I am one month post partum and having so much trouble, mainly during the night with my feelings… is that normal. I feel like I don’t want to be a mom wife or even myself during this time… it sometimes leads into the next day. I just don’t know what to do.
Get help you will feel a different person
Call your OB/GYN ASAP. Help is available.
One month postpartum momma here too! For some odd reason I get in my feels at night as well. Please don’t feel ashamed, give yourself some grace, and keep in mind your hormones are still trying to regulate. Like the other ladies mentioned, I would definitely recommend reaching out for help. You will get through this🥰
I felt this same way. it’s referred to as the sundown blues, very common! Give yourself grace and know it will pass. I didn’t get help because I feel like it is normal and even though I didn’t necessarily feel like myself or want to do the things I was doing I was aware of my feelings and kept an eye on them. It passed I would say by 2 months for sure. Now my baby is going to be 1 in a few days and I’m so in love and found such happiness and bliss in my role as a mother, it’s just a hard transition! You’re doing great
Go see your doctor. Postpartum comes in many forms.
I struggled really bad , night time was the worst. Reach out to your doctor and let them know how you’re feeling. I promise it gets better
My girlfriend told me about these vitamins called need or something just for women and is good for postpartum and even menopause
It’s depression that you probably can’t fix on your own… it’s all the hormones out of whack… talk now to your doctor for your sake…
Your not alone…I’m going through this as well