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"So you go on a date with a very charming handsome guy and he’s absolutely charming and everything I’d absolutely possibly dream of, thing is, he’s all into me and all over me everytime we see eachother but I’m not as attracted to him as he is to me and the feeling of him being intimate with me is there for him but not for me and I ain’t feeling it. But I love that he’s someone I’m so looking for with great goals and a beautiful personality treats me like a queen brought me flowers on our first date… he has his shit together and has a job and is super respectful. But I’m not into him as much he is into me and j think he can feel that. Before he dropped me off lastnight wanted to come in and pleasure me… I get really super tired during evenings and nights because I am a single mom of three and never stop always on the go. So I told him no, you can’t come in as I’m going to bed! He’s never met my kids before and we’ve been going on dates for a couple of months now. I would like him to come meet the kids but if I’m not into him as much as he is into me should I end it put a stop to it ?? Before its too late and emotions and feelings are hurt. What should I do??"
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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.
"If you aren’t in to him, you are leading him on. End it with him and don’t hurt him. If you stay with him you are always going to be looking for something else and that’s not fair to either of you. And definitely don’t bring your children in on it if he is temporary."
"End it…otherwise you are using him."
"End it. There’s a woman out there that’d he make so happy… and she’d make him happy. I wouldn’t want to do that to someone who deserves happiness."
"Good girl! Slow it down Don’t see him as often. Tell him you like him very much and look forward to it, but you aren’t there yet (that kind of intimacy). If he is the one, he will respect you and wait til committed to you, meaning heading to marriage. He will respect you or be gone."
"If you’re not into him and you’re contemplating letting him meet the kids, don’t do it. You’re stringing him along and that’s not okay. You already know what you should do; you answered your own question."
"Turn the tables and imagine it was him not as into you. How would you feel? Don’t lead him on. That leads to heartbreak on his part."
"End it. You're gonna hurt yourself, a good guy, and your kids if you keep progressing when you know you're unhappy. Just be honest with him"
"If you’re not into him. Be honest. Tell him he is great but you’re feeling like you’re just not into him. DO NOT introduce people to your kids that you don’t see in your life for long term because if they get attached it will hurt them when that person leaves or you break it off."
"Just end it if you’re not into him. You shouldn’t lead him on."
"Girl, how many times did you state you're not into him?.. there’s your answer! Clearly you both deserve better!"
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