I have an 18-month-old son who is so badly behaved! He screams all day long! He throws a fit about literally everything, even stuff he knows he can’t do/have like touching the stove, I tell him no, and he screams and throws himself on the floor, and the tantrum lasts until he tries to get into the next thing he knows he can’t, then it starts over again! He hates car rides; he hates sleeping, up multiple times a night, and up around 5 am every morning. He hates when I try to leave him with someone for a bit some and his older brother (5) and husband can do something. He’s so bad they always call and ask us to come to pick him up. He absolutely won’t play with any toys, even if I sit on the floor and play with him. I literally am losing my mind and want to rip my hair out. It’s getting so bad that I really don’t want to be around him. Work is my escape from him, and on my days off, I take him to daycare. Does anyone have a child that is/was similar?. Will it get better? Or is this a preview of what he will be like his whole life?!
My cousin was like this and it turned out to be autism. You should maybe see about getting him tested.
Wait until hes 15 yrs old if you think hes bad now🤣
You need to call his pediatrician. Make them listen. Call and call again.
Also, no, this isn’t just life now. My girl was like this. She just turned 5 and has been in therapy for a bit now and I’m seeing a HUGE improvement. It’s work, but it’s worth it
Definitely have him tested. He could be somewhere on the Autism Spectrum.
My 8 year old throws fits too and Iv gotten to the point when she does it I ignore it and she eventually stops but I definitely would call his doctor
Make sure he is meeting all his other milestones. Sometimes the ability to self regulate can be a sign of developmental milestones that should be met by his age. Explain his progress and set backs to his Dr.
Sounds like Asperger’s but I’m no doctor. Definitely have him tested.
you really dont want to be around your own baby ? smh as a special needs mom of 5 the last thing a child who might have problems needs to is unloved and its only going to get harder as they get older. get him tested as ge sou ds like my kids with autisim and learn to have understanding and patience
My son now five was exactly like that everything caused a tantrum. I am now being followed by a specialist in autism and ADHD and it has made a world of difference, they think he has high functioning autism the testing is a long process so try and get a specialist ASAP.
They also recommended a small dose of child melatonin to help him get a better Nights sleep! Since I started the melatonin about 1 month ago… the tantrums have been cut in half and he can actually focus on daily tasks!
Talk to the doctor your child might be to young but wow game changer and they also give you little tricks like giving them two choices making them feel in control but still getting what you want! That also helped a lot!
Feel free to PM me if you want I spent many months crying because my son was to much to handle but I can tell you with time it does get better!!! Keep being an awesome mom!!
Maybe there’s something wrong that he cant tell u cuz he doesn’t know how. He literally cant. U should bring him to the doctor. U said u bring him to daycare, how does he act there? Have u been checked for post partum depression? He’s still a baby n may want attention n can probably sense u dont wanna be around him probably wants u to hold him.
My daughter did and still does the same things and she was diagnosed with autism . ABA therapy has helped , maybe look into it . Good luck !
While waiting to have him seen look into his diet and cut red 40 from his diet.
Sounds like a red dye allergy
He’s a toddler. They have tantrums about dumb stuff. You’re clearly frustrated with that, and whether you intend to or not, that frustration and detachment is going to be displayed and most definitely will have an affect on his behaviour. Keep the environment calm, develop a routine so he knows what to expect. Narrate the situation because he’s frustrated he can’t express himself (“you’re mad you can’t touch the stove. Ouch! The stove is hot”). Redirection works, “you can’t touch the stove… here touch this instead, have a snack, etc.” But yes, sorry to break it to you, it’s going to continue until he is able to use words to communicate.
He is 18months old mama I know it’s sooo hard but get a hold of urself. Yelling just escalates the situation. Maybe he feels ur vibe and energies. He may be acting out for love and genuine attention and the only way he’s getting it is thru negative reinforcements. Something you don’t want him to get use to. I say seek early intervention therapies for baby make sure to check all milestones god forbid it’s something medical (plus they will have awesome behavioral advice for you) & seek out therapy for yourself also sounds lik a case of postpartum depression when you don’t want to be near your baby. Stop everyone in their tracks get help and readjust life according to diagnosis so y’all could b at peace and happy again. Your kids deserve it. Be patient be strong & be loving. Prayers for you and your family . I think may moms can relate there’s no such thing as down time in the day or escaping ur kids/responsibilities jus hang on for the sun to go down and me time mama time quit time is when they r asleep.
Breathe, Mama. My niece was like this. She is 3 now and is much better. It’s hard, but you will get through this!
Have you tried any type of reward system/ discipline system? We do one minute time outs with my almost 3year old. When we first introduced her to them, she was lashing out, smacking, throwing things, acting out, etc. she would go in for maybe 15 seconds and come out. We’d explain to her throwing things and smacking isn’t the way to express frustration to others. She learned really well. Even had a sticker system for if she was good all week, she would get a prize. My bonus baby had the same issues around that age, turned out she just wasn’t grasping how to form her sentences. My little sister also didn’t talk till she was three. I was the only one who could understand her for the first three years, eventually it clicked for her. She also had issues with red food dye, as long as he’s reaching all his milestones, I wouldn’t worry. My 14 month old is slow to reaching certain ones and even his pediatrician said it’s just because he’s lazy about it and is taking his time. Give yourself a breath, and a pat on the back. I had ADHD as a child. Was on 55mg of Adderall for 8 years. I have permanent brain damage due to being forced to take it so young. My issue was I had coping issues and most kids with adhd have a hard time focusing and also with temperament, a CHILD THERAPIST is what helped me. Not medication. Made it worse. Xoxo, your baby, you know your child better than anyone. You’ll do just great!
This honestly does not sound normal to me. I have 3 children of my own and multiple cousins. A lot of friends with children and none act this way, definitely not regularly. I would certainly reach out for help. Start with his pediatrician. They can direct you to some type of behavioral therapy or figure out what the cause is. Good luck. I’m sure you are exhausted.
Kids at that age throw tantrums because they can’t tell you what is wrong. They have a LOT of BIG feelings and no way to express it to you. Imagine if something was bothering you and you couldn’t physically tell anyone. It’s all about reassurance and sticking to your word. If you say no don’t give in. Explain why and try to redirect him to something else he can play with.
You seriously need to rule out any and all medical conditions… My grandson is 2, he would get out of hand, not listen, not sleep, not eat & he had several severe ear infections & seasonal allergies and ended up with tubes in his ears by 18 months, when his pediatrician kept saying he was “fine”.
Now we are dealing with speech delays which frustrate him as well. Add teething in & he was a real monster for a little while.
Thank goodness for Tylenol & allergy meds.
Next, your child sounds bored & lacking educational attention & motherly love. Teach colors, animals, sounds, do puzzles, play cars, go outside & play ball, tickle & run thru the house, read books, play with & praise your child.
He is 18 months…he does not know how to act, behave, be nice, get along or entertain himself until YOU TEACH HIM. & Even then, a young child craves a parents positive attention. Give it to them. The house & chores can wait. Your baby can’t.
My grandsons dr told us when they throw those fits ya lick them in a thier room untill the calm down but the catch is ya cant let them have any toys
I understand how frustrating that may be but I don’t think not being around him will solve the issue
I would pick him up take him to his room and close the door and let him tantrum in there don’t negotiate don’t pay attention to just plop him in his room and tell him when he’s done he can come out. I found the biggest thing when any of mine act like that cuz they just simply need a nap
My oldest was very much a handful, and so extra mischievous at that age. Good news! He has a genius IQ! That’s why he’s so curious! Start explaining everything that you see, that you know anything about, to him. You know that bird is a sparrow, tell him. My boy is an amazing 17 year old now. Those tween years were also rough, but he actually works at my place of employment now, and is successful in everything that he tries to do. He gets good grades, volunteers for concessions at school, in extra curricular activities, does his chores (including tending our chickens). All around amazing kid! They are hard to raise, these smart ones, but worth it! I hope you find someone to take just him, for an evening, to give you all the break that you need to have patience. I would totally be willing to put up with his bs for a few hours to give you a break! I might even have more insight after. But I am sure that you aren’t local. Maybe you can find a local older mom with lots of kids of different personalities, to babysit for a day, and give loving insight.
Being in child care 10 years, I have seen this. Tantrums are from needs not being met. He cannot TELL you so he acts out. Does he want your time/attention? Figure out what he needs. It may also be a medical issue. Testing may need done.
Take him to your gp and get a referral to see a paediatrician… there might be something else behind his behaviour
I have an 18th month old nephew I look after and he’s the same he throws tantrums for everything and throws himself on the ground kicking and screaming, I can’t even go to the bathroom he follows me literally everywhere, he won’t go to anyone else, when I try and eat food he cries for some and then he just throws it on the ground, when I’m trying to lay down and relax his favourite spot to sit is on my head, he won’t sleep unless I’m right there with him.
