I’m 19 years old … I got pregnant with my son when I was 18 and gave birth at 18… I recently found out that I’m pregnant again even though I was taking birth control…it was nothing planned, and I’m not ready mentally for another child I struggle with postpartum depression I’ve had it since my son was born …with that being said I plan on giving this baby to a relative who can not have children due to cysts on her ovaries and she’s super excited and I know she can give this baby a good life for she is financially stable and all she’s ever wanted is to be a mommy …my question is can I legally sign over my rights if I have postpartum depression?? And opinions on my situation, am I wrong for not keeping the baby ???
You do what’s good for you and what’s good for baby… I’m not sure the state law where you are but it shouldn’t be an issue hun, I’m wishing you nothing but the best
Idk about the legal part, but you’re not wrong for giving the baby up if u feel like u cant do it.
If im not mistaken you can sign your rights over for whatever reason. And i think its awesome momma!! Your gonna give that family member so much love and happy memories. I actually see this as really selfless.
You might need to consult a lawyer and a mediator to make sure you are in the right state of mind but I applaud you I know this might be hard but you will the best decision for you and your baby
I believe as long as both parties relinquish rights it shouldnt be a problem. My sister in law adopted my niece through another family member and there was never any issue since both parties did this. Look for a pro bono lawyer or even a local free help center through your local courthouse. Best of luck and just so you know YOU ARE AMAZING FOR WHAT YOU ARE DOING! Responsible, smart, courageous and strong
This is a hard decision but it’s up to YOU to make. Personally I don’t think I could do it but it doesn’t make it wrong. Just think long and hard before you make a difficult decision like that.
Legally, someone has to adopt the child to sign over your rights. Just went through it with my daughter. (Dad didnt want to be responsible.)
Do whats best for you and that baby. I think it is incredibly admirable of you to do for your family member
You’re doing the right thing. Give your son a stable, happy life.
Chica, I’m 22, and if I was in your shoes, I would do the same thing. Being a mom is really hard, and even though the baby will be raised by someone else, at least you know it will be healthy and happy and hopefully you can visit anytime you want as the aunt or something. If you feel like this is the right decision, then go for it. As for legalities, I’m not certain…
You’re never wrong for make the best decision for you. You are strong and brave for wanting what is best for this child. <3 Hugs to you.
I don’t see why having ppd would make a difference. You do what you feel is right for you and your child
Bless you so much for making dreams come true. Happy holidays little momma
You dont have to mention any your issues if you and her agree with anything then signed over
You can also see about signing your rights over before the birth but also make sure you talk to your doctor to get something to help with the post partum.
Yes, you can sign the baby over and kudos to you for realizing your limits. Prayers to you. Get yourself well, mentally. You should be very proud of the decision you’re making and not allow anyone to make you feel less than. You are giving this baby a beautiful gift of stability and a loving home, as well as someone the chance to parent, that may not otherwise have the chance. You are strong! You are beautiful! You deserve all the prayers!
You are not wrong for being this caring you have a big heart. And I would think itd just me an in family adoption and there will just be paperwork stating that.
You are NOT WRONG for making this choice. Your mental health is huge and I highly recommend you talk to a doctor about this. I was adopted, so if you want some advice please feel free to message me. If your baby is going to be with someone who is able to care for it-there is absolutely nothing to worry about! As far as “giving” do you mean adoption or is this person just going to be a caretaker? Adoption is permanent. I’d definitely sit down with this person and a lawyer to discuss this process. Because there’s a lot to it
Feel free to message me if you need advice on adoption, mama! You do what’s best for you AND YOUR BABY! There is no wrong answer here
Adoption for honorable reasons is one of the most selfless acts of love you can provide your child. I don’t see why ppd would affect signing over rights, unless you’re looking for a reason to not follow through with the adoption. I’m sensing hesitation on your part. You need to do some soul searching and determine what you really want/need to do, for both you and the child. I can’t imagine it will be an easy process but it’s necessary.
Being a mommy that has PCOS and had a really hard time conceiving. I know how much this amazing gift means to her. You are doing something so amazing.
Please wait to make this decision. You could change your mind. Getting help for your mental health and other resources will be a good idea. Don’t make a permanent decision on a temporary place in your life. This is a human being. Your status can and will change.
Do what’s right for you and your current child. I would contact an adoption lawyer and see what they have to say. It is not wrong to give up the baby if you truly feel like it would benefit everyone involved.
This is not the best place for legal advice but I used to be a paralegal so I’ll give the best to my knowledge. In most states, you can legally sign over rights as long as you and the adopting party are in agreement on the terms of the adoption. You will still need an attorney to help you do it legally. There’s a lot of paperwork that has to be filed with the court.
Depends on state, in my state you gove guardianship to someone but not full custody with a almost adoption process
Nope, just make sure it is done legally and proper papera are signed and recorded
You definitely need to consult legal council now. Women’s and children’s centers may be able to help you get that arranged.
Also get your ON/GYN or GP to prescribe therapy and/or meds to help with postpartum depression. Also ask for help finding more reliable birth control/s. You shouldn’t suffer!
