You are not wrong to make a decision to give your child a better life. It’s sometimes the greatest gift you can give your child.
You are beautiful mama for even considering this. You truly love your babies and are mature enough to put their welfare first which so many people don’t. I was bought up in an open family adoption. I love my mum as much as my family who raised me and appreciate deeply the life she gave me. No advice just big hugs.
Legally I don’t know. But if you don’t think that you are going to change your mind then all I can say is you are an absolutely beautiful, wonderful, amazing, selfless, and I could go on and on but I admire how unselfish you are to do this for this woman. I wish you the very best. God bless you!
What a selfless act. You are a great mom to give your baby a better life.
I say make sure that’s really what u want. Your depression can be taking over ur true feelings. I wouldn’t sign anything over until u are 100 percent.
I dont think anyone would force you to keep a baby you dont want. Justcheck with a lawyer beforehand.
I think its a good idea! Just make sure you do everything legally so there’s no way the state can get you with a neglect charge.
Go ahead just get a good lawyer to advise you !!!
I don’t know legally. You are a wonderful lady. What you are doing is hard or would be for me. May life bring you many blessings to count every day
adoption has to take place, you can sign over guardianship to another person, as that is not forever, I wouldn’t think having postpartum would make a difference unless you are not capable of making a sound decision, also I would think that if this is the case actually giving a child away could worsen your case horribly. I would be taking to a attorney and getting you facts in order, and then you also have the father of the child has they have rights as well, this isn’t just a thing for you to do alone, because if adoption takes place both parties have to be in agreement. and as I understand it, getting an adoption these days is hard,
You are not wrong, you are being smart and unselfish, thinking of your baby.
No you aren’t wrong I am proud of you for giving the baby up instead of abortion also get a lawyer it shouldn’t be to hard and is the dad okay it because that’s his baby to
This is beautiful! You are such a strong intelligent woman! Your doing the right thing!
If your ppd is documented and being treated, there legally could be something where you live where it could prevent it (kindof like of being of sound mind and body ) but i think it would be unlikely. No one can tell you what is wrong or right. Personally I could never do it, but that is just me. You just need to realize that this isnt something you can change your mind on as the child gets older (unless your relative agrees to it legally but it doesnt sound like they will)…this is a life long and life altering decision. I think it would be extremely difficult (again speaking for myself ) as the child gets older and you see them and they see you and wonder. So I think you need to take ppd out of it bc that can go away and what if you begin to feel better and regret it…these are all things to consider
You’re not wrong! That said, depression changes you and if this is a temporary depression than maybe you may regret it later when you’re feeling better.
You are definitely not wrong. You know you can’t handle another child and you’re helping a couple start their family. That is the most unselfish thing a person could do. I firmly believe that shows how much you love your child. Putting the child’s needs before yours. God bless you in whatever you decide
Yes legally you can if you sign your rights away. But I would still get legal advice on it. But Unless the father of the baby step in and want the baby. Your not wrong or selfish for doing this for someone else. But only if your 100% on it. Only you will know what’s best for you and your unborn baby. Wishing you the best.
You’re not wrong. And if you change ur mind before or after the birth, you still wouldn’t be wrong. Being young is hard for so many many reasons. As long as you are 200 percent positive you don’t want to take care of the child for the next 18-20 years. But if even a small part of you thinks you may want the baby back in a few years, it’s best to open that dialogue now and come up with options if that was ur case.
Go get help don’t just give your precious babe away I suffered with ppd and not once did giving my babies away ever go through my mind no way go get help hun doctors can help you feel better you’re not thinking straight right now
I think you need to get a lawyer. However I think it’s awesome your doing this. But can the father put a stop to it?.
I applaud you for doing this. You’re so strong, brave and kind. Make sure you go through a lawyer and get it all legalized. Don’t just hand over the babe after he/she is born.
Also, I’m not sure if you’d need the father to sign his rights over as well.
I am not a mother, but growing up I 've known young ladies who’ve had babies - one the mother of the girl adopted the baby - the young lady - went to school and the baby was known as her brother - If a relative adopts the chld she gets to be part of the chids life and never wonder if the child was raised in a loving home. The baby she has now will be cousins - but eventually the truth may come out - I believe the child will understand how much love went into the decision - The girl is chooing life for her unborn child.
