So as of tomorrow I’ll be 17 weeks along, and I’m a FTM but everytime I sit down bend down or anything like that my left hip pops out of place and at times it’s so bad that I want to cry if my left foot even leaves the ground and when I lay down it does make me cry, and it’s really hard not bend down or sit down because on a daily basis I help my step mom with 2 babies she has temporary custody of who are 17 months and 7 months has anyone else had to deal with this and how did you manage it. It also might help to state that I’m 17 Please no rude comments about my age I hear it all the time but thank you for any info you may have
It’s from the relaxin in your body preparing to open your birth canal. There’s not much you can do until after the baby comes and it calms down.
Just a side affect of pregnancy, unfortunately.
Maybe a chiropractor?
It’s very normal happens in every pregnancy unfortunately there’s nothing you can do about it
Definitely talk to your doctor
Some women develop hip dysplasia from the pressure on their hips.
My daughter got 2 prenatal massages and it helped tremendously
I thought my left hip was going out for the last year and finally it hurt so much I had to ask the Dr about it. Turns out it wasn’t a hip problem but a back problem (sciatica).
Maybe a support belt? I have one for lower back issues maybe your doctor could give you some recommendations
Normal my 4th baby was bad I carry my girls super low my hip popped even after giving birth took a couple months for my hip to stop after having her your body is changing and your bones and muscles relax to accommodate baby and get ready for baby to grow and eventually for the birth
prenatal massage, chiropractor, a bath or massage it to help. your ligaments are stretching and bones are shifting as baby gets bigger, it’s normal hun, just try to relax!
Sciatica. Use heat pads at night and sleep with a pillow between your legs.
I had this so bad with my second, I was actually taken off work at 21 weeks
Please go see a Webster certified chiropractor mama!
It’s normal, but you should definitely talk to your doctor about it and see if he or she has any advice on things that might help it be more tolerable for you. I had similar issues during each of my 3 pregnancies. I used a pillow between my legs at night, did alot of simple leg stretches, and used a heating pad on my lower back and upper legs alot.
Might want to try some stretches on youtube. Make sure you lifting with your knees to take some strain off your hip
I had problems with my left hip during my pregnancy as well. Walking was okay it hurt every now and then but laying down and rolling over in bed hurt like hell
Try some stretches and light exercise, I’m 17wks too and it does help take the edge off. Or lay down on your side for a couple minutes with a pillow between your legs.
Are you sure it’s your hip going out of place? I had sciatica so bad in pregnancy and it still bothers me when sitting some but thankfully is usually ok.
Sounds like pubic symphysis disorder. I had it with my two girls and am currently pregnant and have it again. Unfortunately there’s not much you can do other than take Tylenol and rest. When you roll in bed keep your knees together; avoid standing on one foot (sit to put on pants); don’t sit with your legs crossed. Some people’s bodies create more relaxin than others and that causes your pelvis to separate more which results in the pain. I know it’s painful!! I’ve had my pelvis pop and grind and ache so much. Google it for more info
See your OBGYN and get to a chiropractor, physical therapist and do pregnancy massage.
I did that with my second pregnancy. Sucked! Buuuut I went to a chiropractor and they put it back and I was good for the rest of my pregnancy. I think I was 22 weeks when i went.
Go to a chiropractor. They will work with you and you will feel so much better
Chiropractor and a support belt.
My last pregnancy was with twins and i didnt have this start happening untill i was about 32 weeks is it normal for this to happen so early in pregnancy? Well anyways hope all goes well for u girl…
I am pregnant too and it happens to me. It is terribly painful! I went to the chiropractor and they put it back and gave me a brace just like Josie Killough and it still happens sometimes,however,i just go back and they do it again with also monthly visits to adjust my back and massage
Ouch! I’m sorry to hear that! I would see a chiropractor, they could help with that, preferably it’s called "the gonstead method " it’s the best.
I had the same thing happen. Find a good chiropractor, get it back in place and brace it. My chiropractor improvised a hip brace from a back brace and showed me exactly where to place it. It helped tremendously, also the tip about sleeping with a pillow between your knees is good too.
Your hormone levels have changed with pregnancy to allow the stretching of muscles/ligaments and it means there isn’t enough tension to hold the joint in place.
Yeah if you have the money for a chiropractor. If you dont, get a cane. When my hip kept popping out with my second child (19) that’s what I had to do. Got a cane and just made the best of it. If your hip makes you fall often then you could be a high risk pregnancy. Try to stay immobile if you can.
While you have a husband who is a blessing, it seems to me that he needs to insist that some changes need to be made for your health and that of your baby. Or have you not allowed him to know how you are feeling??
If you don’t get some relief, you may end up in bed rest for several weeks. God bless.
Chiropractic prenatal care is amazing!! I would look into that. I loved it when I was pregnant.
Chiropractic! Look for a pregnancy certified webster chiro. Works wonders and helps with labor too!
Sounds like sacrio joint dysfunction. A chiro can do a few tests. Same happened to me along with sciatica. Very common!
Chiropractic care. I went through it. The public bone was what kept going out. You’ll be ok.
I’ve had it since my second pregnancy. She’s now 16 and my hip pops out daily, hourly really. I have a chiropractor…
See a chiropractor they can help with keeping it in place. I saw one up until I was 5-6 months pregnant.
don’t sit down:rofl:, chiropractor
Find a good chiropractor.
After my 1st, my hips popped multiple times a day. Now 7 years later with #2, it has temporarily stopped. It sucks a lot but I never found a solution to it.
see a doctor and take the steps to do waht has to be done
Chiropractic care is best, but pillow between your knees while laying down to raise the hips will sometimes cause them to readjust back into place
Chiropractic, I went the entire 9 months when I was pregnant with twins!
A physical therapist is your best option
Are you sure it’s your hip and not your SI joints? Have a dr look at it
What does your dr say?
Brandi it almost sounds like she has EDS.
Hips getting ready for birth, will be painful n no kind of relief