Don’t get me wrong I love my 2 sons and 2 stepsons but here lately I’ve found myself mourning the fact I’ll never be able to be a girl mom. I know I am blessed with 4 healthy children but I always just envy people who have daughters. It’s crazy I know. I just can’t help but think once my boys are grown and married they will be more with their wives families then mine. Am I alone in feeling like this.
you’re not alone…i have two sons and this is also my greatest fear…their father died 8 years ago…
Remember, they will date, they will have wives, they may have daughters. You will get that girl time. I have a son, I didn’t want a daughter, but I wanted a healthy baby. My son will have girlfriends and wife. And he has so many friends (girls and boys) and I am a mom to them all! You will get there
Daughters are nightmares for mom not all but most get sassy and it’s no fun.
You can be the MOL every wife wishes for! But ya I think its totally normal to feel the void of something you wanted!
I think you’re being childish.
My husband and I blended our families, so we spend every holiday with both sides at different locations. I will also be inserting myself into my daughter in laws family lol
Treat every daughter in law like she was the little girl you never had and always wanted trust me you won’t ever be alone or outgrown
Iam a mum of girls, grandmother of girl, finally after 50 yrs got a great grandson, now I have two, 3 yrs and 6 months, but my girls are the best always there for me and their father, very caring and considerate we would be lost without them, love them all
One day you are likely to have a daughter in law and a granddaughter. Cherish them both.
Be a Girl Scout leader, Sunday School nursery or class teacher, wait for granddaughters, offer to babysit other people’s girls.
Do girl stuff with your sons, like tea parties. They may or may not take to dressing up.
I birthed a girl who was one of the guys for a long time. So you never know.
Oh, and to answer your question, no, you’re not alone. One of my close friends had only sweet boys, but got granddaughters who run wild.
No disrespect but having a daughter doesn’t mean you will have the relationship that you crave. Great idea as some mentioned when your son’s get a significant other treat them as your own daughter and you will have wonderful relationships.
Just because you have healthy babies already, does NOT mean that you’re not allowed to feel this way!! There is absolutely nothing wrong with it whatsoever. Your allowed to want what you want, and miss what you couldn’t have
2 healthy children. The step sons aren’t yours legally js so you can’t count them as yours. They are only " yours" by marriage. Other then that you have no ties to them
Having a daughter doesn’t mean you’ll be close amd loving. She could (and in her teen years will) hate you
Once they marry they may have daughters that you can bond with or you can always try again
Adoption us always an option…I love love love being a boy mom. 7 sons!!
I felt like that, then I became a girl grandma !!! Wayyyyy better
There are 130 kids entered into foster care a day. There are kids that are available to adopt, waiting for you. Check it out. I have two, biological sons My two daughters joined our family 30 years ago when they were 3 and 5. Adoption from the state does not cost. Change your life and theirs
I feel the same way. I have one son. And I don’t think I’ll have another either
It’s not crazy. It’s a normal feeling. A friend of mine just had her 4th girl and really wanted to just finish her child bearing journey with a boy. I have two boys and two girls, boys are way easier
Honestly I think the families that spend more time with the wife’s side are the ones that are toxic to their sons and don’t even know it.If you have a healthy relationship with your son and their partner and listen and respect boundaries you’ll be surprised how much they will wanna see you. When I was growing up we spent equal time with both sides cause my dad’s mom was amazing to my mom. So just remember to listen and care about the women in your sons lives and you’ll be fine. You’ll find some get daughters and hopefully have some granddaughters to love on and spoil.
I’m on the opposite side! I have 2 daughters and sometimes struggle with the idea that I’m done. I have no desire to start over again as my youngest is 11 but sometimes, ya know, that feeling just hits… I always wanted 1 of each but life had other plans. I love my girls obviously but sometimes I’m just sad that I never got the chance to have a little boy. I don’t even have a nephew to spoil either, my sister has 3 girls.
One day you will have DILs and granddaughters.