I think you’re doing a beautiful thing. I’m not sure on how it all works but I would think you’d need an attorney to write up some type of adoption papers.
I think u r doing a brave thing. hopfully the baby will have a mommy and daddy.!!!
I would definitely get your PPD under control before making any permanent decisions. And thank you for giving this baby a chance at life!
The father has rights too is he ok with you giving it to a family member?
You have 48 hours after you give birth to change your mind
Ur not wrong at all ur giving someone a chance to have a child that’s awesome my sister can’t have kids eaither so I’m going to be her sarogate so she can experience being a mommy I wouldn’t have it any other way ur so brave to do it but in all honesty think about it because this is a forever deal but God bless u
Yes u can BUT If u r on any mind altering medication i would get a statement from a therapist to file with the papers that they believe the medication has had no effect on your decision.
U will be in my prayers! I wish u well
I think you would come to regret signing your baby away. PPD doesn’t last forever, get help with it. Don’t make a permanent solution for a temporary feeling. Your choice anyways…
You are doing a good thing. Let the baby be raised by someone who can give it what it needs in life. That’s love to let the baby go to a loving and providing home.
You need to keep your knees together and get your head out of your ass.
You don’t have a child and decide to take it out like yesterday’s garbage.
You are pathetic!!!
You obviously need to see some therapy because at the end of your post you are asking people on the internet if you should keep or give away your baby. You haven’t made your mind up yet. Its not about YOU but your BABY and the people you are involving and sounds like you have already committed this baby to the family member and if you change your mind … YOU NEED TO THINK about how this will effect the other person.
Go get professional help for your depression FIRST and then make your dicission. Best of luck & prayers for you & everyone involved.
I agree with Leslie Marie Rivera - Salicrup
Not my place to judge your choice. Are you happy with it? That’s all that matters. If you’re having doubts, I would suggest figuring out what you want before the baby gets here. If it is what you want, that’s a beautiful gift you’re giving your child.
I believe you can have another baby when you are more stable financially and mentally. Giving it away to family is an amazing thing and if it’s truly what you want you should do it, don’t listen to people that second guess your gut instinct. Not everyone knows your entire situation it can be easy to judge from the outside. Keep your head up just ask your doctor if there’s any paperwork you’ll need from them before signing rights and make sure all parties (baby daddy included) are totally okay with the situation.
Consult a lawyer and see, where it has affect on your mental health and decision making the courts may not allow you to do so as you may regret it later on and want the baby back. They might treat it like making a decision while under the influence of alcohol ect. The dad also has rights and if he doesn’t even know about you giving the baby to a family member or about the baby at all and you give it up without his consent he can charge you if he wants and fight to take the baby away from your family. I would suggest just having that family member raise the baby until after your PPD is gone or little to non existant that way you can make the choice on a clear and stable mind
I would recommend that you get treatment for your PPD before deciding to place your baby for adoption. Depression can really distort reality and make things seem impossible. Once you recover from your PPD you may regret surrendering your baby. I know women who chose to abort, or place for adoption, when they were depressed, who later truly regretted it for the rest of their lives, once they were recovered. Never make a permanent decision based on temporary circumstances.
I think what you are doing is very brave and kind of you. Make sure you are giving the baby away with understanding the decision entirely and maybe get a therapist or doctors opinion. It’s like they say dont make permanent decisions on temporary feelings. I know how hard post partum depression is and thinking of having a another child absolutely terrifies me but I know I wouldnt have the heart to do what you are thinking of doing. So just make sure you understand your decision.
I’d think the baby’s father would have to sign his rights away too
I have post partum depression, although I do not agree with you choice. Just make sure you will be okay with this in the long run. When you no longer feel this way. Don’t make any choices that you may regret.
