I am pregnant and have been finding out lies about my babies father, I don't know what to do: Advice?

You are very young so don’t put up with his lies and cheating on you go move in with your mother you will be much better off then staying in a relationship with someone that can’t keep his hands off someone else and I’m almost positive that he is still cheating on you so go live with your mother you and your son will be much happier

Move out and move on. To many red flags already! Youll be fine.

Well I don’t have any suggestions but I think your gut always knows and I don’t understand how you can be separated and still living together that seems odd

RUN, go to your Mothers immediately! Man you sound like you read a page from my daughters life…Your mother will be so much more help than this loser will. Trust me you will need the help she will provide a whole lot more than the drama & heartache he will offer. & your child will be so much safer with your Mom. Please go home. IF he wants you back, he needs to be on his own to do the work needed to support a family starting by supporting himself.
IF hes changed, DATE first, set regular visits at the home with the child. IF he cant follow those simple things, you have lost notthing more but time.

Save yourself a lot of time and pain leave.

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Don’t waste your time on him.

I can speak from experience, staying together in Hope’s that hell be a good father and for the sake of your family won’t work…if mama ain’t happy,ain’t nobody happy!!!

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Would you stay under any other circumstances? Dont stay just so your son has a father… he can still have you both but at least this way you’ll have your sanity and feel good knowing your not being cheated on or possibly getting an std… you said it yourself he burnt to many bridges.

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Leave. It will only get worse after baby gets here and harder to leave.

Zebra :zebra: never change their stripes.

Leave. Liars don’t stop lying, saying he will change is just another lie. Trust me you will thank yourself later. I learned the hard way. Don’t put his lying ass on your babies birth certificate either unless you want child support and him constantly coming up with new ways to ruin yours and your child’s life for the next 18 years!

Leave now. I regret not leaving when I found out what I did when I was pregnant, and I wasted 4 more years. Get out now and save yourself the worse heartbreak.

Trust is broken, he’s already lying and cheating, time to move on!

Oh honey, as hard as it is. And god I know it hard. I’ve walked in those shoes, your better off leaving and never looking back! Your only 20! You’ve got your whole life ahead of you! Be with your family and appreciate their support until you get on your feet. When they lie that well, it’s deeper than you know. You’ll spend your whole relationship with him playing detective and being devastated by what you find. There’s no happiness in that! You and your beautiful baby will have a wonderful life without that toxic man. Believe me!


get away from him… you can still be the best mom without being with is dad.

He can still be a great dad and you can still be a great mom whether you two are together or not! Save yourself the heartache and do what’s best for you, because in the end your son needs a happy mom not a dysfunctional family. Know your strength :muscle: you deserve the best!

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So its ok if he lies and you catch it right away but now that you didn’t catch those lies you are finding out about is the problem??? If you knew he was a liar, why does this surprise you?? And how can you be separated but in the same home? The one lying here is you…stop lying to yourself and move on out with mom!

Leave while you are able to

If u have someone to help you like ur mom go…hes not worth ur and ur childs future

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It will not change, don’t waste any more of your time. You will regret it if you don’t get out now. If cheating is a deal breaker for you stick to it. Don’t let him sweet talk you. You can make it mama.

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Leave him. Run now and raise your baby.

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this almost exact same situation happened with me, i’m 19 and the man i got pregnant with cheated on me at 4 months pregnant, i didn’t know until a month later when the girl confronted me about it. he kept saying he regretted it that it was a drunken mistake, even tried to kill him self because of it. then he was continuously trying to convince me to go to our local courthouse and elope, all while he had a girlfriend in another town that is an hour away that i had no idea about until he said he was going to see “family” and that i couldn’t go, and was gone for over 12 hours. he then tried to kill himself after he threatened me and my family, i got a protection order and it’s only been about 2 months into a year protection order and he’s already had 2 girlfriends, him nor his family try to contact me about our son, and honestly girl… i feel as if this is just a way of manipulation because you stuck around through the worst of it he thinks he’ll get away with anything else. in my best, honest advice, i would leave. i did NOT wanna do this alone let alone without him, but i am already in a much better place since completely cutting him out. best of wishes to you and your little baby, keep as much stress off as possible!!! it’s important you put yourself and your child first, with or without him


U can’t trust him,once a cheater always a cheater


As everyone else has said Run don’t walk and get that crep out of your life and your childs


You know the answer, MOVE


Listen what changes has he made if your still catching him in lies and talking to ex’s… Do you really want to be with someone like him that is a lair like that. What happens and he gets another girl pregnant. Move in with momma and Save yourself the heartache now. It’s gonna hurt and your gonna cry buckets of.tears but.have a.good support system in place to help you through this.

