I am concerned that my boyfriend stayed the night in a hotel with his cousin: Advice?

Wtf did I just read. :face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:


You a strange one…:thinking:


Are you implying he might do something with his cousin? That’s sick. You need help.


I stay with my cousins often in hotels. Not only is it cheaper but also more fun than staying alone… lmao I believe you’re bathsh!t crazy and think too much into stuff.


Is it really his cousin though? Or is it is “cousin”?


Your totally freaking out. Like EXTRA over the effin top.
I mean cousins can and do sh*t together, which is very disturbing.
But if you dont trust him and honestly feel like family staying with family is “weird” you need to let go of this relationship. Grow up

I mean if it’s his actual cousin, you’re being ridiculous. But I’ve told my gf that a girl was my cousin before to make her less suspicious so there’s that


Your probably way overthinking

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Is it his real cousin?

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Extra! But your gut is telling you something either about yourself or about him.

Side note, I personally have a brother who isn’t my bio brother and we have stayed together over night.

his cousin and him in the same room… cousin…

Dramatic thats his cousin let him be around family. I’m sure he would let you be if you wanted to hang out. Why is wrong for someone to want to be on their own, or do their own thing period for a while. People need their space too.


This can’t be real :rofl::rofl:


Jelousy isnt a good look girl.
I hope he dumps yo ass.

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That’s his cousin which means FAMILY


You don’t even trust him with his own cousin? Sis break up with him and work on yourself before you get with anyone else.


Never say never…my ex-husband is in a relationship with his cousin…like as in his mother’s sister’s daughter…blood cousin


I’ve stayed over with my 17 year old twin cousins plenty of time , they’re my family nothing weird about it

Yes btchh your too extra 🤦 that man did not mess with his cousin :joy::joy:unless they are from Alabama :thinking: then maybe id think twice


It’s his family…so unless there’s been incest issues you didn’t mention? you just need to calm down … good grief lol


Imagine being worried that ur s/o is gonna bang his cousin


Hes telling u what he is doing. Honesty is great. It’s his cousin not x girlfriend.

Grow up. I have stayed in the same room as my male cousins.

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…what did I just read😅

Geta grip of yourself girl their cousins😶

Wait u think he is fucking hes cousin🤨

Only thing that’s weird is that you have an issue with him staying with his COUSIN


What in the yee haw inbred cousin fucking meth lab bath salt shit is this?

You need to look within because this is wild. They’re family.

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What in the Alabama do you think is going on?


Really?? You’re upset he stayed at the hotel with his cousin that is visiting??? Girl bye. You better break up with that poor boy and let him move on. Stay single until you can get over your own insecurities…


Are you sure it’s his cousin?


I really hope you aren’t serious. It’s his cousin I mean unless he has a habit of sleeping with family I am not sure why you are concerned. I think you need therapy possibly. It’s his cousin, female or not their family and there are separate beds. My husbands cousin lives out of town and used to when coming to town with her kids stayed at his dads house with him. Not sure why it’s an issue.

You’re wierd. Unless he’s incestuous, it’s his family…


Talk about major insecurities. You need to cut him loose. And work on yourself
I have never ever had this thought about any guy I’ve dated😂 js that how your family works?

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It is his fucking cousin. What the hell women

You are too extra. He needs to run from you if ya’ll be thinking like that, no trust :woman_facepalming:

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It’s his cousin? Wtf? Are you into your cousins and is that why you’re worried? Lol

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Unlesss they are pretend cousins girl you are good

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In her defense, I once found out my baby daddy was in fact banging his cousin. And no they aren’t from Alabama :joy:


It’s his cousin? lol I really hope you aren’t serious. If you are, then you got some issues you need to address…

It’s his cousin tf is wrong with you

Hum… their cousins
Your a :peanuts:

What kinda trailer park, Jerry springer, Milwaukees Best, uncle daddy, raccoon skin hat, Christmas lights up all year shit is this???

You DONT TRUST HIM or you wouldnt of never asked the question… I think your kinda sick if you think he will sleep with his kin.


It’s his cousin…???

I think you need a padded room and some anti psychotic drugs. After dealing with you, he prolly don’t want any female now.


Guess it depends where ur from… but in Texas we don’t screw our cousins.


So not only are you so insecure that you’re worried about him cheating on you, you’re so insecure that you’re worried about him cheating on you with his blood relatives.
You should probably seek some therapy to fix whatever unresolved issue is causing you to feel that you have to worry about this.
I mean, if the roles were reversed and he was mad because you stayed the night with a cousin, wouldn’t you think he was being ridiculous?


Seriously? You don’t trust him with his own damn family?? If you can’t, then why the hell are you with him?

All I can picture is Ross and Cassie and Ross’s voice saying “she wants it. I want it. Why not?”


Unless you think he is incest, I don’t get it. Lol

If you’re actually worried about your husband staying in a hotel with his family member, you probably have issues you need to work on. How does your mind even go there? So gross.


The day someone accuses me of nasty shit with my FAMILY is the day I catch a charge. Honest to god get help and let that man go. You shouldn’t be with anyone until you have a come to Jesus meeting.

I mean, would you mess around with your cousin? Weirdo.


