I am pregnant and depressed: What can I do to feel better?

I’m a first-time mom. Currently, 29 weeks and something no one warned me about was the constant feeling of loneliness and depression. My husband doesn’t seem to understand or take the initiative to. What are some ways y’all have combated the feeling of loneliness and depression through pregnancy?


Prep and decorate for the baby’s nursery :heart:


Walks, lots of water reading and crosswords. I feel your pain mumma


Be Careful… I Had a MINOR Problem with “Situational Depression” But was TOLD I Was BI-POLAR…And Therefore Give Medications For BEING Bi-Polar, although I KNEW I wasn’t… By Doing so, I was A Mental Disaster For about SEVEN YEARS, And became Suicidal.as well. Hospitalized & In the Emergency Room So OFTEN They Knew My Name and Why I Was There,… Eventually, after seeing several Different Doctors, ONE Listen to ME… Took me off ALL Medications & Issued me a temporary medication for Anxiety… 3 DAYS afterwords I was Already feeling Better & 2 MONTHS later I was Off ALL Medications after suffering Needlessly for all those YEARS…Your Decision, !!.,. .

My doctor put me on a low dose of celexa while I was pregnant and it helped out a lot


Go out with friends and talk to them! I’m going through the same thing. Try to talk to hubs a little at a time about it. Its real and sadly it can affect your marriage (my case) Talk to your doctor as well. A lot of men believe that pregnancy depression and ppd is a joke when indeed it is very real!

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Take time to pamper yourself! Go get a pedicure and your nails done. With a friend or family member. Go to lunch. Do something you really like. Get outside. Especially right now being stuck at home does not help! I just had my baby 3 weeks ago and it’s not an easy time to be pregnant or having a newborn. Talk to your husband, make him understand you need him right now. Maybe a date night! Something to distract your mind. Congratulations and good luck! It does get better


I’m pregnant with my third & suffering so badly this time round. People who aren’t pregnant don’t understand how being pregnant with covid going on around is sooooo isolating & awful & just plain crap. If you ever want to chat, feel free to message me xx


I’m pregnant with my 2nd and I feel hopeless. I want to sleep and be left alone. I was really excited about this baby, but now I don’t even know and I feel like shit for being like that.

I had prenatal depression with my seconds son. It’s a serious thing to have like post partum depression and more likely for it as well. I went to councilor and was given pregnancy safe depression meds

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I’m a doula in training and after reading required material on ppd, I find this book on depression during pregnancy. Not sure how good it is but I look forward to reading it in the future. Hugs to you momma!

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Find something to keep your mind off of it. I’d recommend perler beads to make things with there’s so much you can make. When I’m feeling down and depressed I make things and it calms be down.

Definitely took time to just talk to my baby. Even though it felt kind of weird at first, I spent time just chit chatting with my tummy and feeling all the kicks in the meantime was a mood booster :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: also made the connection that much better when I got to finally see his beautiful face :heart_eyes:

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Some of us experience this, some of us do not. I, myself did. I am a type of “ real” person, so i would like to say… please mention it to your doctor , not to be negative, but to keep it “ real” your feelings might intensify after the baby, your hormones are horrible things that can cause your feelings to intensify and lead to Postpartum, and your doc can prescribe you medicine to help right after you have the baby. Hang in there lil momma, you will have high and lows with this momma hood. A lot of changes take place with being prego and having a baby. Even afterwards, some of us struggle with this. pampering yourself is a huge start! When others pamper us, it helps too!! :heart: Do not take this feeling lightly. There is a huge difference between pregnancy blues and postpartum. When you say “alone” I understand, but nobody else can unless they experience this. Please get on meds as soon as you can.

No idea but I’m 28 weeks and feeling the same… :pensive::pensive::pensive:

Please go talk to your doctor and see a counselor

Just think in several weeks you’ll have one of the best things in the world a precious baby it’s the best feeling in the world you won’t have time for lonly or depressed. Your best friend. Love with no end that baby will be your world.

I have same. I keep talking to myself reminding me that its all hormones that cause my depressed state. I keep repeating it to myself. And try keep busy by nice movie or walking. I avoid overthinking. Also i watch baby boom on YouTube it shows real maternity ward births and i feel happy to have my baby soon.

Defiantly go speak to a therapist, it will really help with how to handle your feelings and cope, but most importantly not to let it spiral once the baby is here. It can be really tough reach out to your Dr and get a referral x

Please discuss your feelings with your doctor as soon as you can, and before your baby’s arrival. Although post partum depression is fairly common, depression during pregnancy may be a symptom of other health issues. Praying for you!

There’s certain antidepressants that can be taken while pregnant. May have to try different docs to find one who will prescribe them.
I sure hope something works for you soon!!! I’ll be praying for a solution!

Dont friend warn you wow. I was pregnant when my bf in army I feel peace to be alone

Just understand that this can be part of pregnancy. You need to keep busy, do something’s you enjoy. Stay out of your head and do things to be of service. Join a group of other pregnant women…Good luck, you can do this.

