I am not allowed to go to my nephews birthday party: What should I do?

Damn I think you’re brother needs hop, skip and jump to court to figure out custody. If there is an agreement, and she disobeys it, she gets in trouble

Hopefully your brother will put his big boy pants on and get a custody agreement.


Don’t take the bait … anyway why can’t you have a little party for him at your house while they are at work and have some of his little friends there too surely she can’t object to that…course you need to ask permission first but it’s at your house…

You’re right to be upset… but seriously let it go. It’s not your kid. Celebrate during one of the half weeks he is at your house. Let the drama go.


I get being upset but maybe act like it doesn’t bother you and just have your own party for him. People like this want to get to you, don’t let them. I know easier said than done but give it a try.


No u cant go. Dont make trouble. Have your own party for him. This is about the kid not adults


Throw him your own birthday party. It’s well established in divided families that the kid can sometimes have 2 of everthing! Go for it!!!

Yeah I’d be upset but saying stuff to her isnt going to make it better. Probs worse. She probs wont let u watch him no more if you catch an attitude smh. But yeah what the others said. Do your own party with your family


Tell your brother to grow a set and go to court to get a custody order.


so have a birthday party at your house. She doesn’t have to invite you to her house, that is her choice

I wouldn’t say anything she will take it ouy on your brother. Do a party for your family later on

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She needs therapy and parenting classes to say the least. Just remember he has no control of the situation and that he didn’t pick mom

Girl let her be a nasty petty wench. Throw him his own party at your house and invite your entire family!!


Send him a gift and don’t let it bother you. Don’t let her get what she wants… to upset you. I can’t stand playing games.

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Well you have every right to be mad, up set and angry. But don’t let your nephew see that. I figured out a long time ago it wasn’t the kids I disliked it was the parents. Take care of your nephew. He will remember this his whole life. My Aunt and I were very close. I still talk to her and she has been gone for 5 years now. That is the relationship you want with your nephew. Don’t put your brother and nephew in a bad position. Love them both and the ***ch will get her just rewards. Karma baby Karma.

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id be upset to but honestly if she doesnt want you there then simply talk to your brother about having a little party at your place for those on your side of the family…

If you already watch him etc I would definitely be angry by this. But if they don’t want you there maybe have a party for your side of the family the following week when you have him…Also I have learned the hard way never to defend or get in the middle of others romantic relationships lol family or not …you end up the bad guy and they end up just fine :person_facepalming:

Damn right you should be angry . Why in the F cant you go??? If that’s how they treat you, then it sounds like your being used. That’s how I would feel.
I would be super upset. I would 150% talk to your brother about this. Maybe your side of the family can have your own bday party for him when dad has him. She can have her party, you guys have yours. Double let the fun for the child, and no one misses out.

Shes that type of mom who uses her kids as pawns against people. People like that shouldn’t have kids. It sickens me how parents dont allow their kids to have relationships with their family because of petty personal issues. Unless she finds Jesus i dont see her changing her behavior. I would have your own party for him at your house so you can still celebrate with him.

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I’d just show up with his gift

Sand what you just wrote here to her copy it and send it to her let her read that see how immature she is

How immature! The kid can come when it’s convenient? Do you have a good relationship with the kid? If so, be the bigger person. You may be the only sane relative he has. Have your own party with him. Enjoy him all to yourself. REALLY infantile behavior.

Have your own party and it sounds like they need to go get a custody agreement.