Talk to your Dr about it. Start teaching him simple sign language (more, drink, eat). Instead of saying no, redirect. Until you can get in to see the Dr keep a journal about his behavior to show the Dr.
He may have sensory processing disorder. Having him sleep with a weighted blanket may help. Holding him tightly when he’s upset may help. A small trampoline with a handle that he can hold to jump on and an indoor swing may help. My son enjoyed getting in a bath with toys or getting into our tiled shower with bubbles and a scrub brush to swirl the dish soap around. He also enjoyed being outside alllllll the time. Any living thing, cats, dogs, frogs, bugs could stop a meltdown sometimes. My child was bothered by loud noises yet was the loudest child anywhere. It helps to realize your child is not giving you a hard time, he is HAVING a hard time. Please have him evaluated by your pediatrician and pressure them to help you. Getting a child therapist or pediatric occupational therapist and/or a speech therapist can help immensely. When he’s able to do more for himself and communicate with you his frustration levels will go down.
I would suggest seeing a development pediatrician or specialized doctor. Also doesn’t hurt to work with a pediatric psychologist.
I understand it’s frustrating but instead of losing your temper & getting upset try redirecting him to something he can have so he learns the difference
I would see a doctor and rule out any allergy first. I would make sure he eat nothing with red or yellow die you can look up info on yellow and red die behavior issues. He need a kid safe play room that you can control what toys he has available so hes safe , play calm music or calm kids shows and take a break . Baby gates are ok . I would really start with food . No sugar or fruit . Do some food research I hope it helps.
Doctor time… unless he is just a spoiled brat that the parents doing a shit job… but if your being s good parent then you need to speak to your child’s doctor or look for some kind of help of medication or therapy for this child. He could be on the spectrum.
There are diseases that need to be ruled out before you decide it’s a behavior issue. There are rare diseases such as autoimmune encephalitis that can cause symptoms such as your child is having.
I think it’s the age, just get down to their level, and talk to them, try to figure out what they need/want, but stay direct and stay strong with discipline
Tantrums are 100% normal and unfortunately for some kids way more than others. Usually the art of distraction works wonders bur you say your little one doesn’t enjoy toys. Maybe try coloring, or water paint, books with sounds that catch their attention. Often times teething can cause more frequent tantrums at this age also. However, if it is a continual thing I would seek advice from a Pediatrician because it could be food allergy/ sensitivity related
Have him evaluated for services. My three year old his somewhat like that. You can message me if you need to talk.
Don’t negotiate with terrorists
Your pediatrician is the best person to ask . Could be so many things . It sounds like he needs something from you he’s not getting . It could be an emotional , or physical need. He needs you . Be patient and love him no matter what .
Diet & exercise. And keep his mind busy!
I have to agree with many above me and you need to seek out help for him, he very may well need to be tested by a Behavioral Health professional. Tantrums are their way of communicating when they can’t communicate any other way. He can’t tell you what’s wrong or why he is overwhelmed which is why he tantrums. It’s completely and totally normal but when they are so bad that’s when they need to be tested.
I also recommend getting your self in to some therapy because the way you feel about your child is not going to get any better unless you also get help. It’s hard being a mom and it’s really hard dealing with a little who can’t communicate. They pick up on our feelings and our vibes which can in turn make it worse. Please seek out help for yourself too
As my mom always said…
Terrible twos
Tiresome three’s
And F*$kin fours!
I would get him evaluated. Best of luck to you.
Have you tried looking into the birth to three program? My son was in it the program and just turned three on the 2nd. So he isn’t it in anymore but now in speech therapy. They are amazing!! They were beyond helpful with my son and he has come a LONG way. With his sensory issues, and anger/fits. Definitely recommend looking into it.
More snuggles when he’s not being awful.
My son has autism and he use to have these horrible tantrums it got better… my daughter had some speech delay and sensory issues and her tantrums were on another level!!! Therapy helped her so much!!
My son was like this also around that age people always said it’s just terrible 2s but for me, it was more than that. We’ve just had to put up with it, 2 years on, he is being diagnosed with ADHD.
I don’t have any advice, just hang in there, I can’t say that it gets easier because it doesn’t. Just don’t give up
Honestly talk to your pediatrician.
