I had it! Felt like little knife jabs entering into my vagina when I walked!
After I laid down and relaxed they went away!
I find when he’s head down they are the worse! And every time he’s breech I have none!
I’m 38 weeks and heads engaged … and they are back haha
Just your uterus stretching. Very normal
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Sounds like third trimester pregnancy
If it feels like your pelvic bone is going to break in half…its normal unfortunately
lol…called lightening crotch! Had it with all 3 of my babies, some worse! It doesn’t hurt to get checked out if your concerned.
Welcome to lightening crotch.
Sounds like vagina lightning
It’s called “lighting” lol baby’s prob pushing down there but I would call dr anyway for sure if you think something may be wrong and it’s consistent.
If it’s your pelvic bone when getting out of car that happened to me a lot. The beauty of relaxin
Lightening crotch. I never had it with my first but had them almost every day with my second. Super painful and nothing you can do about it. I’m sorry, it’ll be worth it though 
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Could be the way baby is laying
Normal….your womb is growing but wait till the babs busts out. Then post about pain detail.
Oh the joys of pregnancy 
it’s normal but if you want more peace of mind you can call your doctor.
It’s easy to say it’s lightning crotch and stretching but it could be other serious issues too that would cause terrible outcomes if not treated so ALWAYS call your doctor instead taking advice off the internet while pregnant. I promise I am not trying to be a Karen, I have just seen too much.
yes completely normal due to the fact you’re growing a baby only panic if the pain follows with blood then time to head to hospital
Omg l never heard of lightening crotch and l am glad of it… Not once with three babies.
It’s normalllll. It’s called lightening crotch
Hang in there!
My doctor called them “zingers” and said they are totally normal. It definitely will stop you in your tracks. Just try to get some rest mama.
If you’re worried always call your Dr. I promise they are more than happy to see you. But it could be your round ligaments stretching or baby pushing down.
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Lightening crotch. Normal!
Stop asking Dr. Facebook and Nurse Google. FFS call your OB.
Could be normal but you could always call your ob office if you’re concerned.
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I had them throughout my whole pregnancy! They said it was normal pregnancy stuff like ligaments stretching. If they’re constantly happening and you’re having extreme discomfort I would check with your doctor.
When in doubt ALWAYS get checked. You know your body better then anyone here would. Call OB and speak to a nurse and see what they tell you. However I will say it can be pretty normal. However every woman and pregnancy is different.
Honey, my first pregnancy every pain I felt I went in or called my ob. The second at 27 and 6 I started having mild contracting everyone told me it was Braxton hicks. I was not I went into full labor. They stopped it twice before we took her by c-section at 28 and 2. Listen to you body. Call some one if it’s to much to pain. Better be safe then sorry
I’m on my 6th baby and lord I’m still learning new things. A lot of the pelvic pain you’ll feel is your body adjusting to the growing baby… just keep track of it and can always call your ob office to ease mind.
I had alot of pain down there also alot of braxton his starting around that time. My baby was born 3 weeks early but healthy as can be. He was just very low
Call the doctor and ask about your symptoms
Lightening crotch. Hated it but apparently very common.
Normal. It’s called Round Ligament Pain. Google it.
As long as there’s no bleeding it’s probably lightning crotch. It sucks but nothing to worry about. If you can’t shake the worried feeling though, go to the e.r. or at least call and talk to the OB on call, it’s always better to be safe and easing your mind really counts during pregnancy.
Ive got this now as we speak. This is my 3rd pregnancy and the first time its happened. Ive adjusted how i sit, usually lying down helps and a slight massage
Lightning crotch - i call this shooty nun 
stops you in your tracks !!!