Would be worth talking to your health care provider. Xx

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Hormones are crazy during pregnancy… but id talk to your doctor about it…

Again, why is this on MY FAVORITE HOLIDAY ???

Talk to your doctor…dont be embarrassed hormones are crazy
But honey you’re not alone you’re growing a human inside your body such an incredible gift to hold.
Plant your feet and wiggle your toes into the grass embrace the sounds of nature and let your mind feel at peace.
But number 1 speak with a doctor

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See a Dr. Talk to your midwife. Talk to other parents. PPD is horrible. Just don’t feel embarrassed/ashamed/a shit mum for asking for help

Speak to your doctor. Vitamin D supplement (at least 3000 IU) go outside (even just to sit), write a list of things you’re thankful for or excited about, take lots of baths with smelly candles or soaps, go window shopping, call your friend or your mom.

Please get help from your Dr and a therapist, talking therapy is amazing and will help you understand e thy your feeling like you are and how you can help yourself, it does get better but you need to get the right help :kissing_heart: x

40 + years ago I thought I was going crazy to feel depressed. It wasn’t until well after my second one that I heard somebody mention depression in pregnancy together and then I was like off and a light bulb went off. Talk about it talk about it to anybody who will listen. If you live in a very rural area it could be difficult oh, maybe you could join an online group or something like that.

I would definitely speak to your doctor. Depression during pregnancy gives you a higher risk of PPD.

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prayer and listening to good uplifting music and singing along–even the baby in your womb will be blessed.

Focus on this new baby coming remember when the baby comes your life will be so filled of joy and love :heart: do things to prepare fold clothes for the baby organizing a place for everything I promise it’s all going to be ok

I always surrounded myself with friends who understood. Also manicures and pedicures helped.

Same happened with me.
Talk to doctor. And I downloaded a coloring app on my phone and that honestly helped quite a bit. Was relaxing!

Go for a walk at a national or state park. Reach out to friends and family. Dont keep it to yourself. My dark cloud got bigger and darker esp after my baby was born because i kept it to myself out of shame. Sunshine and walks can lift your spirits, esp if you have some earbuds in and are rocking out. Hang in there momma, be sure to chat with your doctor to be safe, talk to your husband about your concerns and def surround yourself with family or people you want to be around. :slight_smile:

If you are having depression now, it is very likely you will have post partum. I got put on Zoloft at the end of my pregnancy. Very commonly used antidepressant! Don’t feel shame for what youre feeling. Its very common!

Pregnancy hormones are a total b*tch! I was up and down the entire pregnancy and ended up increasing my therapy appointments to every other week. Talking to my therapist helped, and I did mindfulness meditation to help out with the stress and increase balance.

Spend time with your other mommy friends. They likely understand what you’re going through. Talk to your doctor. Try to spend some time outside, maybe in that afternoons so it’s not so hot. Lots of self-care. :heart::heart:

Just let them pass. And let ur husband be there for you. Don’t try to do it alone. It sucks and its hard. Share…

My dr put me on zoloft

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You need to contact your doctor about this and see a therapist.

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Talk to a Dr. They can rule out things first and help keep watch for after baby arrives.

Secondly you have to find solace in it. After baby it feels even more lonely. And on a never ending repeat of the same day. You have to find something to ground you. A special break out of the day.

Start a new hobby, something that takes your mind off things, I started to crochet and I still do it… whenever you want your husband to do something, you have to say it, he doesn’t read minds, it’ll save you a lot of stress… we are very unreasonable when we’re pregnant, but remember, mind over body! Pregnancy is stressing for him too, I’m sure he doesn’t know how to help you, so don’t expect him to offer things, just tell him, he’s not pregnant, he’ll never get pregnant, so he can’t guess what you need… and if he forgets, then tell him again…

Seek therapy. Post partum depression is worst after the baby. You need to find small things that spark your happiness.


Speak to your doctor honey. Maybe they can find a medication for you :two_hearts: I was on Prozac through my pregnancy and it helped a lot. :two_hearts:

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I know this is hard but remember to not take it out on your husband you are sensitive he probably doesn’t know what to do. That said let’s focus on you. People think therapy is only something to go to at the worst of the worst but that is not true. Your body goes through soo many changes hormones and everything else give yourself a break and talk about it. It doesn’t mean your ungrateful or bad or selfish. It means your human and not a heartless robot. Go head get help before it’s too overwhelming

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I took anti-depressants during two of my pregnancies. Paxil is what I took. Talk to your doctor, you should be able to enjoy this time in your life!

This May Sound Strange, But I was Given a Paperback Book when I Was just 14 & Living in Panama with My Older, and Much Wiser, Brother, JIM. In Fact HE was the one who gave it to me, It’s By Dale Carnegie & was Originally Written around the 1930’s & is still Being Published in these days… It’s Just THAT Good… “How To Win Friends and Influence People”… But there’s MUCH More to it. Once You start reading It, You’ll KNOW what I’m saying. I STILL Have my copy & I’m 76 at this time… It Truly influenced ME That Much, and changed My Life Permanently for the better, And did it in Several ways… It Deals a lot With ATTITUDE… Yours And The Other People You Deal With On a Daily Basis,…