So I’ve never had to do this, but I’ve had two very good friends with similar child issues. They both researched it and removed the red dye from their kids diets…when I say it changed those kids, I mean they changed tremendously, for the better… less tantrums, able to focus more, sleeping better…In a short time frame. It may be worth looking in to… good luck mama!
He spoiled and will grow out of it I don’t understand why everyone rushes to go have their children evaluated
I would seek help ASAP as it is not good when you don’t want to be around your own child. Start with his dr and get the appropriate referrals
He may also want your attention. You take him to daycare all the time that when he’s with you he wants attention and will do whatever to get it. It makes sense. You literally said you don’t wanna be around him. Kids are smart! They can sense it.
Crystal Elliott Hanegraaf reminds me of what you went thru with Mayson
My brother was the kid no one wanted to baby sit or have at their house Don’t worry mama it gets better and your child will grow out of it. My sisters son was exactly like this, He’s 6 now and is the most mellow kid out of all his siblings now.
This sounds like he needs to see a specialist and be evaluated. More than a certain amount of tantrums a day is a sign of a psychological disorder.
I agree with some others …seek help from docs …i have 3 kids and none never did that! Good luck
If it’s as bad as you say…it sounds a bit excessive. I’d be getting a professional opinion as well as looking at his diet (dyes/preservatives/additives he might be reacting to).
DAYCARE. YOU NEED SOME PEACE. That also doesnt sound normal unless you give in and try to explain everything for 20 minutes why he shouldnt try telling him only the word NO.
Start with his pediatrician, maybe early intervention, you definitely need to reach out to a professional, not to sound harsh but if it’s so bad that you dont want to be around your own child, maybe you should also seek help for yourself, it’s clear this is taking a huge toll on you and I’m sure it’s very emotional and draining as well. Talking to someone might help you find ways to destress yourself and clear your mind so that you can interact with him better and find better solutions when hes acting out.
I personally don’t think you need to run to a pediatrician and get him evaluated. It sounds to me like he’s bored and begging for attention. Maybe get him outside to run some energy out, play a game, incorporate him in daily chores “helping mama” around the house. Deter from what’s becoming his “normal behavior” with new things, out of the ordinary things and keep at it. Reward good behavior. Don’t give up mama
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Stop negative reinforcement, redirect his attention . For example do not say do not touch the stove but say look at this book or see the dog or whatever. It is hard
When my son threw tantrums I walked away, after a minute or two he’d stop. It’s an attention thing, the attention is what they want. As for the playing thing. My 2 year old WILL play, but it’s a fight to get him to. He’d rather watch tv. I let him do other things like coloring, building blocks, playing with his baby brother, something else to occupy his mind. Now I have hardly any problems with tantrums, yes terrible 2’s aren’t fun but it does get better. Just keep on going mama!
Redirect. Don’t just say “no”. Give him an alternative.
I read your post and brought tears to my eyes. The behaviour you describe is like my son. Turns out he has autism and adhd. Didnt get diagnosed till ten as everyone tho was just naughty etc. Turns out had very bad sensory issues. We changed how we run things and now 22 id have 10 of him x
I see a lot of people telling you to keep your calm which is easier said then done, especially with prolonged lack of sleep and the constant crying. I feel you mama, my son is 2 and is in a whinny tantrum throwing stage and it is beyond exhausting. There is nothing wrong with sending your kid to daycare so you can have a break! Going to work is not a break you need to have some self care so you can be refreshed and have a clear mind to take on another day! I agree you should see your doctor but know you are not alone in your feelings. You’re a working mom, who sounds completely worn out. All the best, I hope things get better for you
Sounds like he wants and needs your love and attention. The fact that you don’t want to be around him, he likely senses and is upset about it. The fact that you take him to daycare whenever you’re off work tells me you don’t really spend any quality time with him or enjoy your time with him, for that I’d seek help for yourself. Kids need love and attention especially at that age. If you are that fed up, maybe you aren’t calm with redirecting and telling him no which will make it worse. Also, if you haven’t tried to redirect him, that might be a good start. Sounds like he just wants and needs your time, love and attention.
Why daycare on days off? Try doing something with him. If you don’t spend time with him he is acting out to get attention. If you are and still throwing fits walk away and say no I don’t want to play till you are not screaming. Mommy is going over here to play when you are ready to stop screaming and want to play come join me. Otherwise you can stay here and throw a fit.
I had a son who did that. I tried every thing One day I was so fed up I walked outside and left him by himself I did it twice that cured him as he didnt have an audience
Why tell him no when you can redirect him? Kids that age are easy to distract. Stop arguing with a 18 month old and get creative.
