I am having trouble feeling confident at my current weight: Advice?

hello, I’m a little on the heavy side on the scale. At maybe 220. I wasn’t like this before i got pregnant. I was always heavy throughout school, but the smallest I’d ever been was about 160. when I met my husband I was about 175. now I’m 220… he doesn’t seem to bothered with it but I’m trying to lose weight. sometimes I don’t like looking at myself because I don’t feel attractive. but other times I’m confident and tell myself I’m perfect the way I am. the thing that bugs me most is I wanna do something special for my husband. u know, like “special” special. I wanna wear lingerie and all these other sexy things for him, make him feel special like the way he makes me feel. but I constantly put myself down about it. like he won’t like what he sees, or I wouldn’t look as good as i think I will, or I’ll never look like the girls in magazines or on tv, or I’m jus not pretty… his taken me to “special” stores and we looked and he found what he wud like and kept telling me I shud get it. but I didn’t get anything, I jus kind of giggled because I was embarrassed for myself. but I really want to try it. is there anybody else that feels like this? shud I jus swallow my self doubt and surprise him? what else can I do to help make myself feel better? thank you, any opinions are welcome.


I’m currently 194LBS 37 weeks pregnant. Honestly I wanna do the same one thing that helped me was eating a bit better, lots more sandwiches and salads:) I hit 180 when my daughter was a year old largest until now I’ve ever been in my life. What I would do is go to store that have babydoll tops that way I could show just enough but feel like I could hide a bit. :slight_smile:

He shouldn’t be asking you to wear anything you’re uncomfortable with…

I think you should go for it and surprise him you’ve carried a child, yalls child and he’s your husband I’m sure he loves you just the way you are know matter what and to me it don’t matter if a woman has had a child or not we are ALL beautiful good luck :heart:

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Girl as a mom of 2 Irish twins (11 months apart) I’m FAR from perfect I used to be a bad bitch uhhmmmm I still am just got that mama bod an your man does love you how you are because baby girl you have kids/kid now our bodies will never look the same without some straight dedication and honestly with kids I have no time I was 230 or more after my second and I was at 160 pretty much for 10 years I wouldn’t lose or gain… . I lost all my second babies baby weight 30 lbs which leaves me at 200 and still have yet to lose that because let’s face it we don’t want to work out we wanna eat cookies all day and get some mc donalds on the way to Wal-Mart with the kids lol because mom life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows it’s tough!! So don’t put yourself down us women are freaking amazing look what are bodies created these little precious human beings I wouldn’t take that back for nothing… . I am happy with my mom bod and you should be too all of us are beautiful women and I’m sure your just as beautiful on the inside and sometimes that’s all that really matters…

Drink celery juice without every morning weight will drop fast

Your husband loves you regardless so be confident in your own skin