So here is this neighbor that has an issue and I have done absolutely nothing to her I parked next to this apartment complex and I decided to apply for a job and she is literary following me with her camera and taking pictures and videos of me repeatedly and I was not doing anything but applying for jobs my music wasn’t loud and I wasn’t causing ruckus at all. She says nothing when I ask her what her issue is she just keeps Taki g pictures and videos of me in my. Car… what would u do any suggest on what I should do please? Thank you! She even goes as far as to coming onto my property and taking pictures of my car when it is parked in my parking lot I have caught her but I never got it on camera once again please help I feel really scared and like she is stalking me or trying to hurt me and I have never gone onto her property or I have never come into contact with her at all once again any suggest work thank you
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am having issues with my neighbor video taping me: Advice? - Mamas Uncut
I would contact the police
Contact the police. Film her back. Find out the identity and report her for stalking
Ask the police not facebook
Talk to the police and report her for stalking. Make sure you film her.
Buy a gun, have your window/blinds open with your lights on sp she cab see you at night! Holding it, cleaning it’s and point the laser at a target in your living room! I bet the bitch will stop!
This is stocking and harassment seek police
Definitely call it in and make a report of it. Try to get your own videos and pictures for evidence purposes. Be safe and good luck!
Make sure you take pics or videos.I would go to the police and file for a oop or an RO
Call the police and at the very least tell them you want an incident report, even if they will not come out, that way there is record of your contact of being concerned.
What did the police say? Oh… you asked fb first .
Go to the cops. Tell them everything you told us
If she is in public , she can legally video you and the police can’t do anything about it. It could have been a first amendment auditor. They want you to call the police. Dont call the police unless you see something illegal. They have more important things to do .
There is a non emergency number you can call from your town call them and ask what can you do in this type of situation
Ask the police for advise.
Call the police
File a restraining order on her lol
Call the police on her!!
It sounds like there is way more to the story than what you are saying. People don’t do that for no reason and if you were really worried you would have contacted authorities. So either your story is BS or you are leaving out important details and not the victim.
That is harassment. Also, filming and taking pictures of you without your permission is taboo. You could start taking pictures and videos of her.
File a complaint for harrassment & get a restraining order.
Also, bet prepared for her to not always be “nice”.
Start with calling the non emergent number for the police, that way they can go ahead and get something on record. Then, place cameras around your property. I think Ring is like $10/month. Anytime, you are about to pull up to your house start recording everything.
Hop off your keyboard
And walk into your nearest police station, and get her charged with stalking
Contact the police and keep your camera on for you can catch her for you got evidence. Have pepper spray also. Get a dash cam too for your vehicle.
Seek a restraining order for fear of your life and then when she breaks it off to jail she goes
Document it all as well. Start a notebook, and everytime she does something like this, write it down with the time and date
I’d get out my damn phone and record while I’m asking her what the hell she’s doing
First off, make a report… Cameras. Document everything.
Tik tok had great ideas for these situations lol
File a no trespass first, then follow up with a retraining order (it takes longer)
I would definitely get in touch with authorities and let them know. She might get more crazy then that! Put up security cameras to catch her on act, then turn those in.
I would take pictures of her. All the time do it back!! See how she feels. I think as long as she’s taking pictures of doing nothing wrong then nothing to worry about!! Next time flash her if you’re gonna be famous at least be famous for something x
Everybody on here is going to suggest the police. Thats good to establish a paper trail, but in essence they actually do nothing. Guarantee you the people that disagree are wyt LOL anyways, cops wont really do anything until AFTER sh*t goes down. You’re gonna have to grow a backbone and put a stop to it. That paper trail will come in handy AFTER the fact.
Cops and get a wyze camera for outside your home or put it in the window. Start recording back as much as possible.
Yeah I would contact police
Call the police, make a report.