Is he vaccinated? Was he circumcised? Is there anything traumatic that has happened during labor? Pregnancy? How much screen time? Outdoor time? Stuck energy can cause so many emotions, in adults included. How’s his diet? He could have sensory issues and unfortunately at 18 months old this could be his only way to ask for help.
Some good advice that has helped me
Talk about this with his day care first. How does he behave there? They are a good starting point for considering the cause of his behaviour. If he behaves like that there then it would be worth seeking out paediatric advice or if he is great there, maybe they can give you some pointers to parent differently.
Honestly, my son was similar at that age. He has autism. Not saying your does but it definiltey sounds out of the norm. I would speak to your doctor about a referral for an early intervention evaluation.
Does he have autism ?..poor little poor…he might be scared stiff…
I would take him for outside time a lot more. My 5 year old gets really cranky if he doesn’t get to play outside enough.
Why sending him to daycare on off days after being away at work the other days, just not to deal with him? He’s just a baby with no clue. He needs you, he can definitely sense not wanting him around. Maybe he’s doing everything for attention. Just spend QUALITY time with him. Hug him more and make him feel love rather than walking away. And yes, I’d definitely consult a doctor and you need therapy too.
It’s a stage they go through but can be other things too, my 1 year old is like this but not as bad, try giving him a pan and wooden spoon to smack, they know it’s yours, I find tgey try do and be you and do what you do. I try turn the tables, so kaleb loves the hoover but kicks off because I’m using it so I give him my hand held one, when cooking I pop him in his chair and give him a pan and spoon, cleaning I give him a baby wipe and let him wipe the doors and skirting boards xx
Tbh my daughter is like this. And we have her in therapy for emotional control, some kids just don’t know how to deal with what’s going on. Maybe talk to a doctor and see what works best for you
Please people don’t make this poor mum feel worse than she already does, how stressful for you and your son. I applaud you for asking for advice. Try contacting some place like Cyfs or family centre to get help and support for you all. Talk to doctor, maybe something physically is making things worse. Be gentle on yourself. Some of us have been through, going through similar. Ignore the judgemental ‘perfect’ parents, it’s your life. Good luck
Is he the same at daycare? This sounds extreme.
Ummm, just wow. This upsets me. My son was horrible. Worse than what you are stating. I never wanted to be away from him. He is a toddler. Guess what 3s are worse. Maybe you don’t have maternal interests . Just wow. You can’t get time back.
Do you have lot’s of playtime? Just sitting down with him and his toy’s 1 one 1 or get him wrapped up and outside for an adventure my little boy only sleeps through when he’s had lot’s of fresh air. Also try and remember at 2 he cannot communicate so crying is his way of telling you he’s not happy. Good luck and remember it won’t last forever
I was gonna say sounds like maybe a sensory or autism spectrum don’t give up love try sensory toys and having him tested sometimes the world is just different for some
Well if you work and then put him in daycare when you aren’t working, what’s that telling you ?
I would talk to ur pediatrician about his behavior
I would start with his pediatrician and also a parenting counselor to give you tools to deal with the situation such as redirecting instead of no. This sounds like you need assistance from multiple angels and you are better person and mom for reaching out for help.
Mama, this sounds hard. First thing I would do is get him in for a thorough exam-bloodwork and all. He could have an ear infection, or uti even.
He also could have a vitamin/mineral deficiency. At this age, they can’t verbalize their discomfort. Don’t listen to these perfect parents lol *your mental health is important so yes leave him at daycare if you need to, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
I wouldn’t want to be around him either. There’s a feeling of despair that comes with a child that’s acting out and not being able to fix it, I totally get the hopelessness you’re feeling There is a solution. Hang in there. Take him to the doctor ASAP.
Well, what is your reaction when he starts up? When my toddler did this I flat out ignored him. Walk away out of the room. When his crying stopped, he got my full attention. Eventually, we moved on into time out. If he cries now, his time doesn’t start until he’s quiet. Mine is 3.
Does he talk? Sometimes encouraging them and saying, “I dont know what you want. You need to use your words,” can get them to stop crying and refocus them on communicating. Then I always say, “Stop crying. i cant understand you while you’re crying.” If he’s nonverbal yet, that may not be an option.
