I am looking for advice regarding pacifier use and toddlers

My youngest daughter is absolutely addicted to her pacifier. She will be 3 in March and I never thought she would have it this long. Our eldest daughter easily gave it up before she was 2.

My main concern is for her teeth. Her speech is excellent, so there’s no concern there. But I had braces as a teenager and know how painful they are physically, and mentally - as kids can be so cruel.

If she doesn’t get her pacifier when she wants it, she has a full blown meltdown. She will scream and cry sometimes to the point of puking. I always give in before she gets to that point because I think it’s cruel but my husband thinks she’s playing us.

It is literally the only thing that gives her comfort. We’ve tried replacing with a special lovey or blanket with no luck. She actually goes to sleep with one pacifier in her mouth and uses another one to rub along her face. It’s the sweetest thing, but I’m so concerned I am doing her more harm than good by not taking it from her.

Any advice would be really appreciated. Thank you.

It’s most likely just an comfort thing, it’s the thing that soothes her. After the age of 4 (just from what I’ve read before) sucking on a pacifier can cause dental issues & she can have speech issues. My daughter does the same thing, not with a pacifier but she will cry sometimes to the point where she will throw up. It can be hard, I just try to teach my daughter breathing techniques before she hits the puking stage. I tell her to take deep breaths, rub her back, take the deep breaths with her, etc.