I just found out that I am pregnant and it was unplanned. I smoke cigarettes and honestly am addicted…I stopped smoking but now I feel soooo sick all the time and crave another…what are some things I can do to take this feeling away an dmake myself feel better without caving in?
Find fidgets to occupy your hands, gum to occupy your mouth, and whenever you think of needing to smoke just remind yourself of why you cant.
They say it takez 28-38 days for the body to get over an addiction or for the cravings to cut. Hang in there!
Honestly when I fell pregnant I was told to not just quit what I was doing straight away as it could stress yourself & baby out, I’d say cut down slowly so you aren’t left craving & stressing yourself out.
That’s my personal opinion tho, I cut down to 2 a day then eventually hit 1 a day & had my last at around 6-7weeks & did my whole pregnancy without one! x
not a smoker just grew up with a lot of them
I’ve heard nuts and seeds are helpful. Or something to keep your hands busy like toothpicks.
If it has been more than 72 hrs since u had a cigarette…the nicotine is out of ur body…its ur mind that wants one…
Go to your dr and ask for patches, they will give to you and your insurance will happily pay for them as they do want to help you quit good luck.
Just remember, mental strength is key here if you don’t want to smoke you won’t!!
It’s a daily challenge! You got this! 11 years ago I quit!! And I still think about it! But, I don’t go grab another!! Because I don’t want to smoke!! So it just keeps getting easier is my point , but you can do it!!
Good luck
Everyone I knew in the 90s-2000s would swear by any kind of hard candy to suck on. Or gum. They also make this fake cigarette that has just flavoring I believe that is supposed to help smokers/vapers quit!
Just don’t vape!! I’ve had more than one ob say it’s worse than smoking even if there is no nicotine.
You can use nicotine patches
Do not quit cold turkey it can lead to more stress for Bubs.
Speak to your Dr straight away on how to safely quit.
Get a check up and get your doctors advice on the best way to go.
Print out the list of toxins in cigs and look at it every time you are craving one. Think about all that crap that you are putting into your baby’s body! it’ll get better mama.
Go to your Dr. This is a drug and like any drug you need medical advice. You need to come off gradually with Drs help. He knows how much and what steps for you to take so as to not miscarry or hurt your baby. Please call immediately. This is extremely important to speak with your Dr only. God bless you and your little one.
Just go cold Turkey. I smoked for a long time. I quit and never touched another cigarette. It’s been more than three years. Your baby will love you for it. Smoking causes low birth rate and asthma in babies. Every time you feel like smoking just think of your baby and how sad it would be if your baby had severe asthma. Had to put on continuous oxygen and have life long problems with that. You can do it. Your strong. Good luck
I commend you on stopping. It’s hard. Have you tried chewing gum? I’ve heard a lot of people say this helps.
I know it sounds silly but I used hard candies-I popped one in my mouth to suck on for a bit and it worked! It wasn’t easy but it did help! Good luck!!!
I used sunflower seeds, dum-dum suckers and dinner mints (sometimes called butter mints). All of which can be found at the dollar store. It’s hard. Will stay hard for a bit. But you’re giving your baby their best shot. Congrats!
Candy, suckers or gum. Also, hold a pen or pencil in your hand. You’re craving the habit and the motions (don’t get me wrong, the nicotine craving doesn’t go away really, but youve built a habit out of the motions, your brain holds on to that). If you can find a healthy replacement, you’ll notice your cravings less and less. Holding a pen or pencil (you could try twizzlers or something too because you can finish out the hand to mouth motion) can sort of trick your brain, combined with something to pop in your mouth when you get a craving (suckers worked for me), you’ll find yourself craving less and less. Time, too. It takes awhile to work all those chemicals out. 28 days breaks a habit, if you can make it those first 28 days, you’ll do great. best of luck and I wish you a happy, healthy pregnancy and baby.
(From a 15 year smoker)
It’s a struggle. We’re you using cigarettes as a coping mechanism? Or a boredom buster? Also how many days has it been? I found when I quit the worst of it was the 24 hour mark. But I’m almost 10 years down the road and the cravings are still here and still battling them. It’s all about willpower right now and you can do this!!!
“The easy way to stop smoking” by Allan Car. I stopped smoking ten years ago and I’ve never wanted another. This book truly works.
Honestly lady it happened to me. I found out I was pregnant with an unexpected and unplanned baby and I tried to quit for like 2 weeks. Finally I went cold turkey and after a few weeks it got better. I did crave one once, and I did have one, but it made me nauseous and light headed and guilty af
I was never addicted, but my mother quit by pretending a straw was a cigarette(and patches-- she also drank a lot of water). I wish you the best in this.
I smoked with my son and he gets treated for asthma ): …I’m not necessarily saying that’s what caused it because my boyfriend had asthma as a child so it could have been genetic but maybe that will help you with the decision to quit because I will never know if I could have prevented it
Jolly ranchers and gum was my saving grace!!!
Mine was having a pen or something similar in my hand kept the boredom at bay x
You could try getting a vape and getting the 0 nicotine juice. That way your body is still going through the motions without getting the actual nicotine from it
Nicotine gum, losenges, carrot or celery sticks, chewing gum
Jolly ranchers and mints help my husband.
Dum dums or other lollipops. It gives you something to do with your hands and your mouth similar to a cigarette. It sounds silly but it works.
Ride it out. It’d cigarettes, not air.
Talk to your doctors about a nicotine patch if need be as well. It really does help the first 2 days still suck, but you won’t crave it really to much after that.
Frozen cubbies bears and cbd
I bought a giant bag of dumdums. Those and gum helped me in the beginning.
think about your baby being surrounded by smoke, straggling to breath and not having oxygen to develop properly as well as huge change of developing asthma in the future thats what I was thinking, i went from pack a day and 420 to nothing in 3 days after finding out with my 1st. never smoked again. been smoke free for 11 years now:) fact that you care makes you a good mommy already! fight the feeling. goodluck
My daughters doctor told her absolutely no nicotine replacements. They said better off having an occasional cigarette . Lucky for me every time I was pregnant the smell made me so sick before I knew I was pregnant!
I commend you for doing this for your baby and you will benefit too. I recommend joining this group they have a proven method to becoming a non smoker and have better tactics and methods to move through the stages. Although it is ment to be started prior to quitting I joint 3 days in and still had success. Good luck to you and your bump. PS congrats
Get u some cinnamon hard candy and some little suckers
The chemicals and carcinogens you inhale go straight to your baby through your bloodstream and the umbilical cord… That’s incentive not to.
My hubby is trying to stop smoking and he had me get suckers and gum