Ummm they’re cousins and you’re worried?! Why?

If you can’t trust him with his cousin, can you really trust him?

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Do anything it won’t last long anyhow so

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They’re cousins. Family…


Wow you are very extra.
They are cousins :rofl::rofl:
I have slept over my male cousins house before…I have even slept in the same bed :woman_shrugging:

If you cant trust him with his actual cousin just go ahead and break up because the poor man wont even be able to go to work


Eww… this post grosses me out. Just the thought of being jealous of your boyfriend cousin makes you look sick in the head


I’m assuming you think he lied about actually being with his cousin and think his with someone else cos I don’t think no one could be that hard up to sleep with their own cousin and if you think his capable of that you need to say goodbye

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This wreaks of insecurities and deeper personal issues. I personally wouldn’t even had questioned this scenario as it seems ludicrous that he would cheat with his own family member. But if you believe there may have been others whom stayed at the hotel that night then I would question if long distance is for you🤷🏻‍♀️

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Please stop… Girl if you are jealous over silly stuff like this I can guarantee you will single or find someone just as crazy… Come on.


If your mind is going places like that, you shouldn’t be in any relationship because you’ve got serious issues.


The MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION is " is it really the cousin"???


first and foremost, my cousins sleep in the same house in my family room, living room and couch when they visit. I sleep on theirs when I visit. In no way shape of form would a NORMAL person be sleeping with their cousin … not even if you got banjo picking on the front porch at dusk. If you think he is that “not right” get rid of him NOW.


You are definitely extra lol


Yeah they’re family…blood related family at that.
Sweetheart work on your self confidence cause your jealously is showing hard with this post.


Uh… their cousins? I mean yeah there are some weirdos put there that do sleep with their cousins but he told you and I doubt he has that in his mind.

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Say what?! That’s his family. Unless you’re used to family doing stuff together. So strange!!


Please and this relationship and seek professional help.


You are just insecure, he told you what is happening. Trust him!

Their family but at the same time my husband’s ex wife was fucking her cousins, step dad and is now married to her uncle 🤷🤷🤷 if u cant trust him then walk away.

If you think he will fuck his cousin, then why the fuck you with him!? You sound crazy

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Wow! You must be VERY self conscious! Thinking he is going to sleep with his OWN cousin! How sad is that? Are you thinking he’d sleep with his cousin because she has a child? Omg!

I’m extremely close to my cousin, hes 2 years younger than me. We grew up as brother and sister. His girlfriend was jealous of our relationship and I told her off. Turns out shes just sick in the head. Sorry but you should not be jealous of his family. Family is forever and you are replaceable.


Umm, yes. That’s his cousin for goodness sake, why on earth would you even have thoughts like that :expressionless:


It’s probably his baby :joy::joy: j/k


Its his fucking cousin if my dude ever accused me i would instantly terminate relationship which he should with you. She’s pregnant even. Your delusional. Period. Grow up.

My cousin is my best friend in the whole world but you ain’t seein me cheat on my husband with him

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His cousin. Enough said.


Well first it’s his cousin so I’d say you’re being extra. Two his sister is there too so yes I’d say you’re definitely being extra. If he is sleeping with his cousin you have bigger things to worry about.


Jealous much? You’re being ridiculously extra…she’s his COUSIN. What the hell do you do with your cousins???


You’re worried about your boyfriend fucking his cousin???

The way some people judge others so harshly is ridiculous. Why make the people asking for advice worse? How you feel about something isn’t necessarily wrong. It’s what you do about it in relation to yourself and others. People have feelings and they are sometimes ignorant to why they feel that way. So making them feel less than again does not help them. Ugh I know this is probably pointless. I can’t control anyone I just wish we were kinder and more open minded :purple_heart:


The fuQ you mad about??? They’re family…

What the ever loving fuck? :sweat_smile:

First, are they are originally from Alabama?

If not then its probably fine


Jesus fucking christ are you joking??? This is a joke right. Your showing really toxic codependency signs girl. A guy should be able to share a hotel room with his cousin in separate beds. The fact you even assume sex or something is fucking sick on your part. In sorry you feel worried. I’m sorry about the stress. But you gotta mad chill girl.

Wait … 1st , or 2nd cousin ? :joy:


If ur worried about him fckin his cousin in front of a baby than you should prolly leave him


What in the West Virginia is going on here


No, the whole thing is weird and it’s always going to be because it’s long distance.

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I think you have nothing to worry about their cousins I don’t think they would be doing anything but you never know but I think you have nothing to worry about

Many cousins grow up like siblings, always together, etc. I’m thinking you have nothing to worry about. He’s telling you what they are doing and it’s family.
Do you not trust him? They may be an issue in your relationship that you need to address.


No trust no relationship

Wow. LOL. It’s his cousin…! If there’s worry there, then that’s a bigger problem :see_no_evil:


Are you sure they’re actually cousins? One time a guy I dated told me this girl was his cousin and the girl wasn’t related to him at all


Seriously? It’s his cousin.

I’m not sure what you’re concerned about? That because it’s a woman he might cheat? Again. COUSIN.

You have a lot of incest in your family that this is a concern for you?

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