My husband works swing shift and typically when he’s on 3rds (7pm to 7am) I go and stay with his parents since I have severe anxiety that is triggered at night time and being alone, which causes a trigger to my epilepsy. Anyways I finally hit a year seizure, aka epilepsy, free, and his parents make “jokes” about how I need to start staying home. I’m just fearful since it would just be me and my four-year-old daughter, and I’m scared of the possibility of having a seizure in front of her. I just need some advice on how you keep yourself calm in anxious situations as tomorrow will be my qst night attempting to stay home on my own with my daughter since I was diagnosed with epilepsy last October. Also, I’d like to add when I have seizures; I am unconscious for several hours. I also wish I could say staying with my own mother instead of my husband’s family is a possibility, but she’s passed away a while ago so it isn’t.
Have you thought about getting a service animal. Maybe a dog I know its expensive but maybe some insurance companies would help.
Smoke some weed. You’ll never have that problem
Yes look into a service animal! Also maybe call your doctor or health insurance to see if you could qualify for an aid at night.
I think it’s a little much that they want you to stay alone. Is there anyone that could stay the night with you? A sibling that could just make sure everything is on the up and up.
I have been seizure free for over 2 years, I still wont stay the night alone or swim
Is your four-year-old daughter not their grandchild or something because I can’t imagine anyone being okay with their four-year-old grandchild or any child for that matter being in the situation where they could see their mother go through that and not comprehend what was going on or have someone to take care of them while you were unconscious
Learn different meditation techniques to stay calm. it sounds like a crock but it’s a very big help
I agree with a service dog who is trained for seziures and epilepsy. They have said lives and they’re great companions so would help with the lonliness and anxiety.
Maybe Live cameras in your house also that your husband could monitor ?
If you haven’t done so already, teach your daughter about your condition and how to stay calm if something were to happen if it were only the 2 of you. I know there is very little a 4 year old can do but atleast she could be prepared if it were to ever happen.
Make a chart for your daughter with puctures in case of. Include daddy #, 911 # and grandparents. Speed dial if possible. Go thru all scenarios with her. You will be surprised how she will adapt. If you have a backup the anxious helps. Good luck
Can u get life alert and teach ur daughter what to do, I know its no help but idk maybe something
You are now being healed from SEIZURES IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME AMENE
What form of seizures? Perhaps a monitoring device could help.
I have the same issue! I’m delivering our first child in two weeks and have severe epilepsy and am scared to stay home alone with a newborn. Luckily I’ve been seizure free since February. My best advice and what has worked for me is maintaining a low stress level and focusing on the positive as well as making healthier choices. I wish you the best of luck. Just know stress always makes them worse, so whatever you can do to lower your stress do that!
Look into a medical alert system with fall detection. If you can afford the $25/month it would increase your independence and give you peace of mind.
Make sure your daughter knows your full name and address and how to call 911 or at least how to call and your name. Do you have a neighbor you can trust that you can instruct your daughter to go to if there is an emergency? Reach out to your community for help as well, they might know of resources in your area. I’m sorry they are being this way. That’s sick.
Just say to yourself that he went to the store and will be right back. Also teach your child to call for help if needed.
Watch a funny movie maybe video call a buddy
Stay on a regimented schedule with meds. Sleeping etc. Consider checking into a therapy dog
I was taught this:
When your getting anxious name five things you can hear, four things you can see, three things you smell, two things touch, and one thing you can feel.
It will occupy your mind for a short time and break the cycle. I too have seizures and was afraid now my daughter (she is almost two) knows that if mommy is on the floor and daddy is home to go to him if not to sit down next to me. Be sure she knows the address and phone number and your name and hers in case she needs to call 911.
I would also get some kind of medical device it’s in case and have ur daughter press the button anxiety sucks but you can do this
Teach your daughter what to do if you have a seizure. Teach her to call 911. And start small. For example start staying home for an hour or two once a week and build it up from there.
