I am married and having an affair and do not want to lose my kids: Advice?

Wow. I feel sorry for everyone except you and your friends husband. Pitiful and disgraceful.


You dont deserve your kids :slight_smile: Sorry not sorry


Easy fix- stop being a home wrecker and zip tie them ankles :woman_shrugging:


You don’t cheat in the first place! If you’re unhappy leave first then be with someone else.


Maybe stop cheating on your husband with your friend’s husband. I mean that sounds like a reasonable solution


Y’all are both fucked up. If you’re unhappy enough to cheat then end it. Shame on you both for this. And to the person you call your friend? I feel sorry for her and your husband and all the kids involved it’s going to come out eventually . Awful.

Oh honey these affairs never work out. Get ready for a lifetime of regret and loneliness. You took vows, should’ve just stayed single :woman_facepalming:t4:


This HAS to be a joke!! Just end it, or come clean. Or ask your spouse for a divorce. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Get ready to probably get that ass whipped

Wow how do women do this to other women!!


Do things the right way. Don’t open doors before you close the other one. What makes you two think you’re not going to cheat on each other in the future since you’re not being faithful now? You’ll reap what you sow. It will come back on you.


Start by getting yo heads out yo ass.

Stop being a bad person? Be an adult and be respectful to your husband, your friend, and yourself. Damn. I can’t find a single nice thing to say. I almost feel like this was sent in as click bait to get us riled up :joy:

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Yall both need to leave and deal with the consequences


Stop it!! Nothing good can ever come of it and you both could wind up losing your children!!!

I’m not going to judge because I’ve been there before. It worked out for me and I don’t regret it. However, the guilt ate me alive and I wish I had just been honest and left instead. Good luck! I hope you’re able to make the right decision for you :two_hearts:


Too bad this is anonymous I’d tell the spouses for them :joy:


Your seriously a disgusting human and I hope your husband finds out and you get fked in court. :face_vomiting::face_vomiting:


Having an affair with your husband?

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What if roles were reversed :pensive: poor kids and woman.

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Ten years from now your gonna ask yourself” what was I thinking!” Stop, before it’s too late. Move away if h have to.

Why did you call her your friend? You’re no friend to her. Your best bet to not lose your kids is to come clean with your spouses and hope to God they don’t weaponize your kids. If they try go to court. Don’t expect redemption or even forgiveness from them for this. There’s really no coming back from this.


Girl please no love in this world to be in fear of losing my kids just stop what you are doing.

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Your a terrible wife mother and friend. If your unhappy grow some balls and leave instead of doing what your doing. I hope both of your spouses find out throw you out keep the kids and ruin your lives.

Poor kids. Idiot adults.


Is this even for real? I feel some of these posts are just to get reactions :woman_facepalming:t2:


Gross. Both of you are despicable. Does no one practice LOYALTY anymore!!?? Seriously?
Always remember… you lose them the way you get them. Seeing that both of you are cheaters, this shouldn’t be difficult to figure out :roll_eyes:


Read this out loud: 5 times,…: I am we todd did, I am sofa king we todd did!


You could always go on Maury or Jerry Springer


If you guys are so madly in love y’all should have left your spouses before starting new relationships. So wrong and hurtful for the kids and your spouses to do things the way you are. You guys already did what you did. Now you need to be honest with yourselves and your spouses and live with the consequences.


Your behavior is disgusting. You need to tell both spouses and accept the consequences of your horrible behavior. I hope someone who knows you sees this and tells them.


Quit being a disgusting human being. Jesus Christ!!

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Stop it or leave him

If he does not plan on leaving his wife why are you ruining your family for him. Honey get out now, I had a friend lose custody of her kids. She had to pay him child support. Just think is it really worth it? There is no future with him, he has already told you that sweetie.


Friggin gross. I hope you get caught. Pathetic!

Wow… you are not being loyal to your husband andddddd your friend?! You are Wow so no comments. No advices but my advice. Just tell him everything the honest :woman_shrugging:t2: to take ur guilty out. And I believe you will do it again if you don’t tell ur husband :flushed:

Your story got worse the more I read :nauseated_face: Have you never heard of the girl code? Going with your friends man!? I hope you loose everything. You dont know what love is!


You better hit the confessional darling and pray to god to forgive you for the your adulterous ways why would admit this horrible story to the world shame on you both !!!


First of all, you and your lover are trash. However I don’t think you should lose your children. I do hope your spouses find out and drag you both in court though. My dad’s ex wife lost custody of her kids because of this.


