I am nervous to go back to work

I officially go back to work on the 26th after having my baby on January 10th. I’ve been off work since the beginning of December because I was in so much pain with my pregnancy. Im so nervous. This is my first baby and I didn’t want to work when I had kids but in today’s economy- it’s not that simple. My boyfriend doesn’t make enough to pay all the bills after our roommate moves out at the end of April. I did manage to find a job that will give me mornings. Starting at a new job after not working for. 3 months is nerve wracking enough- and put the fear of being away form my baby on top of it. I’m not looking forward to it


My heart breaks to hear another story similar to mine. None of my partners have been able to provide enough for me to be a SAHM. My daughter has grown up in daycare & it’s likely my next one will too for at least a short period of time. I missed out on precious young years because of this. It’s not going to be easy but you can do this. I recommend leaning on all family that you have and save save save to build passive streams of income so you can make yourself a SAHM. If at possible try to find something remote. Best of luck. :heart:

Yep… my boy is about to turn a year old and he started daycare at 10 weeks. I hate dropping him off but honestly he loves it and I’m best when I’m doing what I do! It is hard for sure

My 2 are adults now. Went back to work after 3 weeks with each. You’ll be fine, your baby will be fine.

It was hard for me to go back after almost 5 months. It’s hard but you gotta do what you have to provide for your family. I missed my boy like crazy and still do when I’m at work but it’s gotten a little easier as time goes by. It will be okay.

Typically being off work after a baby is 6 to 8 weeks. It sucks. And it will be hard at first but I promise it gets easier over time. Especially if you have amazing childcare and a good support system

Any way you can look for a remote job? That’s what I did. Took me a while to find one but once I did I was so happy. I had a hard time with my son in daycare.

Look for remote, non-phone work.

I worked remotely when my youngest was little.


It’s tougher on you than your baby. It will get easier the longer you go and you’ll get in a routine. It sucks, but such is life.

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Does your field have remote in anyway?

I personally would be expecting my boyfriend to step it up :woman_shrugging:. Might be a good time to look into better career.

7 weeks… what happened to 9months maternity :frowning: That’s harsh

It would depend on how much money you need to make but have you thought of keeping kids in your home so you can stay with your baby?

You don’t get a year leave?

USA needs proper maternity leave. This is ridiculous

Okay and you decided to have kids. It’s not your significant others duty to pay all the bills. You are not his dependent you are his partner. You are obligated to pay 50 percent. Nobody likes a mooch or a leach

Gosh only 16 days with your baby?

Suck it up I worked till I had my kids and went back to work after 8 weeks with cesarean .