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Stuff that. Move back with your mom. Cheaters don’t change. I’ve been cheated on while pregnant so I know how you feel. It’s horrible. You truly are better off without him. Good luck with the birth of your precious baby xx


Go move with your mother where you are loved and hopefully supported in all this, trust me there will forever be drama and lies if you stay with this man

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I don’t mean to seem so blunt but I went through the same exact thing myself my daughter is now to still dealing with the same s*** Stills in the same position get out while you can it’s hard at first but it can only get better and all you’re going to do is hate him more because once the baby comes he’s going to be even more out of the house not around and not helping even men that are good don’t help is just you and your baby no one else yeah your mom can be there but it’s ultimately does you and I know that you want people to say work it out or make it better but the truth is as once he has lost respect for you in that way there’s no way to gain it back he’s just going to do the same thing again and the worst part is is your son will be old enough to know what he’s doing and see what he’s doing cuz yes you may think babies don’t know but they do

Get out while you can

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Run to your Mom,she has your best interests at heart. I was married to the king of liars,I think you may have met the crown prince.


Been exactly there and stayed there for 18 years and 5 kids later waiting for change…it never came. I only hurt myself staying but I thought it was best for the kids. That turned out to be wrong too. My mom was too always wanting me to leave but I was so “in love” with him, when in reality he had me brainwashed. The more kids we had the harder it was to leave but I did. If I knew now what I knew then I would have ran at the first sign he wasn’t good for me or our future family. I am happy to say I’ve been out of his clutches for 18 mos and divorced 9 months. I’m happier than I’ve ever been with my new fiance who would never dream of doing anything remotely like that to me. My kids loved him the first time they met him too, double bonus!


There’s no shame moving back in with your mom for a bit to get your life back together!! He’s untrustworthy and a liar, I would say boy bye if I were you. Chances are if you stay with him he’s not going to stop lying, he’s just going to get better at it


Be with family. Focus on ur son. Take it from someone who knows.


There will always be doubt you cant live like that you deserve better he needs to grow up

hard to split when pregnant. Give him an ultimatum no leniency. one chance but don’t be too quick about it. Be brave and say tou want a divorce because you will never trust him. He will lie probably but at least it will give you time to think. You will however trust him again.

Get out now u don’t have to have this in ur life ur worth so much more and ur about to give birth with hes baby no he has no respect for u

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Once a cheater always a cheater. Leave him and just focus on you and your baby, don’t need a cheater in your life hun. X

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You already know the answer and if you’re doubting yourself ask yourself this… is this how you want your child to think a man is supposed to treat a woman? The answer to that question is the same as to whether you should stay or not.

SMH. Leave now. He won’t change… don’t stay with someone that constantly lies to you. Respect yourself and your child more. Sometimes it’s better for the child and for you, to leave rather than stay and be lied too and cheated on

RUN-RUN, now. He did it once he would do it again.He doesn’t respect you…He doesn’t love you. You have to respect your self.Believe me it is nothing more important than a child to grow up with both parents but if he so immature is bad for the child. I wish you the best. God Bless you.

“He has always had a problem with lying”. That tells you everything you need to know. My advice? Move in with Mom, at least temporarily. If he wants to fix your mutual relationship, get counseling together before even considering bring yourself and a young child into that environment. If the relationship goes sour again, you get hurt. The young child who is more vulnerable would be devastated.

Move he is not the example u want for your son

You know the answer to this girl so move forward

Leave and runnnn as far as u can…u are young and one day whn he is at the way bottom of hell he will rmbr u…good luck!

Just take care of yourself and the baby. Time will tell which way to go. And stop with the drama. Not helping.

Sweetie I would just move out once a cheater always a cheater usually. Think of that baby you’ll find someone who will love you unconditionally I promise you, just because you have a child there is men out there that will love that baby/child too
Praying for you and your baby

Separated and living together after you found out? Myself from experience, move with your family, get away from him for a bit. If he has always lied that will not change. It becomes easier each time. You need a stress free life in your last month of pregnancy for sure. I almost lost my son 3X due to stress in our home. Take care of you and your son Honey!!

