeper than you “smelling him everywhere.” Also what do you do in public when someone takes a shit ? Break into the bathroom or stall and tell them they stink and to leave so you don’t sick ? What about when you visit someone’s home ? Do you force them to go outside like a dog ? What are you doing about your other child taking a shit ? Do you tell them to figure out their diaper situation if they’re in diapers ? Or do you tell your child to just not go potty because it’s stinky . Like you sound crazy honestly.
Toodaloo or pooppourri both can help
Lady pls tell me you’re shit dont stink then I’ll agree with you that youre partner gots a problem with hes smelly shit
Is nothing pravite anymore … how embarrassing for him
Surely this is a joke
You don’t own air freshener? I was under the impression that everyone’s shit stinks…smfh🤦♀️
You just need to get over it. I’m sure yours aren’t so pleasant smelling either
Light a match! It’s what helped me when I was pregnant
Put like vicks or something on top of your upper lip
There are things you don’t bring up to people, and this is one of them. You’re the one being rude.
Let me tell you right now, this made my freaking day. Lmao but ladies let’s cut her some slack she’s pregnant and tall know how irrational those emotions can be. Honestly I would say he need to change his diet. Whatever he’s eating is most likely the case or if hes on medication? I’m not sure if it can affect your bowel movements but I know it affects a ton of other things and can give you bad breath and foul smelling burps.
Girl, I understand. I feel you on so many levels. My great grandmother smells like a dead animal crawled up her ass after she goes and I wake up in the morning to the whole downstairs smelling like rotting corpse. There is nothing you can do. It’s natural, they can’t help it. But I understand the frustration. Go for a walk
Omg I actually can’t believe what I just read. U are actually giving him a hard time over the smell of his poop. U really need to get a life. I’ve heard it all now
Well here’s one we don’t see everyday on here
Hi contact me on whatsup 0724306209 i will give u a ladys number she manufactures a product that u can use at home especially for that smell!
You’re a jerk. Maybe it’s your fault. What are you feeding him? Don’t blame him. This post is the dumbest thing I’ve seen.
Is this for real? I cant believe what I just read what a witch
Yes you’re the problem like wtf
The fact he is even tolerating this is crazy. You r nuts
What are you feeding him
YOUR BEING THE BIGGEST ASSHOLE EVER!! Should he poop outside ? Like this is all natural. Ofcourse it smells bad uhhhh I believe a #2 smells bad . I can’t stand my sons poop but I can’t tell him find another solution that’s just ridiculous. If you can’t stand it don’t make him feel bad about it . When he needs to poop kindly go outside or deal with it.
VIPoo spray it in the toilet before you go…stops the stink
We keep matches in the bathroom. Strike one during and after.
You need to get over it. Or YOU can find a solution for it. Like reading this … I cannot even take you seriously
There is a pretty poo spray to spray in the toilet before going.
It’s shit… you’re mad that shit… smells like… shit?? bruh
This is a you problem… you don’t get to control someone’s bowels.
They sell a spray that you can spray in the toilet before you use the bathroom and then it makes the smell not nearly as bad but you are definitely over reacting what if it were the other way around and your man was PISSED because your shit stunk? And I am sure your stinks just as bad but you don’t realize it because its your own shit.
Get a air purifier for the bathroom n some pooperi. But stop shaming him before he becomes overly self conscious.
You sad person what a thing to write about.
Feed him yogurt…it will help!!!
That poo porie stuff
God I hope you have a little boy🤣
What exactly would you like him to do about?! You demanding he find a resolution to his poop is like he demanding you get control over this smell thing. What a shitty situation
You could ask him to flush as soon as it hits the toilet as a courtesy to you instead of letting it sit and lingering in the toilet for a bit. Even before wiping. That would cut the smell majorly. Also, get a box of matches and strike some matches over and over. The sulphur in the matches really cut that smell too. Asking him to do this isn’t being unreasonable either, a happy wife is a happy life. Hopefully a compromise can be met, it isn’t hard to flush before wiping, that’s pretty simple if you ask me…
A Karen in the making.
I was on IV’s during my first two pregnancies and had to live on phenergan . I totally understand being THAT sick . Even the taste of my own saliva made me throw up . See if you can get phenergan suppositories . And I don’t think many understand how sick the smell is to you . I don’t have a solution but certainly feel bad for you . Lighting candles , turn on the fan and leave it on until the smell goes away , putting charcoal in a bowl near the toilet helps with the smell , poo poo pouri and other items may help . Your only other choice is to send him to a gas station . LOL
What about using the “Poop Pouri”, those drops you use in the toilet BEFORE you poop
Yes, you are the asshole. Poo-pourri spray may help, and he can also courtesy flush as his turds hit the toilet. Pregnant or not, you’re being a brat.