At what point did you EVER think this is “alright”??? Nothing ever ends well when it starts with… I am having an affair!!! You are not only tearing apart 2 families… you are destroying the lives of not only your families but your friends family and friendships and well… snap outta it before you really do have nothing!!! When you said your vows did it mean anything to you!!! I feel for all involved well except you, and the husband of the friendship you have ruined!!!

How can you call someone your friend when you’re screwing her husband? You’re damaging not only your own family but hers as well. You both deserve each other. People like you make me sick.


I think as usual people see everything as black and white. Sometimes people make mistakes. Sometimes we fall in love with the wrong people at the wrong time. Sometimes we hurt people while trying to find our own happiness. You’re not evil or gross or bad or immoral. You’re not a bad mother either. You’re human and you’re just trying to figure out how to make everyone happy including yourself without hurting anyone. You may also feel trapped in your marriage. That’s a scary feeling I’m sure. But no matter what, someone is going to get hurt in this situation. The best thing you can do is lay it all out on the table, be honest with your spouses and your friend and your kids. Work through the anger and the pain because there is light at the end of the tunnel. I am familiar with your situation. Your kids will be mad but I promise they will forgive you and they will always love you. I know from experience. It will be okay.


Omg… You know that he is married and have family too. How could you do that knowing another family can be ruined… What comes around goes around!


Rachel Long, is it bad that I hope the other wife and her husband end up together? Lmao leaving these two assholes behind.

Try growing up and being responsible.


You deserve whatever you get… This is sorry! Shame on both of you!!


Call Jerry Springer!!! :roll_eyes:
You’ll probably need Maury in 9 months too. :person_facepalming:
What great roll models you and your friend’s husband are. :unamused:


Considering you have absolutely no loyalty and have nothing moral wise to teach your children I would say being with their father is in their best interest. What happens if you get tired of them? We see what you did to your husband and you took vows for LIFE


She is not your friend or you would not be sleeping with her husband. You should be ashamed of yourself. Your children and your husband deserve better.


Wow it’s one thing to cheat on your husband, but with your best friends man?
How can you come on here asking for advice?
You should be super ashamed of yourself really…


Apparently many on here are perfect. So first thing to do is figure out what YOU WANT. AN AFFAIR does not mean you will lose your kids not sure why you think that?


Ah look this is a hard one maybe you should have left your husband before cheating would have been a good idea


Nothing like keeping it in the circle lol

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You start by telling the whole story …. Weirdo

  1. End your affair. It’s built on lies.
  2. End your marriage. Your husband deserves better.
  3. Go to therapy and realize how your affair was harming your kids and making you a worse parent.
  4. Go for 50-50 custody.

Your a dog end of story!

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Stupid question who means more him or your kids break it off

So the only way you will lose your kids is if the father can prove you are unfit. Cheating doesn’t fall in that category. But for real you and the other cheating piece of shit are straight trash.

Girl I hope ur husband and his wife find out y’all nasty :sob::rofl: home wreckers


And all of you attacking this woman should be ashamed of yourselves. I hope in your dark times people don’t treat all of you this way. I’m horrified at this thread that you guys can be so cruel to someone who reached out for help. Before you judge her, look at yourselves.


Exhibit A why I don’t have female friends because of little girls like yourself. I know way to many homewreckers. You’re a disgusting friend and a horrible wife. I hope they find out! If I knew who you was, I’d tell them myself so you can stop screwing around not only on your husband but your so called friend too. I hope your children don’t turn out to be like you. I don’t typically judge another person, but when it comes to home wrecking I’m judging away.


Close your legs and be loyal to your husband, friend and family … I’m sorry but it’s too late to act like you care about them now … should of thought of them before you did what you have done you both need to grow up and put your kids at the forefront of your life rather than your own selfish needs and shouldn’t of ruined there family


Ma’am you came to the wrong place for advice. I honestly don’t know what the situation is to make you do something like that in the first place but what you should do is bring it to light and what happens happens. :woman_shrugging:


You set yourself up for this, DO THE RIGHT THING. You should be ashamed of yourself and your lover should too. Adultery is what you are doing and yep you could lose everything, including children.


Sorry to say this but come clean to your family’s. But if your husband were to find out himself you will lose the kids

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Tell the truth. Lying and hiding will make it so much worse. Do the right thing

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I hope you both lose your kids you don’t mess around with friends wives and husbands the f*** is wrong with you


Most states are no fault so the affair wouldn’t be a factor in divorce or custody - legally - but that doesn’t mean you’re not in for a heap of head bashing for your choices. You’ll lose your friend, you’re husband won’t make the divorce easy, no guarantees your lover will walk the walk when the time comes, and you’ll probably lose the respect of your kids. Doesn’t sound worth it to me.

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“Screw you” there’s my advice.


This shit can’t be real. Gtfoh.