Move In with your mother. I just went thru something similar but there was no pregnancy involved. And once I shut down all communication between him and his ex he got violent. I put up with it for a little less then 6 months. And I made the right choice and left. Me and my own 2 children are much happier now

I’d leave. If he is saying otherwise to others and u keep finding out otherwise, and it keeps happening over and over. He isnt going to change not even for the child coming. It’s best to move on with ur baby but be civil with him due to the child and be happy with ur child and urself and the right person will come along and everything will be better then… but until then, move on and take care of urself and ur baby…

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Dont stay and suffer just because u have this idea of a perfect family. In this case it sounds like u are only to get hurt again. And again. And im so sorry. Hopefully he will st least be a good father. But dont put urself thru misery. I hope u get your happy ending.

Move in with your Mom. Your main focus needs to be your child and raising him in the most nurturing and loving environment and that means taking care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually.

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Trust and honesty are two very important things in a relationship and you have neither. You are too young to accept this behavior in a relationship. You seem to be with a habitual liar.
It’s important that you are in a healthy relationship for both you and your child. Currently, you are not. If not for you then for your child…walk away from the relationship and move on. A liar will continue to lie because that is all he knows. You deserve so much better. It can be challenging as a single parent but you’ll be okay…I was with three little guys.

Looks like majority is saying the same thing , if you have the option leave concentrate on yourself and your child , if you want to try and work things out make him earn it as in proving he’s changed .:slightly_frowning_face:

A relationship built on lies is no relationship! If you can’t trust him then Everytime he leaves your gonna wonder if he’s cheating. In my opinion I would move out and see how he reacts. Your first priority is to the baby and second yourself. He needs a mother’s full attention. Good luck with whatever you decide to do and congratulations to on the pregnancy.

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Yeah, you definitely need to get out while the gettin is good. He’s not gonna change. I have dealt with something similar and I wish I had gotten out sooner.

I found out at 8 months pregnant my ex husband cheated 7× all w/ different women. They never change …lies onky get better over time. Just wish i would of moved out then instead of wasting 11 years of my life. Even after i divirced him he kisnapped our children to abother state and put them in hiding. Staying with him was the worst thing I could of done. Not all are the same but dam near.

I chose adoption when my ex Essentially ended our relationship—due to cheating on me—when I was 5 days away from having our second child. I knew it was what was best. He had zero respect for me or the unborn baby. Considering he emptied our bank account within days of ending our relationship and then proceeding to be absent from our then 3 year olds life for 2 years he had zero respect for either of our children. It was a brave and devastating decision. I know my parenting style was to be attached to my babies and knowing I would have to start working I made a decision that was best for me and my children.

yep! I say move in with your mom and if he wants you and the child he will work at it to get u back and to prove he has changed, and if he choose to continue his cheating then u know it was the right thing to do for u and your child.

If you can’t trust there is no love go on with your life. Trust is one of the most. Biggest thing you can have

Love you have to do whats best for you and your little one. You say you keep discovering more and more negative that out weighs the positives. Going to stay with your mother would be better, if you want to work on things you can while in a safe and secure spot for you and little guy. If things get better and work you could always choose to live together down the road

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Once trust, commitment and communication are gone … what is left? A huge void in your life! Being lied to is bad enough, being cheated on is worse .
Go home to your mom and heal. Please for the sake of your mental health and stability don’t stay in this situation … it will only get worse over time.
Also your son deserves for his nerves to not be ruined (so do you) .
When I was pregnant with my oldest child I went home to my parents house … I didn’t leave soon enough … when my son was born his nerves were in shambles.


Move on. You have more important things to deal with. Don’t raise a child with creeping doubts.

If you stay you are always going to be wondering what he is doing. Your baby desires a mom that is happy. You can not be a good mom when you are having to deal with your emotions of sadness and worrying about his lies. You know what’s going on and it’s going to continue. Don’t put your baby through this because your baby will sense how you are feeling. You need to think of your child’s needs don’t start his life out a mom that has this heartache on her mind. If you do stay then suck it up and accept this is your life and you are ok with it. Don’t complain about it and don’t bother checking up on him because you obviously don’t care.

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So sad that THIS is what you are thinking about at 8 months pregnant. Girl, RUN. Far…and fast. It really wont get any better, and what you do NOW is setting the standard for what you will and will not tolerate in a relationship. You are about to face many sleepless nights…you want those to be about taking care of your son or wondering what some schmuck is up to? Ultimately…create peace for you and your little person. Because in a few short weeks the babe is going to be the only thing that matters anyway. Good luck mama! We are rooting for you!

Leave! He won’t change I know from experience I tried to make my family work with my daughter and her genetic material donor after she was born and he never changed. The baby won’t change anything and the lying he will continue to do will hurt you. If he truly wanted to be with you he would not be talking to exs or cheating. My ex used my daughter and my love for her and wanting her to have a dad to manipulate me. He is out of our lives now and I am relieved.