I am all for giving the baby a chance and not just terminating the pregnancy go u
reading comments the father wld have a choice i beleive and also the first thing that came to my mind is if u do go down the path of giving baby to a family member due to ppd do the authorities have the right to remove the child u have from ur care also if its prooven u r unable to care for another or your next baby they may see it as u unfit for either🤦♀️
I am not sure how it works but this just came to mind reading ur post and the comments
But i wld tread very lightly in sussing this all out n also for whom u r goin to sign the baby over too it will upset them dearly if u changed ur mind or father got involved or any thing happened that stops it
Good luck on ur future and ur decision n seeing the light at the end of ur ppd tunnel u WILL get there
I admire your thinking…having depression myself, sometimes our thinking is a bit off, but you are being wise from what I can see. Anyone having 2 babies in that short of time period will be stressed…so I don’t know about the legal ramifications, but I suggest you find some free legal advice…you should definitely have some paperwork drawn up to make this “legal”. Your relative is excited and this could all work out well for all of you, but you don’t know what the future holds. What if something happens to this adoptive mom? Then who gets the baby? We can’t predict the future, but legal counsel, kind of like making a will, should be done to cover most of the possibilities…I’m so glad you are giving birth…every life is precious. My mother gave up a baby many years ago and my 1/2 brother and I were reunited many years later. So I know things can work out in some ways. God bless you on this journey!
No you are not wrong… you are giving someone a blessing… it may be hard … but you need to do what’s right for you and your son… take of yourself and the rest will work out… remember you come first
Sweetheart you are making probably the most important decision of your young life…and your baby’s. It takes unimaginable courage to do what you are doing and comes from a place of love both heart-wrenching and heart-filling. The amazing gift you are giving to your cousin can’t be topped. Get the help you need with your PPD and live your best life. You have both my sympathy and my respect.
One is never wrong for giving up a baby they know they won’t be able to care for. What a wonderful gift, a better life for the baby and the gift of motherhood to a loved one.
But I would decide about what to tell the baby when they are older and may have the desire to seek out their biological parents. And take into consideration how a person’s life can change for the better and the worse.
I think you’re absolutely amazing! PPD Is something that is very difficult to get past. And in the end you’re still providing your child with a beautiful life with a family that eagerly wants a baby. I don’t think you’re wrong for not keeping the baby. You need to think about yourself and the baby. Forget all of the other opinions. What you’re doing is amazing, giving up a child is difficult but the baby will still be in the family and you will still be able to watch him/her grow. Not only are you blessing this child with a family that wants to raise it as their own, but you’re also blessing a family with a child. I think you’re doing great! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! It’s about what’s best for you and your baby!
you can make it an open adoption, sounds like you will still see your child, I would talk to a lawyer to figure out all the legal stuff but thats very selfless of you doing whats best for you and your baby
You are very strong for this. I’m sure it’s very hard but what’s best for you and baby.
It is very unselfish of you to do that
I have a lot of respect for someone that ensures what’s best for their child (to the best of their abilities)!
I think you are so wonderful to do this. To do this for someone who cannot have children and want them.
It sounds like you’re doing it for the right reasons, so I don’t see why you couldn’t sign your rights over. Best wishes for you and your family
i think you are doing a wonderful thing!
You are doing what is best for the baby,
You chose life!!! That is awesome!!
I think what you are doing is amazing!
That was a very kind thing for u 2 do.
I think this is an incredible gift. Your baby will be so loved. Bless you.
Yes. women sign adoption papers all the time while having PPD. You are doing such a courageous thing. Just please get help with your PPD!
U are doing something that is best for u and the baby. I hope u get the help u need and at least the baby is going to a loving home.
Make it an open adoption. You di what is best for you. Because what is best for you will also be what is best for the baby. You are young and life is hard. Either way you can do it. Follow your heart
You are not wrong to find your children a loving and caring home. Please look into long term family planning such as. Tubal ligation. What concerns me is the Father’s role in the decision?
I think there should be no issue with it.
That is awesome. Did you already tell her you was going to give her the baby? Sometimes woman give the baby and once they come thru their PPD they regret it. I hope you feel better soon. That shit is no joke. It is real. And I applaud you for speaking out about it. I applaud you for your decision of adoption. I wish you the best.
I 100% think that you are doing the right thing for you and the baby. But just to be sure, with regard to your legal concerns, talk to a lawyer and a psychiatrist.
What a beautiful gift…
You are absolutely not wrong in your decision. There are so many people out there that cannot conceive and you are giving them one of the best blessings in life!
You need to do what’s best for you. If your not right nothing else will be.
The ? is will you be able to see your child being raised by some one else?
If the dad does not want to be a part of it’s life you should have no problem kem
It’s your choice, but what if you change your mind when baby is born? But again it’s your choice
You are definitely not wrong
I think your an amazing soul. Prayers to you all. It should be fine .