Homewreckers are a myth :roll_eyes:

Honestly, call a lawyer.

I’d call it off, get divorced, then continue on or just lay low with it.

If he won’t leave though :woman_shrugging:t2: no sense in continuing anything further.

I’m not gonna give you a nasty response because nobody should be kicking anyone down when they need help. Please read your story and your question a few times. Pretend like it was someone else that wrote it and think about exactly what it says. You deserve better than this. He’s told you he won’t leave. If you were both madly in love like you say you wouldn’t be hiding it. We always want what we can’t have. You’re probably madly in lust. Marriage isn’t all rainbows and unicorns and it gets boring and you become comfortable so I get it. I think you should both step away from each other and try to work on your marriages. Spend time away from this guy and see how you feel. No
Man is worth your entire world crashing down around you. Remove yourself from the affair. If it’s truly meant to Be it will be the right way.


While I don’t agree with the affair, I don’t believe the court would give custody of your kids to your husband just because you were unfaithful in your marriage. Just stop sleeping with your friends husband, and tell YOUR husband that you are unhappy and want to dissolve your marriage. Also, tell him about the affair. It’s the right thing to do.


Taking out the morality issue that people are going to continue to bash you over, you won’t lose your kids. Courts don’t usually take infidelity into account in child custody cases. It will usually only effect divorce proceedings such as alimony.

Are you seriously asking how to remain unfaithful and keep your kids? Cause seriously what type of example is that for them, kids are not stupid they see everything!!!


Obviously you both forgot about those things called wedding vows, or did you not pay attention? You are not “practicing for the kids” you are both playing around for your own selfish desires. You both deserve to lose custody of your chidren.


First shame on both of you , both of you are harming your children . You both deserve to as well . Why would you just end with your spouses before the affair ? Both of you need to grow up . What’s done is done and if you think they won’t find out , Your wrong . Good luck


U get no advice from me , it’s weird sorry


Cheating isn’t a reason you would lose custody or have no visitation if you or he divorce.


Your a Jerry Springer episode… take him on TV may as well?? If he finds out your screwed… SMH your not a great friend if your screwing your friends husband.

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I’m not in the place to give advice about that cuz I’ve never cheated on someone

You are more likely to lose your kids by having an affair than by leaving the relationship. He is clearly getting the best of both worlds so why would he leave his wife?

Wow! You would do that to your friend?


Wow ! YOU’RE DEFINITELY NOT A FRIEND. A Wife Or Good Role Model For Your Kids.


She’s coming for everyone in here

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For one stop calling her your friend.


Leave. It isnt hard to do just leave, stay in contact with your child. No that man youre having an affair with isnt “in love” with you. He wouldnt put someone he loves in that position at all youd think he can leave his wife and have contact with his kids

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Why stay with your partners just for the kids? If they find out they will be 10x more hurt. Doesn’t mean your going to lose your kids you can get court orders. It’s your own faults for doing so to begin with but at what point do the 2 of you stop being selfish and think of the rest of your family members? Also if the person your having an affair with won’t leave his spouse then maybe he isn’t ready to give up on his marriage and you both should discontinue this affair. Let him be with his family that he clearly doesn’t want to leave and maybe you work on leaving your husband if that’s truly what you want.


See a therapist. Figure out why you would betray your husband AND your friend. And be willing to completely blow up your children’s (both of your kids) lives. Because there’s nothing healthy about this.


Don’t sleeze around :woman_shrugging:t2:

She is obviously not your friend if you’re sleeping with her husband. :woman_facepalming: Why ask advice when you both know what you’re doing is wrong.


You both are nothing but home Wreckers

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Probably gonna lose your husband, the guy you’re seeing and his wife as a friend. :woman_shrugging:t3:


If he loved you he would have divorced his wife before messing around with you. He’s using you. Leave that dude alone. If you’re unhappy with your current husband, be honest. Honesty is like the only thing that could possibly help this situation… and You can share custody. :face_exhaling::sweat::exploding_head:

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Quit being deceitful and try to figure out where your moral compass, character and ethics will stand in the light of your kids eyes. You’re better than this to destroy so many to be selfish.

Wow. This is messed up. You need to stop this now.

Your a piece of shit

I think she wants to run off with her new lover and leave the kids just don’t want to lose custody smh

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The whole situation is trashy. And I feel bad for your friend.

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Y’all need to find Jesus or just go bathe in some holy water cuz I felt the sin wash right over me while I was reading that post!! Not only did you break the vowel marriage whether there’s feelings or not you broke the vow of friendship and all you’re worried about is losing your kids? Sounds like you lost yourself a long time ago and you need to take a minute and go find out who you really are.

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