I am in charge of taking my husband and his grown son to work...advice?

Sounds like they Both are using you.

Tell both slugs to move out. If you take proper care of your children ,seems to me that is responsibility enough. You need a man who takes care of you and the children NOT someone else that you have to take care of.

Sounds like you have 5 kids you are taking care of. I understand your frustration because it sounds like if you don’t bring them to work they won’t try and find an alternative ride and just won’t go. Then they aren’t making money and your finances become an issue. On the other hand you are choosing to be a stay at home mom so if you want that to be able to continue your SO needs to get to work. I think as long as you are wanting to stay home then you have to deal with getting your SO to work. Does your SO give you money weekly for bills etc? Perhaps he believes part of that money should go toward the gas? The son needs to go. It is NOT your responsibility to get him to work. I’d give him X amount of time to be out of your place. If your SO has an issue with that he can go too.

They are both working they can save money and get a hoopty that’s crazy and a lot on one person

Tell them to grow up and get a license. How silly

NTA…you’re raising man babies, ma’am

You are not in a good position. You’re catering to 2 grown adults. (You’ve already got children. You don’t need 2 more.) These men need to grow up and stand on their own 2 feet. Your partner is an ADULT. Why doesn’t he have a license? If they can’t do this, they need to go. Start putting your ducks in a row so you and your kids are in a good place if the kicking out becomes necessary.

So step son gives 25 a week for gas yet partner barley has money to give u what the hexx is really going on

Why didn’t you " let them know right now"? F that! Those grown azz men are on their own!! If dear hubby needs a driver, let him know when he gets the kids dressed and into the car, you’ll be there to drive. And grown son, well he would be my indentured servant as long as I had to participate in his nonsense.

Run so far from that shit show

Make them grow up! They have no right to expect you to bundle up three children to do their bidding.

Get the hell out of there. you have enough to do with 4 little children let alone 2 more big children. Tell them to get their own drivers licenses or take the bus or cab to work or carpool. sounds like they like just taking advantage of you. get out

Find yourself a real man. This is ridiculous!!!

That’s your family. U have no job. It’s not going to kill u to take them. Come up with what they need to give u for gas and hold em to it. Otherwise, no ride

Nope I been there it’s my car regardless if I stay home legit in my name the car me and hubby own his family expected me to be a taxi I said he’ll no my husband will take my car to and from work unless I need it for me and kids if I ha e it no problem I’ll help if not busy but I will not take ppl back and forth everyday all day I have 3 kids so I tell them ask everyone else before you ask me

take a efing bus you bastards.

Why does the adult son need driven. Did i or did i not read thr son also doesnt have a license. Why dont they have licenses? Adult son contrubiting at all with home expenses? Why does your husband habe tp give you money when you should be sharing expenses amd able to have access to said money at any time. What of you ran outta gas? Your husband sounds very controling for someone who doesnt have a license. They need to work on getting a license and getting their own car. Theyre grown adults. Theyre a finacial drain all that driving. There was a time i was doing elementary, middle school and hs then daycare then to work just in the morning they had a way either home or daycare picked up and that was exhausting alone. Dont let your husbamd gas light you making you feel guilty.bit is a lot and not to mention the finacial abuse if you dont have access to the money to do simple trips to the gas station. How far is work anyway? Could they not car pool or something? So many questions but ome thing i know for sure is he is gaslighting you and finacially abusing you. He needs to work on that. He has a tantrum about this and get physical or anything. I hope you have some support to support you in this difficult time. Bc he is acting like a spoiled brat and showing his son its ok to treat their partners abusively. Not ok.