Call the cops. Taking pics and videos of you with out your consent is against the lawn and coming on your property with out permission is trespassing
Call the cops report her stalking you
Record her recording you and keep it, incase you end up filing a report.
Call the cops. Thats super creepy.
She’d be meeting these hands before she even got a chance to step foot on my property
Get a ring camera and like others have said create a paper trail of complaints. Then you gotta keep your head on swivel when it comes to her! Keep your camera up so it’s easy to record her next time she starts harassing you …. You’ll have enough proof in no time I’m sure. Also look into getting a dash cam (or 4 foreal foreal) to put in your car as well to cover all angles. She seems a little unhinged
When she is videoing you take out your phone and start recording her.
I’m not sure what state you live in but we had a problem with our neighbor doing that we called the cops and they told us there was nothing they could do as long as she was not on our property that if she came on our property doing it that we needed to catch her in a picture or on a camera recorded and then they can go over and say something to her
Okay so here’s what sucks is that it’s legal what she’s doing.
You can take videos or pictures anywhere outside except on private property (you live in an apartment complex so it’s not your property).
HOWEVER. I would still contact police just so there’s a paper trail and evidence that you’re getting scared. If she’s legitimately harassing you and doing this ALL THE TIME, I would try to get an OP or no contact order.
Most likely they can’t do anything because “all she’s doing is taking videos in places she’s legally allowed to take videos in.”
I would ask her what her fucking problem is. Next time pretend to fall and hit her phone out of her hands and make sure it’s on the pavement so it cracks.
Call the cops. For all you know she’s tracking your movement so she can learn it for a bad reason. Video her back
I’ll put a No Trespassing sign up in my yard or somewhere on my property and then film her when she comes in my property and call the police.Get camera’s installed as well. Video record her just as well as she does you.
Taking videos and pictures is not illegal. The police won’t be able to do anything. If you’ve asked her to stop, you might be able to get her on harassment, but I’m just not sure how that’ll go.
If she trespasses on your property, then the police can do something.
I agree, It’s super creepy. I think a ring camera is a good idea. But I’m not sure there much you can do about her taking pictures and videos.
I agree with a report and place a camera on your property…but I’d also get a license to carry. Cuz as someone mentioned…police are awesome AFTER the fact.
I had this happen before. I started taking pictures of the lady every time she showed up. Finally I got a detective involved. That woman left me alone after that.
Go take out a stalking/protection report. Sounds like she’s has mental issues
Cameras, video, picture of her, enroll in a self defense course
I’m honestly confused. Your neighbor followed while you were out (away from your residence) and started taking pictures and recording you? And she was taking pictures of your car at home?
Is this someone with whom you are aquatinted? You said she says nothing when you ask if there’s an issue. Did you approach and ask her specifically why she was taking pictures and recording you? Or did you ask her (more general) if there’s any issue? Did she respond and say “nothing” or did she not respond at all? Is she attempting to hide the fact that she’s taking pictures/recording you or is she doing it openly?
I don’t like when my loved ones take my picture or record me so I can definitely see why it would be off-putting. But I know their intent and I am having a little trouble understanding why your neighbor would not only take pictures of/record you but also follow you to do it when you leave your house.
If it was me, first I would probably want to be relatively sure she was actually taking pictures of/recording me and not doing something with her phone that made me THINK she was (thus the reason I asked if she was trying to hide it or was open about it). If I AM relatively sure that was the case I would approach her (non-confrontationally) and ask “why are you taking pictures of me?”
It seems very strange that someone who simply lives near you would follow you while you were applying for jobs just to record you without any reason at all.
I know the responses here are split between calling the police and not calling them and I don’t think there’s much (if anything) they can do. It’s very cringy but I don’t think illegal if she’s doing it in public and not peering through your windows (what she does with them might be a different story). At best, you said she’s coming on your property to do it- you might be able to call for her trespassing but even that might be a stretch. I’m not saying not to call (don’t call 911 unless it’s an actual emergency) but don’t expect much because if there’s no actual threat, I don’t think there’s much they can do. They MIGHT be able to advise you better
Post a sign and then call the cops when she’s doing these things. Tell them it’s not the first time and your scared for your safety. What a crazy person wow
I think you are past the “just ignore her” stage.
