I am at my breaking point

I’m so mentally exhausted, I’m tired of being told I’m crazy, I’m tired of being made out to be the bad guy because he puts on such a front to the world. I’m so tired. I’m at my breaking point where the only thing keeping me here are my babies. But I’m so tired.


I was in the same boat still am really as I have a little girl to him and it’s always me that’s being crazy and was always the bad guy was never ever him. We aren’t together anymore but if it wasn’t for my daughter I definitely wouldn’t be here. This world is corrupt and not getting any better. I feel guilty for bringing my daughter into this world as what’s it going to be like when she’s an adult I dread to think. But we are so much happier on our own we have a lot more fun x

I feel this :100:, I’m mentally exhausted too and mine puts on a show for the small town too making everyone think he’s the good guy, great manipulator, I’m so sorry, I’m here if u want to chat

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Your babies should be what’s pushing you to leave, not keeping you there. Go live your life and be happy. It’s the best example you can set


Get out now it just gets worse and physical eventually if not already there.

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Leave. I did this 4 years ago. Today me and my kids are thriving.


Look at it like this…
Would you want your son to be like him? (If you have one) He’s learning that behavior.
Would you want your daughter to be treated that way? (If you have one) She’s learning that behavior is ok to live with.
Get out now. For you, for your kids, for your sanity. It’s not worth it.
Choose “hard” to leave instead of hard to live with. You got this!!!


Don’t let your kids see this kind of life. Raise them to be different. Make plans. Where to go to until you can get on your feet. Maybe your parents or friends. Or a shelter. Anything is better than living a life like your in. You owe it to your kids to let them know that this kind of relationship is not good. Contact a lawyer so you have full custody so he can’t take them. Establish child support

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Honey I don’t know what’s going on but please reach out to a domestic abuse place by you. YWCA helped me a lot. Idk if there’s one near you but I’m sure there’s something like it.

Get out. You don’t have to stay with someone just because you have kids. It’s actually healthy and better for the kids if it was a two separate households if the current household with the parents is toxic. The toxicity in the home will affect your children because they are learning and watching everything and everyone around them and they’re like little sponges. Stop letting this man dictate your life anymore and remember that you have kids that need you as their mama and are counting on you to protect them even if it’s their own family. If you can’t leave for yourself than do it for your kids


Call the mental health hotline, 988 to unload and get advice.

If you have a women’s center talk to them to make an exit plan. Talk to your local family services office about what help they could provide. Also it provides a record of seeking help for court and that you are reporting his abuse.

If he is physically violent, call the police so there’s a record. In case he becomes more abusive have someone stay with you or have a place to run to.

Do you have a friend or family you and the kids could stay with for the immediate future? Talk to your local family services office. Shelters are not ideal but they are an option. People with kids get priority on finding housing.

Are you currently employed or do you have marketable skills? You might have to get a job to be able to get benefits like food stamps.

Get statements immediately from all your assets—bank accounts, investments, IRAs, safe deposit boxes, cash on hand. Put the statements somewhere safe where spouse can’t get them. This way if he senses you’re leaving and drains the accounts you have evidence of how much WAS in there that you’re entitled to half. If you have access to his paycheck info, take a picture.

Talk to a lawyer to see what your options are.

I’m so sorry. We see you, we hear you, we believe you, and we believe in you. If there’s a way to find out where you are, maybe one of us could take you and your kids in.

Change it. Paying for you :two_hearts:

Then he’s a dead weight. Cut him loose