How lovely of you to give your baby to create a new loving family! As you are related, you will still have the chance to see her/him grow and flourish without all the responsibility or stress.
Blessings to u & baby & family member getting the baby…
That’s so nice of u. Be sure
Your not in the wrong for not wanting to keep the baby. And I believe as long as this is something you truly want and you are not being forced then you should be allowed to. But still a good idea to talk to a lawyer probably
Just make sure you have an attorney familiar with adoption do the paperwork.
Look at some adoptee pages first. Ask other adoptees their opinion. At least consider open adoption or legal guardianship . Remember, this is your other child’s sibling. Good luck tou, you are very thoughtful.
Both parents would need to sign off their rights and other people adopt the child
You’re not wrong for not keeping the baby, you’re giving that child a good life with stability and a loving home. And you’re giving the woman a chance to have something she’s never had the chance to have and for that she’ll forever be grateful. You’re doing the right thing
You aren’t wrong for choosing to do better for your baby and putting that baby FIRST. Great job mama. You are making this woman a mama. That’s the most precious gift in the world.
I think if you decide to do this it’s very selfless of you. You would be giving her the best gift in the world, and you would still get to see them grow I’m assuming. You have to do what’s best for you and your living child right now. If adoption is the answer or keeping this baby is it’s OK.
That’s amazing that toy are willing to do that. My only advice would be to think long and hard. This is a child that I’m assuming you will still be seeing.
You do need an attorney
What a beautiful thing to do.
My suggestion would be counseling. I donated embryos and it was part of the process and it really helped. I think u would benefit greatly from it.i know giving ur baby to family seems like the best option and it probably is but it depression may also worsen from that so pls get some counselling, it will help you to mentally prepare and be a lil stronger for whatever u decide
Allowing someone a life of love with your child is a great gift. All parties involved will be blessed because of your choice. Since you are the biological mother it is up to you to make the best decision for you and the baby. Don’t listen to other peoples advice When making the best choice for you and your baby.
Wow amazing choice momma
If you cannot provide for your child and you are trying to give them the best life possible by giving them to your relative; in my opinion you are the best mom. That is true love.
If girls like you keep your pants up
You would not need to give your babby. A way
As long as this is something you’re 1,000% sure on, off course you’re more wrong. It’s s very selfless act. Take care of yourself mama
I’ve had to give up a son cause it was best for the child I got to choose the parents they gave him everything thing he needed he is now successful you are doing what’s best for you and the child your not wrong for doing so I do have my son and his parents on my fb the parents I choose couldn’t have children either your doing the right thing
Will the baby’s father have to agree with the adoption
Agree with therapist and medication . First. I think if you have exhausted all options then adoption
Deciding to give your baby a good life is so selfless and is the right thing to do.
Why wouldn’t you be able to?
I think it’s awesome you love your child enough to make sure he/she has the best life possible…but maybe seek counseling if you haven’t already, to make sure it’s what you really want. If you decide you want your baby back after awhile…it could break your family members heart to let them go.
Kinda hard what if u want her later is the problem and creates conflict between u n ur relative cuz it wasnt a legal adoption or what not
I think you should see someone first. If you know you have post partum depression then this decision could be based off your depression. I’d hate for you to regret it and have to see your child at family gatherings and not be mom. I believe adoption is amazing and selfless but…i also believe that decision should be made with a clear head
I placed my first for adoption. I am happy to be an ear. I did have pp depression. You just cant sign while medicated
First I think you are extremely brave and amazing for your your childs best interests first. Second I would contact a lawyer for a free consultation just to see what they recommend for doing it legally.
You’re giving LIFE to that child, and woman. You’re doing what is best for your family, while creating another family! That’s absolutely incredible! Both your children are going to have a great life because of this brave, beautiful decision. #BirthMomsAreMyHeroes
I so wish i could have the chance to be a mother again. I think what you are doing is absolutely amazing. Very mature for you to know your baby deserves everything
No you are not wrong that is the most unselfish amazing thing I can think of for somebody in your situation. God bless you and good luck honey
Nothing wrong girl. But yes legal advice is what u need
Wow! You are an amazing young woman
What an amazing selfless thing to do!!! You are amazing! hugs
Seek out an adoption agency, they can give you the best advice legally speaking.
I don’t see why not as long as this is exactly what you’re seriously in going forth. You’re an exceptional individual for thinking of your children’s well being. May God guide and bless you.
Adoption is fine, but make sure it is not the depression talking. Will the dad allow it?
Yes you can. No, your not wrong. Your trying to give your baby a better life. That could never be wrong. Sending prayers your way sweetie.
What about the father of that baby ? Dose he wants it ? Or even be a part of that baby ? I mean if u choice to keep it and give it away, then the father should have a right to have a say as well.
This is so selfless of you hun. Knowing that you couldnt handle 2 kids is ok and you can give this baby a wonderful life and your family member an amazing gift. As long as you know in your heart it’s what you want and that baby would be safe in the new home, I think your making the right choice for your situation.
