I am having a hard time being without my child...advice?

Hi everyone, looking to rant or for advice idek, I just started working at a daycare full time, I bring my 18Mo old daughter there and I’m having such a hard time being without her, I have been a SAHM until 2 days ago and I miss her so much during the day and feel like I’m missing out. We wake up at 5am and get home around 4, with her waking up so early she wants to be in bed by 7, so I only get 3 hours with her, I’m a complete mess…I’m also 6 weeks pregnant so the hormones don’t help. I just miss being with my baby all day and playing with her and reaching her new things. I know it’s been 2 days and people say we will get used to it and it’ll be better but my feelings are so strong right now all I can do is just cry


I’m so sorry. I know it sucks. And that’s along time to be without her.

It seems like u could bring her with you !

Not sure what kind of advice you are looking for this is a typical working parents schedule. You either sacrifice the time or the income or find a more fitting job…

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Yeah, it sucks, but this is the life of all working parents. It gets better—you’ll get used to it.

Do whatever you can to streamline the mornings so she can sleep a bit later (and stay up later). Dress her the night before & let her sleep in her clothes, let her eat breakfast on the way or at daycare.

You say she goes where you work; can’t you peek in on her ir eat lunch with her if she’s in a different classroom?

This is typical day for us (except we go to bed later) & only 2 days. And she is there at work with you, most don’t get that. Luckily mine don’t go to bed until 9. Do you have to get her up that early where you can keep her up a bit later?? I get up about an hour before everyone else, I get my coffe, shower, get ready, then get kids up, I pack lunches, bags, etc the night before. Mine don’t need to be up until either 6a or 7am depending on the day. I don’t go to bed until 10/11(some days earlier, some later), I get up at 5,

If you’re working at the same daycare you’re bringing her to try to get moved into the room with her age group in it.

You’ll get used to it. Just like anything else in life, this is something new. Trust that kids need time away from their parents as much as parents need time away from them. It’s called healthy boundaries. Allow your child this time to find themselves and try new things with new people. And allow yourself time to be more than just a mom.

Cry Momma - sometimes you have to do the hard, so your lil’ one can have it soft. You will have plenty of childhood to be part of. You cry - it will get better- you are right, hormones are a part of it. It’s just your “Momma feelers” getting their legs. Don’t cry in front of your young one about this right now. Trust n believe, young one, it will get better.