I’m having such a hard time with my 9 month old the attachment is just getting to be too much. She is exclusively breast fed and we cosleep with a sidecar crib. I mean I know she’s used to having me a lot of the time but it’s recently gotten so much worse and I dont know what to do. I work from home and my husband was usually taking care of her during the day but our situation has changed and we have hired a sitter to come for 4 hours a day. She is not happy at all, we’re on the 2nd week and she pretty much cries the whole time. I know the adjustment will take time but it’s honestly made the normal day to day attachment to me worse! I can’t put her down anywhere to do anything. Even just on the floor next to me to go to the bathroom or change clothes. She just screams. She won’t go in the car seat or car ride without screaming. My mom lives with us and now she won’t even go to her so I can do anything. She literally grabs onto me and freaks out. I dont know where to start or what to do to help. I’m losing my mind here not being able to do anything ever.
Get her a swing and pacifier. My baby was breastfed exclusively and I was a SM so I freed myself with a swing a pacifier and lullabies.
This is normal for this age. You’re her safe place. If she doesn’t take a pacifier please DO NOT start it now. She’ll eventually get use to you needing to go places without her. Even tho she’s breastfed can she get her own room?
Do the opposite of what you feel. Lean into her needing you, this will pass she needs your help to feel safe
She’s learning things at a fast pace now. We called it “tap back.” Just before they become more independent, they seem to suddenly need you more. Your reassurance that you’re still there will bring her through it at an easier pace will get her through it. She may be sensing your frustration or that there is something different in her routine with the new baby sitter. It’s almost as if they sense what we feel but they don’t know how to deal with it; which is why she’s checking in with you just to make sure you’re there. It will pass! Reassure her that you’re still there but let baby sitter and grandma do things for her too!
Let your mom and sitter do most things for her. Put milk in a cup slowly move from breastfeeding.
She’s still little and needs you .it’s normal I breastfed both my kids extremely attached . My son use to cry in the car all the time .until he reached the age for a forward facing car seat.maybe try pumping and using a bottle or sippycup. But try to enjoy this attachment and spend time with her .she will one day become a teenager and won’t want much to do with you.
Let the sitter take her out of the house. She can see and smell you are near. Once she is “out of range” she might be better because she senses you are not there and “rejecting” her.