Vicks vapor rub or pure peppermint oil under your nose. That’s what the Mortuary Science department students and professors do at my school while working on the bodies in the lab.
Other than that, just deal with it. Being pregnant and not tolerating smells is one thing, but you’re making this a whole dramatic scene without it needing to be.
Sehrish Qasim please advise
What are you going to do when the baby comes and has stinky poop! Unfortunately it’s an unpleasant part of life. Also maybe some dietary changes may help.
Did your partner’s trips to the bathroom bother you this much before you were pregnant?? Is this a sudden problem?? Okay, obviously you’re pregnant and ultra sensitive to everything and emotional right now, but your partner might consider seeing a gastroenterologist to make sure he doesn’t have some type of digestive issue or health concern going on that he’s not aware of just to rule that out…
Are you serious?..
YOU are not the only person that lives there. That is his house too. He’s just trying to use the restroom for goodness sake. When he has to use the restroom why don’t you get fresh air and step outside for a moment? Get poo spray. Light a match or a candle. Stand next to an open window.
The hormones are making you mad. You will continue to smell terrible things until you give birth. I hated cigarette smell
What you going to do when your baby has a poo
Bloody hell I had same problem with my ex , once when he broke wind smelt so bad I was pregnant at time and I was actually sick , I had a small problem with that pregnancy but he was terrible for it too and going to toilet so fully know where ure coming from !
Is this a serious post. I smell a Karen
Yes you’re an asshole
Light a match. That’s what they do at my office. The poop drop stuff or spray as well. Vicks under your nose or something. Go for a walk even, while he goes.
I get it makes you sick or whatever, but I wouldn’t keep on, he has feelings and you may be creating a bigger problem with all the fussing over something he literally has to do. Hopefully it goes away with birth because small kids smell awful sometimes too.
Good luck.
Tara McCoy Chloe Flavin is that one of ye
Lol forgive him for being human
When I was pregnant, I thought my mans feet would be the death of me. He worked two jobs 14 hours straight and good lord sweet baby jesus did his feet confirm that lol I’d be throwing socks and shoes away every week…
Marissa Burdan Shannon Rodarte
I think you need some lessons in grace and decorum
Pregnant or not…I’d NEVERHAVE THE NERVE TO GRIP, COMPLAIN, MAKEAN ISSUE … OF THIS normal bodily function. !!! I feel bad for him.
This is just being wayyyy tooo immature. Growup!.
K but you’re not the only one living there… grow up
Have him use poo pouri or alternative brand of the same type thing. I think it puts a scented oil layer over the water to trap smell? I’ve never used it but have heard from a family member that it works. Is he keeping the bathroom door shut after? I’m confused how his smell is literally sticking up a whole house. Either you’re REALLY sensitive to smell right now or he may need to see a doctor! I don’t think stinking that bad is normal
Maybe try poo pouri . I understand being sensitive to smells when pregnant and it making you sick but… He has to poo. Might want to explain to him how you feel with your hormones and stuff since your pregnant and try not to be mean.
You’re not the only one living there either lol. Yeah, you’re kind of an asshole.
That sounds like he does NOT have a “healthy” digestive system. Get him some probiotics and try an elimination diet to see what’s causing it to be so gnarly. Poop stinks, but it shouldn’t ruin the apartment if it’s being broken down properly. Either that or your toilet water is too low and his poops are too big, so it’s hanging out in the open air for too long before flushing.
Yeah. You’re an asshole. When are you due? Because we’ll be waiting for scathing ridiculous posts about your babies’ poo.
Have you tried maybe walking outside when he’s using the bathroom? it might not be an ideal solution but just to get you away from the smell it might help but other than that I mean he can’t help it that he has to go to the bathroom.
Nice to meet you Karen
I really hope this is a joke. If not, do him a favour and leave. Just wow…
Go get some Blunt Spray…they have a variety of scents and it works wonders. I smoke cigs and it kills the smell. You can order online if you can’t find it in stores…mostly gas stations like Shell/BP have them.
Glade air freshener, with essential oils.
Buy some poo-pouri. It’s seriously works. If you still have a problem with it, idk what to tell you. But you need to quit being such a B over a bodily function.
I make my husband courtesy flush You aren’t shitting in an adjacent room and not courtesy flushing.