I am one week overdue: Help!

I’m Over One Week Over Due And Won’t Be Induced Until Sunday Because My Hospital Doesn’t Have Any Beds Available Until Then By Then I’ll Be At Two Weeks Over Due. Can I Get Any Recommendations On How To Induce Labor At Home? Btw Walking And Sex Haven’t Been Working. I Haven’t Felt Any Contractions, If It Weren’t For The Belly I Literally Wouldn’t Even Feel Pregnant


Walking did it for me… only it wasn’t just around the block I walked over 25 km at a fair 2 days before I went into labour.

I was 2 weeks and 1 day over due, I also believe my due date was wrong.
But it took them breaking my water to get things rolling. I refused petocin.

I tried exercises my nourishmelove on YouTube. She has a induce labor workout.
Curb walking
Walk up and down the stairs
Pedicure with a deep massage, really get those pressure points.

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I suggest you wait it out, don’t do something that might harm your baby or yourself. Baby will com when ready.


I was 3 wks past due with my last one!

I did nipple stimulation and it worked for me!!
Try spicy foods, curb walking, squats/bouncing on yoga ball


If you induce labour at home but there is no beds at the hospital will you have a far way to go till the next hospital?? That would be a concern before you induce at home.

My daughter tried everything but no go. The baby will come when it wants… I believe the Drs are just off in times like this. Get your rest bc it will be in high demand soon. Good luck

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Nothing worked for me. Not curb walking, relations, nipple stimulation. Only induction. Doesn’t hurt to try. But as an angel mama my biggest suggestion is to keep kick counts. Just because baby is squished doesn’t mean baby doesn’t move. Baby should still move plenty. 6 living 2 angels. This mama would be going crazy going in for stress tests daily. I know with my first I went 1 week overdue and my doctor decided to have an ultrasound last minute to find out I had 1% amniotic fluid and needed to be induced asap. (I had told my doctor I leaked real bad around 6 months. I was discounted and pretty much laughed at because my then husband told him how I peed my pants. Wasn’t pee. But try to convince my ex that.)

Years ago, doctors gave women a big dose of castor oil. It cleaned them out and put them in labor.

Try evening primrose oil it’s basically a cervix softener over the counter! Can take it orally or vaginally! (Vaginal works better) I did that and then walked 5 steps and squat and was in labor the next day

Try pumping. But idk, all three of mine were pre term labors so I guess I don’t have any suggestions.

With my first i bounced/rocked on a yoga ball and that started things about 2 days before i was going to be induced, with my second nothing worked and my water broke just before my 2 week overdue mark

Dr induced me with the first one broke my water the second one and the third one he stretched my cervix, now that hurt like hell but it worked

Nothing. When the baby is ready, the baby will come


Yoga ball bouncing x it worked for my daughter.