If it’s gonna make you happy do it. That baby deserves a good life and if giving it away to someone who really wants it then please do so.
I FULLY support you and I wish you all the best
Just make sure the father is also on board. He could file for sole custody if he doesn’t want to sign his rights over
No u are not wrong to place the child with someone else at all . I’m not sure how adoptions work within family members
But I hope your not making decisions on emotions . Also it’s not fair to u or to the family member that is so beyond excited
If you’re not ready for another, then that’s all that matters. You are doing the right thing by giving your child a better life than you feel you can provide.
Make sure this is what the father also wants… What if he wants the baby? Or his mother? You also need to make sure it’s all done legally so I’d go and get proper advice from someone in the industry… A solicitor, legal aide, someone… Also speak to your doctor about this… If you’re already getting treated for post partum depression this is something that should be discussed with a counsellor… What it going through the whole pregnancy and then giving the baby away makes it worse? What if your depression eases and you decide you want the baby back? As far as I knew you can’t just “give” a baby away… You have to legally make sure it’s all legit to cover every base…
I would check with an attorney. I would think so.
I commend you on giving your baby to someone who will love it rather then abortion. You are doing the right thing love.
Thank you for choosing life!! And bless your heart for making someone else the gift of motherhood😘
I would have a psychological assessment and seek the guidance of a lawyer based upon that assessment. This is in everyone’s best interest. I would hope that the family member would help to pay for this.
Your not wrong and I believe you can sign your rights over just be careful it might be harder for you to give to a family member. Best wishes!!! Hope you feel better soon!!!
You are doing something amazing and you should have this conversation with your doctor they can give you the right answers.
Plan a open adoption.
No your not wrong!!! But you need to really make sure that is what you want!!! I’m telling you from experience. You need to understand. If you give your rights up. You have no say so. And you need to be positive this is what you want!!! Like are you gonna be ok with seeing this child grow up! And not call you mommy? Are you sure she’s the person u want raising your child. If you believe in God. Do you feel like this is what he would want. Look for adoption lawyers in your area
I’m glad you are wanting a better life for your child. As long as you and the other party are in agreement, good for you both. But you must do this legally. It’s basically adoption. Your friend will have to be evaluated.i know this has been done in the past but the person i know had some problems. She was handed over to a couple in the bar as a baby. Never fully accepted in the adopted family and had problems until she found her original family. From a legal standpoint, this could be a nightmare unless properly done.
I would say if you are making sense , which you are, you are suffering from something, but not PPD. Unless you are on meds. Everyone I know who had PPD & wasn’t on meds, remembers nothing. The ones on meds function nicely, so that alone says you can give your baby to your relative. Now whether you are suffering anything…yes maybe depression, maybe anxiety, maybe both, due to your circumstances. And with that said, you need to speak to someone. As for you giving your baby to a family member. That is a wonderful idea, especially if you know you can not give that baby everything it needs.
Good job for allowing your unborn baby to have a stable life. It is your choice
If you are sure that this is what you want, then go ahead and sign the paperwork before your delivery date. That way you aren’t going through the depression aspect.
Either way I hope you do what YOU feel is right
You do what you feel is best for you and baby
Wow!! Good Job Momma… praying u get better
You’re doing something amazing for the baby and the lady , if you don’t feel like being able to take care of the baby then go ahead do it !! People are always gonna look for the bad things about it
You are giving the gift of life to someone who can’t… that is a selfless, amazing thing to do!
You’re doing the most loving thing a mother can do for her child by recognizing that you’re not ready and making the difficult and selfless decision to adopt him to someone who can offer him/her what they need in life.
You are doing the right thing , what about the father ? If he is willing to sign the papers go for it.
I think you are doing such a great thing for that family member and the baby…
After this baby. Don’t have sex until you are in a good place
No you’re not wrong, just make sure you’re legally allowed to if (you don’t know the dad), in pa you have to wait 72 hours after giving birth. Personally if I had another child I just wouldn’t be able to raise it either. I also have depression so I understand what you’re coming from, give the child the life it deserves but once it’s hers, it’s her rules!
I did this exact same thing. I wasn’t diagnosed with ppd, however I firmly believe I was suffering. It was a very tough experience. She was my first baby but I was in no way ready for a baby. I too was 19, got pregnant when I was 18. Everything was legal and to the books. They never asked me if I was in any way suffering mentally. They just wanted to make sure I was doing this of my own accord. Hope this helps you.
I’m sorry but the fact that you are already second guessing your decision sends off major red flags
I think you’re very brave and selfless for making that decision
I don’t think PPD has anything to do with legally signing your rights away
What about the father? Do he not want his child?
I don’t think general cases of PPD make you unable to make decisions for yourself. As long as you aren’t being persuaded by someone else and you are fully aware (not incapacitated) I would say you are able to make this decision. Maybe go through a lawyer to make sure it’s all legally sound.
First off I am extremely proud of you! It’s a very selfless thing you were doing. For everyone. Do think you need to make sure the father is OK with it since he should have a say so. You should get an attorney anyways to make everything in writing. They can advise you better than Facebook