My middle child nearly 2yo Everyday and night (night is wayyyyyy worse) Shes always banging her head on the ground, furniture and walls and doors ect she’s biting, pinching, hitting she gets to the point of just non stop screaming like realllly screaming especially during the night even when she’s asleep I try to comfort her but it makes it worse She does have eczema and I’m treating itI’m most concerned about her head banging she always ends up with bruises and egg heads
Take her to the pediatrician now,
Please don’t ask Facebook… we can’t give you a medical diagnosis, only personal experience and opinions that can make you start to fear the worst. Take her into her pediatrician ASAP.
I would definitely make an appointment with a pediatrician
When she’s sleeping it sounds like night terrors.but to be safe you should take her to the Drs . Just to be safe
My son did that as a toddler. He would even do it on sidewalk, took him to Dr and he had a double ear infection!
i assume you spoke to pediatrician!!! this is not normal. it needs professional evaluation not facebook
Research those pokey things kids get
You definitely need to talk to her doc. My son used to bang his head and had to wear a helmet for a while. He also had night terrors and some strange behaviours. Nobody said anything about it til he was older and docs wouldn’t listen to me about other behaviours I saw. Turns out for him it was seizure activity and he was finally diagnosed (and medicated) as epileptic at 6 years old.
Talk with her doctor about what’s going on. She may have something else.
Talk to her pediatrician asap. A lot of times self head banging is done as a form of self soothing or as a way to communicate anxious feelings. Her dr is the one who will be the most helpful.
Take her to the dr. And see if they can do an evaluation. I had a friend who’s little brother did that sort of stuff when I was a kid and he was autistic.
Have you discussed with your pediatrician ? Head banging can often be a sign of some psychological distress like Autism. Also , iif she is taking steroids or using steroid creams that can potentially have some mood / psychological effects. I would urge you to talk to her Dr.
I’m not trying to scare you at all , it could just be phase or side effect of something but I would get a professional opinion.
Go to a doctor but also get her room padded out
I was just talking to a friend tonight about her daughter who is now 12. When she was around 2 years old she had these same symptoms. Went to the pediatricians office and after an evaluation she was sent to an ENT they found out she had lost hearing in both of her ears. They tried hearing aids but they weren’t strong enough so she was a candidate for cochlear implants. After she had the implants the head banging and other signs stopped! I would definitely take her to the pediatricians office for a visit.
Yes! Get her to her doctor immediately.
Pediatric neurologist may be able to help with evaluation