I am nervous about getting my tubes tied: Advice?

I’ve decided to finally get my tubes tied/removed come spring;however, my anxiety is high about being put under as I’ve never been put completely under (3 csections). I am overweight and a smoker and I know that these things can increase my risk of things going wrong. I’m also a tad worried about post tubal ligation syndrome and have heard from some ladies that it’s a nightmare. Can you please share your stories with me…I’d really appreciate it.


I had my tubes removed in march it was the best thing ever! Recovery time is a few days you can’t lift anything heavy, then you can do everything normal after a week or 2. The pain is minor after everything wears off and the gas comes out of you. The gas pain I thought was the worst because they use it to blow your stomach up so they can see. Other than that the pain was minor to me and I didn’t take any medication besides some Tylenol here and there to help with the gas pains. Good luck!

I got my tubes done at age 30 , 26 years ago it’s the only operation I have ever had and its was worth the risk. No side effects or issues.
I would be concerned if you are diabetic , I am/was over weight and while I don’t smoke cigarettes I regularly smoked marijuana so .
I say drink water eat good avoid sugar and go for it .

I have 4 adult children. 1 c-section and 3 VBAC. 4 miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy. Then, tubal ligation. Best day ever. :heartbeat:

Quit smoking if you can. I did and it is hard but you can fi it. Start walking

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My period sucks. I bleed through a tampon within the hour. They are more painful than ever. And I get nauseated before it comes. It’s a nightmare to say the least.

I got mine done with my c section last September and I almost regret it. My period now is super super heavy and painful

Stop all the negative thinking and go pack your hospital bag