I am nervous to not have my husband around after my c-section: Advice?

I have a c section planned for January 26. My husband will be staying home (with the exception of the actual birth) with our two kids because we don’t have help. They said to plan on being in the hospital for 2-4 days. I’m nervous about recovering from surgery without my husband there. I’m not sure what to expect and I anticipate I’m going to be extremely emotional. Just wanted to hear experiences if anyone has any. Also have never been away from my kids so that’s going to suck too.


Enjoy the alone time with new baby and recover


I’d be enjoying the alone time lol. I was only in hospital for 24 hours after my c-section where I’m from. I’ve had 3 and I’ve never had any issues. Yes you’re sore but you will have the nurses there to assist you. And with round the clock check in, you will never be alone for long. Congratulations on your new little munchkin. Good luck


When I had my twins (by csection), my husband was there when they were born and for a little bit afterwards. Then he went home and stayed with out other kids. He came down and visited with his parents and then when I was leaving (I think that was all). But we lived over an hour away from the hospital l. Twins were born Tuesday night and my daughter and I were released on Saturday and my son on Monday. It sucked, but I got over it. The other kids had school and needed someone there with them, as much as I wanted him with us. Good luck!!

Can the kids go to daycare for the day? Can ur doctor be flexible on the time for surgery so that ur husband can be there at least while the baby is born and u get back to recovery.
I had my kids alone. It’s rough but I enjoyed my time alone with them.

Your husband and children can visit during certain times I’m sure of it unless there’s still rules in place. Honestly though I had a c-section and I demanded to be released after 1 night but I wish I did stay in for a couple of extra days. You will be going through a major surgery and being in the hospital is the best place for you. You can take a little bit more time to get used to any pain and discomfort and there will be staff to help you with your recovery or any other concerns. I honestly wouldn’t over think it. Just take the time to recover and enjoy your time with your new baby x


We didn’t have help either and my doctor kept me for a week in the hospital and that was a great big help because I felt I was able to recover faster with my c sec and my daughter was able to visit me at the hospital everyday

I’ve had all 4 of my children (twin girls, boy, girl) via c-section. They’re all 5 years apart. So I was away from my first two born when I had my son and away from my first 3 when my youngest was born. I was in the hospital for 5 days with my twins, 3 days with my son and 2 days with my youngest. How long you’re in the hospital will depend on any complications and how quickly you’re able to get up and moving around. With my twins, I didn’t get up to walk until the next day. My son was that evening and my youngest was within 2 hours of regaining feeling in my legs.

The nursing staff is there to help and support you because not everyone is able to find child care for other children. Not to mention, you’ll have visiting hours where your husband can come and bring your other children to meet and bond with the new baby.

Where I’m from children aren’t allowed to visit the hospital and no one is allowed to stay with you. I’ve had two c-sections, 5 years ago and 2 months ago and was alone and though both times I was sad to be alone I was able to move around on my own and take care of my new baby. It’s tough trust me but doable :heart: