I am in early labor

Got my bloody show at 4:00 am and cramps so went into hospital was having some contractions i was really thinned out and only 1.5 dilated they sent me home and said i was in early labor… As soon as i leave im getting painful contractions 10 mins apart after moving around


Usually they don’t rush until your 3-5 mins apart.
Best bet, keep a log of times. When you have 3 contractions 6mins a part, go back.
Breath. Focus on breathing not the pain. It’s hard, I know. Sing. Hum, whatever you need to do.
It’s almost the home stretch momma! You got this!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Take a short maybe 30 minute walk, and then relax! And get a good meal in now! Don’t worry too much about timing them right now, and I wouldn’t go back until they are harder to work through and pain becomes more unbearable. You can hum, sing, growl, etc. just try and keep it low and not vocalizing too loud. Give yourself affirmations, pray if that’s what you do, and focus on your breathing as well as staying hydrated in early labor, or you’ll crash in active labor.

If your water breaks, it’s also not a time to rush to the hospital unless it’s green/brown, and has a foul smell. If it breaks, just keep an eye on movements, and signs for infections, but personally I would still wait for the 5-1-1 rule. 5 minutes apart, lasting 1 minute, and atleast for one hour. Your water breaking is natural progression, and not an emergency. My water broke at 40+5 and I didn’t have my son until 41 weeks. I went unmedicated and all natural, VBA2C in a birthing center.

If you need help with pain management, try a hot shower with water aimed on your back, hip squeezes from your partner, hands and knees can relieve a lot of pressure as well off your back. You can also do cat cow, heating pad, or a 10s unit. Or sit backwards on the toilet to help relax your pelvic floor, it’s called the “dilation station” for a reason :joy:

Good luck, and you’re super close! 🩷🥰

Depends on how far you live from the hospital. If it’s a 30 minutes drive , , when they are like 6 minutes a part , regular. And lasting longer then heAd to hospp

If your water breaks or starts leaking , go back down your baby can be monitored. Contractions 5 min apart is good rule of thumb. Do what your doctors NURSES tell you

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If this is your first baby and you feel nervous
Try going to a coffee shop near the hospital and try a cup of chamomile tea
And sit for a while until your contractions are closer together , lasting longer and getting stronger
That way your still close enough to the hospital Without going to the hospital

Stay home where your comfy, have a shower! Lay and try get some rest! It still could be a while away! They usually don’t want you back at the hosp til your contractions are closer 3-5 mins!
How far away from hosp are you?

With my last baby, from 1st contraction to birth 30 mins tops! Never had my clothes ripped off so fast straight to delivery…

I don’t understand what the question is here

Well, I’m no good at predicting things as I had both my kids at 2 hours 45 minutes each from first pain. So mind your docs but only you know for sure.

Wait til contractions painful every 3-4 minutes