You are going to need to find out who this woman is. See where she lives and so a search online of the property by address. You could check with her neighbors or her landlord, let them know what she is doing and ask if they have seen this behavior before.
You need to 1) start documenting these incidences by writing down dates and what she is doing on those dates, 2) take photos and video with sound of her doing what she is doing for use in getting a restraining order - identify the date verbally and state out loud that you want her to stop recording you and let her know you are recording her as some states require the person have knowledge of a recording before that recording is admissible, 3) call adult protective services to see if they can assist in getting her mental health treatment. 4). You should also call the local police department to put them on notice of this harassment and her trespass in order to find out what they can do about her trespassing and photo and video taking on your property. Let them know you have directed her to stop and also let them know you feel threatened and you feel that your life is in danger by her actions, but only relay these issues if this is how you feel. Ask the police or sheriff dept. if there are any prior reports filed against the woman. They might open up and let you know if she has done this to anyone else in the past. Ask if they will respond the next time this happens with the woman. Ask if they will go to her home and ask her to stop following you and recording g you. It may be enough for the police to respond and ask her to stop.
If you can afford it, get a couple of Ring cameras or other security cameras with sensor lights and have them installed. Save the recordings of the woman.
When you have collected your recordings and data and get that together, you can share that info with the police and see if they will take a report at that point, if they did not before. You can also read up online about how to file a straining order.
The woman may be a crank. She may be mentally ill. She may also be dangerous. She may vandalize your property, if you take action. I’d be really leery of the woman. You don’t know what you are dealing with. Be safe. Start carrying bear or pepper spray but don’t carry it into court, or govt buildings or into the police department. You can also get a whistle or a can of spray or a devise that makes a very loud noise.
Start filming her back. Pretend to.
Get a thing of mace & when you catch her on your property or video taping you mace her. I bet she won’t do again
Grab your camera and do exactly what she’s doing.see how she feels about that
My husband is retired Police and he says it is stalking and you should go to Police and tell them what she is doing and get an exparte order which is similar to a restraining order. If you can take some photos of her doing this it would be even better, Good Luck and be careful. I would carry pepper spray just in case . Could an ex have hired her to watch you and report back?
I would her personally lmao
I can’t say what I would do but since your scared why haven’t you contacted the police??? I mean that is stalking you. So call the police.
Get a restraining order
Make a police report. If you feel threatened they have to do something. Also check into a personal protection order
Press charges get an restraining order
Just pose then you hit her over the head with that brick in your purse and take that phone
Legally she can take pictures of you while you are “in public”. She can’t take pictures through the windows of your home. Confront her and ask her stop. Inform her that if she doesn’t stop following you around then you will involve the police. It may be enough to scare her off, but otherwise she really isn’t breaking any laws. She’s just annoying you and that’s not illegal.
As far as we can tell by your post, she hasn’t done or said anything that would cause a reasonable person to fear for thir safety. She’s said nothing, hasn’t touched you etc. so you have no grounds for a restraining order.
Get a big dog, post a no trespassing sign, and let the dog chase her off
That is creepy. I can’t blame you for being uncomfortable. Get some cameras for evidence and seek legal advise. If they can’t do anything legally, consider carrying protection .
Photo shoot. Start doing poses and ask for her to forward them.
. Take evidence of her coming on to the property and her following you around. Try to be ‘sneaky’ about it, don’t engage with her.
. Go to the Police with the evidence (also give the Police a heads up that if anything happens to you to look at neighbour and also where she lives and looks like)
. File for a restraining order.
