I am having pains in my c-section scar...advice?

I’m 5 weeks post c-section, with a 17 month old that was a c-section. My stomach where I was cut open is having sharp pains and it’s hard for me to stand up. I’ve felt like absolute crap all week with flu like symptoms, my head feels awful, insane back and leg pain. My stomach has been extra sore this week but now these sharp pains started today. I know yall are not doctors, but has anyone had anything happen similar and something been wrong like infection or?? My 6 week check up isn’t until next week but this pain is insane and it has me worried.


Totally normal I’ve had a c section and multiple other surgeries in that general area and it takes a long time to heal it was major surgery. Months to heal !

Call your Dr & move your 6 week check up earlier or just walk in

I had 3 c-sections. I used to get those pains after each one of my c-sections. Never had any issues than just the pain. It will eventually go away. It does take time tho!! Good luck!!

It took mine 5 yrs to heal.

Call your doctor and tell them what you are experiencing.

Yes. I was like 3-4 weeks post partum it really hurt to do anything. look at your c section to see if it’s red or has any weird rashes or oozing or smells. It helps if you use a flashlight to get a good view and take a picture and send it to your Dr. Also if your having night sweats or hot/cold flashes be seen asap. Sounds like you might have an infection. Especially if the pain is constant not just sharp pains now and then.

Sounds like nerve endings growing back… Its been 3 years and I still get the pains some times but not all the time

I’ve had 3 c sections most recent one in 2020 and I never had those symptoms
I’d get checked just to be safe.

Although I didn’t have a c-section, it sounds infected. I would go the ER. My cooter got around 50 stitches and somehow got infected postpartum and I also had flu like symptoms. Definitely go to ER, that isn’t good.


Call Dr ASAP and speak with them or delivery floor at hospital and speak to on duty nurse or go to ER. It’s better safe than not. I am 13 and 23 years post c section and often get pulling/ripping pains in one area of scar as if it’s trying to adhere internally and pulling away but stabbing pain with other symptoms this recent post surgery isn’t normal.

It’s pretty normal unless it’s accompanied by pus, warm to the touch, fever, redness, and etc. My last C-section was in 2018 and I occasionally get random pain in that area.

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Iv have 2 C-sections. On 13 years ago and 1 almost 2 years ago. I still randomly get those pains in my scars. What’s crazy is sometimes it goes numb or if someone touches it the pain will shoot. Kinda odd but from what my doctors say it’s normal

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I’ve had 3 c sections sharp pains would be ok but no accompanied with other symptoms. Visit ER please.


Go to the hospital now !!! Wish you didn’t feel the need to go to social media this is your life and you have kids girl go take care of yourself god bless you and give us some updates go now!!!

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I know your just seeing who else went through this but please don’t listen to the comments of people saying they had it and were fine go to the ER everybody is different and it could be a serious infection

Call your dr!!! Do not rely on Facebook!!

I would go to the emergency my c-section incision was infected and I never had any of those symptoms

This sounds like an infection that could be sepsis I would be going to the er or urgent care I had 2 c sections and these symptoms were on the list to watch for to come back in


I’d probably get in touch with your doctor about your symptoms but I still get pain in my scar now and my son is 6.

Please go in I had this and was infected and septic

Go to the ER asap just to be sure that it’s not something serious. You don’t want to wait it out to see if it gets worse.

So the first c-section wasn’t healed and you got another, go see a doc

Umm I had two C-section… one with MRSA infection and I did NOT have pain like described… please call your OB!!!

Lady this is Facebook ffs we aren’t doctors!! Call your doctor

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Get yourself to an er now. Stop fooling around asking inexperienced people.

Don’t wait get it checked out. You should be feeling better now not worse.

I had 2 c sections. I had similar symptoms and thank God my kid was in the nicu so I could ask a nurse and they immediately readmitted me as it was an infection.

To this day, I have severe pain and issues and as the numbness wears off (yes I still have numbness 2 years after my 2nd c section and 3 years after my first) the pain comes out full force as if the numb spots are subduing it all.

I just have no insurance so no dr for me… just trying to be healthy and keep pushing forward. But you really should go in

Advice… call your doctor, the trained medical professional, and do that they tell you.

Get off the internet and go to the er or doctors.