I grew up with a mom who had epilepsy. She taught me from a very young age our address, her first and last name, how to call 911 and what was wrong with her. 4 isn’t too young to start teaching I promise! Your child could potentially save your life in any bad situation if you teach how to handle emergency situations. I agree if it’s that bad you should look in to a medical device. It well set your mind at ease. And if you had one even if you aren’t able to press a button or what have you, you can teach your child to do it if they can’t wake you up.
I was 7 when my mom had a seizure laying on the couch holding my newborn sister. My mom rolled over on her. Luckily my mom had taught me what to do and what to look for. I saved my sisters life and got her out from under my mom and got my mom help. I promise you it’s not too much for a child most times to explain it simply to them.
You should check into those dogs that can detect when you are about to have a seizure and you should have a medic alert button your daughter can press. My daughter also has seizures without any warnings-but these dogs are trained to actually know when one is coming.
Also maybe meditation before bed.
-Look into a medical alert system.
- Teach your daughter about 911, and make a chart for her as others have suggested.
-If financially possible, get a service dog.
It’s important for everyone to know your emergency care plan. Even your child can learn basics. As far as anxiety, you can try to live as much as a stress free life as possible but you may need to talk to you neurologist for more options and consider therapy. My daughter developed night time anxiety because of fear of having seizures and she is now medicated with hydroxyzine at night. I know how scary epilepsy is and how it can be traumatizing. I would hope your support system would be more understanding.
Get life alert and teach your daughter about your condition
You shouldn’t be alone at night with epilepsy imo. However, you do need to explain epilepsy to your daughter and what to do if Mummy is ill. If you have been seizure free for a year, it sounds like you are ready to at least try. You can buy sheets that have an alarm set up which goes off if you fit so a neighbour, friend or husband can come to help.
It doesn’t sound like you need to stay alone ( with your child ) . I don’t think your in-laws need to make light of this ! It’s a serious condition from what I hear .
Life alert, service dog, and teach your daughter how to call dad.
I’ve taught my children our home address, our phone number, my first and last name and the number to 911 as soon as they could talk, understand and respond. I would have random scenarios where mommy “needed help” and we would do the whole drill ( minus the actual 911 call ) I don’t have any physical health issues, but do have anxiety, so I totally get this and it’s always a good idea for your children to know what to do in a case of emergency. In your case, you could educate your child on your condition, let them know not to be scared if you should ever be in that situation. And have a safe zone ( in each room as you never know where it may happen )for your child as they wait for paramedics to arrive. If your only phone is a mobile, make sure they know how to get to the emergency option.
Best of luck to you!!
I have epilepsy ur best bet is to remain calm do something that distracts u if its night even better u and her can lie in bed and just watch a movie but youll be fine i am a single mom. Of three and raise them on my own i would keep a schedule of ur meds take them. And just because ur daughter is four talk to her about it and explain what signs to look for they are smart i used to be scared like that with my first but i explained to him mommy is different and what sighs to look for it wilm be ok.
This is my therapy dog if she senses im sick she will jump on me and bark that tells to sit down then she lays over me licking me
Baby steps. Maybe you dont have to start staying st home all at once. Start with one day week. And see how it goes. And let them know how you feel.
Medic seizure watch, or similar device (drs should have some ideas, of some alert to ur partner/ ambulance
Also start teaching ur daughter to call daddy
would be so scary home alone with a child. My daughter had seizures as a baby, then up to a few years old an I’m scared at the thought of her being weaned off her medication seems she is seizure free for 2 years so I understand how scary as to how unpredictable they are.
Wish u all the best. Hopefully u can find a solution
Meditation, deep breathing, regular exercise and a healthy diet help me with my anxiety.
Do you have auras?? Do you know when one is coming on? A medical alert button might be helpful if so- and at the age of 4 your daughter can be taught to push that button if mommy starts shaking and she can’t wake you.