Get a security camera
This is really a creepy situation. I’m not sure what you can do unless she repeatedly comes onto your property. I would try to get pictures of her filming and photographing you while clearly standing on your property. That would be a clear case of trespassing… and probably harassment, you might make stalking stick. Getting documentation is the key here. She’s filming you… start filming her filming you. Then call the cops and show them your video of her filming you. I don’t know if they can do anything until she actually voices a threat of some kind… but it would be nice to have a paper trail about the problem in case your car gets vandalized or some other mess arises.
Is it private property you own or public property or private property? There is no expectation of privacy when in public.
Is this in canada? We went through something absolutely terrible a year go…harassment, stalking, screaming and yelling all of that and police said they cant do anything unless she threatened us…we had to get a lawyer involved and that barely helped
Seems just like she’s miserable.
Videotape her back and call the cops…
Pull out your phone and record her right back doing it it will be a dose of her own medicine and exactly the proof you need to prosecute
l Get paid over $123 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16428 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
Get a restraining order asap I’ve been through this and it will only get worse
Get a outside camera set up so you can catch her stalking you, you need evidence
Start recording her. Also, get it on video of you asking her why is following you and recording AND asking her to stop. State the date and time in the video.
If it persists, again, record and then call the police. You can file harassment against her.
Get your phone out and start doing the same thing. Document everything.
If you can prove it, go to law enforcement.
Go to her car and start doing the same thing. When she comes out to say something to you, take a picture and video of her and walk away. See how much she likes it then call the cops. She’s taking your photo without your consent.
I’d get a restraining order and press charges if she is coming onto your property. Set up a camera for inside and outside ( ring is a good one ). Always carry whether that be a weapon or mase). In some areas she doesn’t need permission to record with audio… In some areas she does so look up the local laws for your area.
File a report on this weirdo.
Pretty sure call the police if you’re scared someone is stalking you was the right answer, not post on FB.
What went down the day it started something in you’re behaviour might of triggered her.?
For example in may I got death threats towards me and my children (police got involved due to the content in the messages but wouldn’t take things further due to lack of evidence) less than 2 weeks later there pool got slashed and a knife was left in there pool.
At the time wasn’t sure on who had done it but it’s come apparent that it’s kids on the street trying to wind us up.with there behaviour.
I’ve put cctv up along our front and back garden out of genuine fear that something is going to happen and it keeps setting my bpd off with the amount of anxiety I’m feeling around it or could be something as small as her finding something you have done and it’s making her own flight or flee behaviour off balance even more so if.she dosen’t really know you that well, don’t confront her head on as it could end badly just give each other some breathing space and log anything that takes place x
If she’s coming on your property or recording and it’s not an apartment complex I don’t know about that but I know for a fact that she can record from the public sidewalk and road but coming on your property is called trespassing if it’s the first amendment of the Constitution gives us the right to record from any public road or sidewalk where she’s coming right on your property and doing it that is violation of your privacy
Why would you post about it on a Facebook mom group and not call the cops? Y’all so weird I stg.
Time to install cameras & start recording her as well
l Get paid over $123 per hour working from home. l never thought I’d be able to do it but my buddy makes over $16428 a month doing this and she convinced me to try. The possibility with this is endless.
Go to This.
I dunno what’s going on has to be more to the story…she said when she ask her why she doesn’t say anything just kept on taking pics but on the end she said she hadn’t never come into contact with her?
Take video and pics of her
Call somebody on her???
Smash the camera up and kick fuck out her job done
They need to start making laws about this I can’t stand that. Every time I turn around everyone’s got cameras out recording people w out their consent. I would’ve bugged on that lady and then I would be the one in trouble in the end. Like mind your business and go about your day. Can’t stand it.
Either she’s totally bonkers or you’re not telling the entire story. When you know you’re being recorded try smiling and waving and talking to her in a friendly manner as you walk.
Get a yi cam for your window to capture her doing thus, they attach to an app on your phone and are cheap. File a report. Sounds like she’s trying to provoke you.