He very well could be on the spectrum for autism as well. My stepson is on the spectrum, but a very minor case. He used to hit his head on the floor repeatedly. But he always played with toys. I know with autism, there are problems in both showing emotion as well as verbally communicating. You’ll have to try different things and see what works. Some things work for some kids and not for others. If you suspect autism, push to get him evaluated so he can get the help he needs. The most concerning part of your post was you said he doesn’t play. Even if you sit on the floor with him. Do you think he is just stubborn, and doesn’t want to, or does he not know HOW to actually play? How does he do in interacting with his older brother? If he doesn’t, that’s also an indication of autism.
There could be a multitude of reasons, here. But based on what you posted, I’d try to eliminate as much as I could starting with if he’s doing it for attention. Or if you’re giving in just to get him to stop the tantrum, that’s rewarding the behavior. If you can rule those both out, then definitely take him to the doctor and get an evaluation done.
And your husband… he just says let mom deal with it… wtf! Girl! If you need a break and leave the house, when he calls, tell him to deal with it. He’s a parent too. This is his job as a father! It won’t kill him to spend time with your kiddos! They’re his too and they need him! Then you take your sweet time coming home and take the break you need and deserve. He’s an adult. He can deal with it for a couple hours. Be strong, be adamant, mama. Get the answers you need for your baby!
My son is 20 months and he can say some words, but it’s normal for them to behave like that when their high-strung, just means their Brian is developed so well that they want to do things ahead of their age. they get bored and when we say no it becomes hurtful to them… honestly I go threw this everyday with my four year old daughter and my almost 21 month old son and it can be draining for sure… but getting them dressed warm for out side sometimes makes them happy… depending on the day! and if that doesn’t work I try different things that might catch their attention… well I totally understand what your going through and hope it gets better… and if it’s really bad make up a fun hiding game with him… you walk away and come back around a corner and scare him hell love it… mine do. All I know is their going to be one successful adults one day! Good luck Mumma. Sorry if this wasn’t much help.
Mine is the same way. She just turned 2 and she cries everytime soemthing doesnt go her way, she throws herself around and throws tantrums. But she literally cries all the time and i have a hard time handling it. She is bad and gets into everything she knows shes not supposed to but what gets to me is the whining constantly. Her dad thinks she will grow out of it. I just hope and prey
Welcome to parenthood! Unfortunately not all kids are angels and listen and behave. You got a fun one! He sounds like he is all boy. Just have to roll with it, it will get better eventually. Maybe he is bored and needs more activity and I wouldn’t let people make me think my child has autism. People are so quick to make a diagnosis like they’re doctors, it’s ridiculous!
Record some of his tantrums and how you & your husband handle them. Sometimes it’s not the kid it’s us. Consistency is key. Make an appointment with his pediatrician and talk about your concerns. They might be able to give you different tools that could work for him. He might need to see an ENT/ audiologist because he might have fluid in his ears and actually not be able to hear you (that was our problem with my middle child - she needed tubes and adenoids removed). It was a life changer! He also doesn’t have communication yet so he is just as frustrated. We have a book called “don’t touch, do touch” that explains things on a child’s level. I’m sorry you are going through this I know it’s frustrating.
My son definitely went through a phase like that. He’s 5 now, it’s better most of the time but everyone has their bad days. It’s super important to remember how frustrating their lives must be at that age…Being able to understand communication without being able to communicate their feelings wants and needs properly… I found it helpful to explain why I was saying no. Instead of just NO DONT DO THAT! (I’m a yeller by nature so this takes effort for me) I’d try to calmly explain,”hey bud. No touch. Very hot. Ouchies” and he eventually started responding better because I think he understood I wasn’t trying to ruin his life, just keep him safe. Hang in there momma, it can’t rain forever
I’m sorry you’re going through this. I have an 18 month old (and 20, 6, 5 year olds) and my 18 month old doesn’t act this way. Is she talking yet, able to communicate? My youngest isn’t talking yet, which makes it hard for her to tell us what she wants. I would speak with the pediatrician about this behavior and see what they say, maybe they can help. Hugs mama, I know it’s hard
I would say as a mother of 2 autistic children that you may want to get him evaluated for autism.
This may sound strange, but take him to see a pediatric chiropractor. I have seen it work wonders on kids’ behaviors.
Talk to his pediatrician!!! Autism often shows as tantrums, crying, screaming for seemingly no reason. Then, get yourself some counseling or classes or something. Try to tackle the problem from every angle. My almost 3 yo son is on the downhill from this same behavior…my 1 yo daughter is complete hell on wheels from eyes open to eyes shut. Hugs to you Mama