I am pregnant and craving Monster

Almost 20 weeks and craving a monster energy drinks . I know you’re allowed to drink coffee when your pregnant but I don’t like coffee . I used to drink monsters everyday up until I found out I was pregnant and haven’t touched one since . Would it be okay if I had 1 just to kill the craving ?


I didn’t know I was pregnant with my son & work thirds so was drinking like 3 monsters a day, & he came out fine. :woman_shrugging:t3: With my daughter, I drank probably 3-4 52oz MTN dews daily & she’s fine. :woman_shrugging:t3: Might just depend on the person but I really don’t think one will hurt. Heck, I drank 3 monsters & 2 power shots bc I was working a 12 hour shift when I unknowingly went into labor, & my son’s 7 months old now with no medical issues.


My ob told me it’s okay as long as it’s not something I regularly do.

Just don’t do it everyday! I had a Red Bull not to long ago but it made me sick so I haven’t had one again but the cravings are real!

You are allowed so much caffeine per day. I would make sure the other ingredients are fine. I don’t think caffeine is the problem as long as you aren’t over doing it.

I actually craved HotDamb, I would drink just enough to wet my tongue it worked

Those things aren’t even good for people not pregnant :upside_down_face:


I’d say check with your doctor. Maybe drink just half? Coffee is fine but only a certain amount. There’s other things in monster but I would say a little won’t hurt. Just be careful :woman_shrugging:

The coffee ones have always been my weakness.
While pregnant with bith kids I only got them for myself when I had to work overnights
So maybe one a month.

Yes you can… My ob said I could as long as I didn’t over do it. I drank 1 twice a week.

Not good for you or the baby

I craved red bull, I took one sip, I savoured it in my mouth until it was warm, after that I didn’t want another one… but after he was born my husband brought me one it was the best!
I wouldn’t drink a whole one though while pregnant

Everyone will tell you not to do it, even the can says not recommended for pregnant women. I was craving them too, but I’d only drink a half can at a time. They don’t even have enough caffeine in them to send you over the daily limit. If you’re craving them, I’d say to treat your self but don’t over do it.

If you usually drink them having one isn’t going to do much except maybe make your heart rate go up a bit if u ain’t had one in a few months I was the same I drank them before pregnant then went off them had a few during pregnancy but (still pregnant now) gone off them a bit now x

Same but with Red Bull, I just googled it and it said not to consume over 200 milligrams each day so I just drank one little 8.4 oz on and it only contains I think 80mg and it killed the craving too.

There not good for you pregnant or not male or female

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What about Redbull… asking for a friend :innocent: LOL JK I’ll wait :sob:

I would split one with someone

It’s fine. Once a month and maybe like, half of one ?

Literally you and the baby will be fine. Don’t do it every day.