I am pregnant and ended up in the hospital...advice?

hey mommas, so i landed myself in the er today. i had a weird gush of fluid. not sure why. but my levels said i’m at 6 weeks. i’m at 24,467hgc but my ultrasound showed just where baby is suppose to be but nothing was there. they said i may just be earlier then 6 weeks. is this even possible? with my hgc levels saying im about 6 weeks? i’m so lost. & im stressed i wanna cry. idk what to do feel or think!!


For you and the baby

I don’t have any advice, I’m sorry.
I just wanted to tell you that I prayed for you :pray:t3::heart: God is there with you every second.


I have four children. My last pregnancy was like this! I thought I was further along than I was. I was around 6 weeks, my hcg levels matched that, but my ultrasound showed a sac with no baby. I FREAKED. in 2-3 weeks, my levels went up like normal, and my ultrasound showed my sweet boy with a heartbeat :heart:
Don’t let it scare you. Timelines this early in pregnancy can be so easily misconstrued. I hope you can find some ease and comfort, and I hope you see baby on ultrasound really soon!


I’m so sorry. I had a similar thing happen. My hcg levels dropped and I lost the pregnancy.

Don’t cry, with levels that high, and no visible yet, could be twins…

You could be having twins or something called vanishing twin syndrome. I wouldn’t worry too much.

This could also be a Bilighted Ovum pregnancy. I had one back in July. Everything progresses as normal, except baby doesn’t form and it takes a bit for body to realize that something is not right. I had my scan at 6weeks, and was told this news. I didn’t have a active miscarriage untill close to 9weeks.

Hi, I just came on here to say I’m sorry that this is happening to you. I’m not sure what is going on. I’m no doctor. But, you should look up Molar Pregnancy. Your situation could be nothing, and I really hope it is. This happened to my daughter and it turned out to be a Molar Pregnancy. It’s rare, and it took the doctors a few days to figure it out. I hope it’s not and everything is ok. Good luck!

FaceBook is not the place to get advice for such serious medical questions. It will only add to your stress & fear!!!

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