If you feel like it’s what’s best for the baby and your family then do it but just remember it’s not an easy choice and not something that you can take back when youre ready or want to be apart of the babies life… Just make sure your whole heart is in and youre okay with seeing the baby occasionally at family gatherings
My best friend can’t have kids, every year up until I turned 40 I asked her if she wanted one, I would’ve done it because I love her, but she didn’t want kids, she said she has mine to love on, since I turned 40 I’m 41 now had a hysterectomy last year. I think you should talk to a psychiatrist or therapist to make sure this is what you really want to do, it could cause more depression, but I do think if your not ready and this family member could give him or her a better life and make them happy then I’d do it, but again talk to a professional before you make the decision. Good luck sweetie
You also have the option of asking a family member to care for it until the ppd passes. Are you on any medicine?
Love to you, regardless of which way you go.
The person adopting should pay for you to get a consult with a lawyer and specify exactly what you two can expect. Open/closed, etc. An attorney should be able to make this very simple for both of you, and yes, you two need one.
Well honestly I think you should be asking questions with a psychologist instead of FB and then getting an effective birth control with your gynecologist/obstetrician. Also I think you’re doing something very brave and noble.
Dont listen to ignorant ppl…u are doing a magnificient thing in recognizing you’re not mentally prepared for another child and that you would give ur child the opportunity to thrive and you are allowing someone to have the greatest gift…being a mother…i hope you get the issues with ur ppd under control always ask for help if you are overwhelmed…and dont listen to ignorant ppl who dont know your situation…sounds to me like you are making a wise decision…kudos to you and best of luck and ur ppd shouldnt be a cause for concern during the adoption process…
What a beautiful gesture
You are never wrong for doing what’s best for your family. And there shouldn’t be any issues with the adoption.
What you are doing is brave.You are helping 2 lives,giving them a chance to …live.God Bless You.
Yes you can and do not let nobody discourage you until you Kate it’s your decision it’s just like giving it up for adoption to a stranger but it’s dead it’s a family member good luck with you and your
I took in my 2nd cousin while her dad was in prison. He legally signed over guardianship rights so my husband and I could make decisions on schools, Dr.s etc. we did not legally adopt her so she had the option to go back with him when he was released.
I think you are doing a wonderful thing…I dont see how it would be illegal to do so…you know your relative can give the baby a better life in all aspects…any judge would appreciate that I would think…
Sweetie if you feel in your heart that is what is best for you and your baby …That is the best think to do and yes you can do that …call a ftee lawyer and ask them how you go about it …That dose not make you a bad mom. ! I have alot of respect 4 women like you…God Bless you and for whatever decision you make…
You are doing the right thing. If you can not provide for your baby , giving him/her to someone that can give a better life to him/her is the best and unselfish option.
I think that you shouldn’t lock yourself down until after the baby is born just in case your heart changes its mind but there’s absolutely nothing wrong with either choice you are giving the gift of life to someone else that can’t have it. And on top of that the baby stays in the family so you are able to watch him or her still grow up and be a part of their life in a different way
I think it’s very courageous of you to admit that your not ready for another baby and to give your family member a baby so they can provide better for the baby it takes alot to do that
If you are in postpartum depression do not sign over your rights. Wait until you are well again. If you have to give temporary custody then do what you have to do
I have my niece from her being taken from her mom at 7 weeks old but we tell her that I couldn’t carry her in my belly so her other mom did. She knows she has 2 mommy’s but I’m her real mommy she says and she is almost 9.
Legally you should have no issues ensure the documents are drawn up by a legal advisor. I have been in your shoes be prepared it’s not easy.
Yes you can no reason you cant ! And since you are asking that means your sound of mind and cant say you are not at last minute because you have this online for the world to see
Be cautious in what you are doing, be sure 100% that’s what you want to do. Someone was in a similar situation like yours and gave their baby to her grandmother (her father’s mother) and changed their mind later on because of abuse netted out to the child . However that child who is now an adult do not have a loving relationship with the mother. So be careful be very careful. Weigh your options wisely. Blessings to you
A good mom does what is best for her child,
Get a lawyer and get your tubes tied. The end.
I think you’re making a brave and selfless decision.
U are amazing!!!
You need to talk to a lawyer about that
I think you need a lawyer