Move in with mom. You need peace right now. Your child deserves to have a happy and healthy mom!

Move in with your mom if you can being with someone you can’t trust isn’t healthy for you or the baby best of luck

Just leave girl. Leave. Because if he’s cheating and it’s all clicking in now. Just pack up and go. I wanted to have a family with my sons father but that didn’t happen. I’m happy. The best thing you can do for your child is to be happy and worry about you and ur child

Leave him. My ex-husband was exactly like that and I ignored it. I have 2 beautiful children with him, but I really wish I never married him to begin with.

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Your main focus must be your baby…and your Mom is a great support with it. Prayers for you…remember that this baby is a gift from God. There are pregnancy centers out there who help new Moms too. God bless you…prayers​:pray::heart::pray:

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maybe try staying with your mom for a little a give him space… let him show you he is willing to change. Actions speak louder then words… Your gonna need a good support group after having a baby an if he’s stressing you out, thats not gonna be good on you…
you may just need time away from him. your both still young.
Congrats on your baby.
best of luck to you. an God bless…
better to walk away know, before it gets worse…
a lot of red flags…
good luck


Girl go home to your mother and build your life for yourself and your child. You can’t trust nothing he says. When a person has shown you who they are, believe them. God will let you know what’s going on but you have to pay attention and take action. Leave!

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Leave him. It never goes back to the way it was before. Trust can take YEARS to rebuild.

If you choose to stay you have to understand that this will be the same for your entire relationship. If you can accept that then stay.

You know what to do by staying or going… & You DO know what to do for your child! Your mommy instincts will kick in and you’ll be so happy with your baby. Work your butt off and do what you gotta do to support your child. Screw him! You have a baby to support and think abt now. The rest is on him if he doesn’t want to support or be there.

Dude. You know when u get that feeling u see his phone being a little more protected than normal. I waited till he pSsed out. And found messeges with other women. So yea. I think you shouls move in with your mom until youbhave your baby amd then see how much hes around and if he lies again.

Please get away he sounds very manipulative. If he keeps lying he will not stop. You will be miserable worrying about what he is doing but keep your mind on one thing. Raising that child. You will be happy and not need stress please. Always always go with your gut instinct and dont set your standards low. You deserve better. God will help you threw it. I know

Think about you and your baby boy. Move in with your Mom , you need some time AWAY from him. You decide what is best. Once a cheater always a cheater. His lies will only stop, when you leave.

If you move out and move in with your mother, it will show that that kind of behavior you will not accept! Don’t let him say sorry I won’t do it again. Girls don’t realize the power they have over men use it!

If he wont be a good man when you are carrying his child, he wont be ‘better’ afterward. Honestly, how hard would it be for him to behave better right now when obviously he was behaving like scum. Its not too hard to seem to be ‘better’ now. You want to believe a man that is cheating on you while you are carrying his son… what does he have to do to make you move on really? You would figure that you answered your own question a million times; a question that really should never even be put into words as his actions have told everyone what he is and will continue to be.

I read this and it went with what is happening to you.

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Leave! Dont start your life with a new baby with all this stress and anxiety!! You and your baby deserve better!!

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I would definitely move in with your mom…Once a liar always a liar…He cannot be trusted…Prayers for you and your baby…That baby needs you…

Yeah just my opinion, but I feel like habitual/pathological liars do not change.

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Go home to your mama! If they lie about the little things they’ll lie about the big stuff too.
That’ll leave you forever looking for truth and breaking your own heart everytime you find it.

Only 20 you are a baby yourself

I think you should move out and move on

Leave him because he wont change. You can do it on your own!

Move home. Once a liar, always a liar. Being in your family’s home will give your baby a good start.

Leave. Raise your baby. He will get his eventually

LEAVE! Cheaters always cheat- it’s not about you

You deserve a happy life with your baby without the added worry of being lied to and cheated on.

There is no such thing as a small lie. If they lie about one thing, they lie about everything.

Leave. It will only get worse.

Move on get rid of the loser. Take you and your baby and start a new life

God bless

Get away. He will try to take all the attention away from your child with his crazy making shit.

Once a cheater always a cheater… leave n get child support you deserve better

Omg just leave him once a cheater always a cheater.Go home to your mom .

Girl leave his bitchass because he isn’t worth 2 shits. He will continue lying to you and that’s not what you need or deserve. You deserve someone who treats you like gold. Move in with your mom. It’ll be less stress and you’ll never sit there thinking about the lies he will tell you in the future.Your momma will always have tour back. :slightly_smiling_face: You deserve so much better than that prick.:heart: