I am pregnant and in love with two different people: Advice?

Get an abortion or something


I’ve always heard that if you think you’re in love with two different people… choose the second one because if you really loved the first one, you never would’ve fell in love with anyone else.

Just be honest. The sooner the better. Guilt can eat at you and cause stress. Consequences will arise but at least it’ll be over and done with.


Just be honest n deal with d consequences ur in a situation u can’t control and u got urself der so nows d time 2 confess best of luck :heart:

Leave the first guy. If you loved him you wouldn’t have slept with anyone else.


You never loved your “SO”.
You screwed up, so now man up and talk to him. Stop playing him.


If you loved your so you wouldn’t had slept with someone else and the fact you’re trying to justify it is disgusting


You’ll probably end up feeling and talking this one out with your SO. Sometimes these things do happen and while it sucks. We work with what we have. He may make the decision to move on from you. He may want to work it out. But if YOU don’t know then I suggest you listen to your lil heart over the next few days/weeks and see what it says.


If this was flipped and her husband got someone else pregnant y’all would be all over her butt to leave him. I feel bad for your husband. You put your entire family in such a sad, selfish situation. First thing you need to do is take responsibility for your actions. You’re already making it worse by being even sneakier and keeping it a secret. Do the right thing from this point and give HIM a chance to leave if that’s what HE thinks is best for HIM. IF he stays, make it worth it.


First be honest and pray on it (if you’re that type) always go with your gut instinct.

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Perhaps you should come back and ask this question if your S/O decides to stay with you!


Clearly you do not LOVE your s/o if you slept with another person and ARE PREGNANT BY THEM… there’s a difference between being in LOVE and being in LUST … being in LUST resulted in your pregnancy… which I believe it would be best to do sooner rather then later… do it before he finds out some other way. bottom line is be truthful and accept the consequences of YOUR actions.


If you left your s/o and got with another man then your not in love with your s/o. When you love someone you dont get involved with another person. Tell him the truth before he finds out some other way.


I feel so sad for your significant other. If you love him do what’s best for him and let him move on.


Hey there, i have been there message me to chat if you ever need to. I would give you advice but there’s so much judgement i rather talk you in a private msg


It’s not my cup of tea but maybe potentially ask for an open relationship or ask for a more conclusive awnser to your break from one another


Good luck girl … It will workout

If you were in love with the first there wouldn’t be a second . Perhaps it is time you work on finding out how to love yourself first then decide .


Maybe your ex will be cool with everything and your daughter can still have him in her life if y’all are comfortable with that. It might work out better than you think, cause the ex might not be surprised if he knows you guys had a relationship when the roommate moved in.

Maybe you could have them both. You know like brother husband’s. (Like sister wives) :woman_shrugging:t3:

Everyone is so harsh. Whatever ur s/o decides to do when u tell him the info is up to him. U can’t make him stay with u. I wouldnt stay if I was put in that position.

Get a puppy, it will save you alot of stress


Get professional counseling


You fucked someone else on a break. You cheated and need to face the consequences of your own actions. Marry the guy with the car not the one that will get you pregnant and have you taking the bus


Quit being sluty and tell them the truth it will work out


I’d say decide whom you love the most and go from there. You might also write down a pro and con list of each guy and try to figure a course of action from there. Your daughter is going to be impacted no matter what you decide.


Be up front and honest with him. Who do you have stronger feelings for? He’s in your life regardless because you have a kid together.

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You said your SO is great with your daughter, and you don’t want to take her out of her home. That should answer your question. Confess to your SO about the baby, and tell him you want to stay with him. Then both of you tell the other person to move out, if the SO wants to stay together.


Focusing on yourself didn’t mean neglecting your duties as a parent and your SO and screwing your roommate and then getting pregnant. Go get your big girl shorts on and come clean with the people in your home.


Tell your SO immediately. If he wants to end the relationship then respect that and let him go. Don’t let him raise another mans child without knowing. Your relationship with your SO is never gonna last. Best to end it now. Dont waste anymore of eachothers time.

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I mean you can’t just keep cheating on someone and expect them to let you stay there because of your daughter. Sounds like you made a bad decision and now have to face the results of it.


You can still love someone and let them go and grow you need to decide what you want and what is best for you and your children in most situations can’t have both but don’t lead either on decide now before baby is born so there isn’t more problems later

What ever you do… remember your setting an example for both your children. They learn from you… so set the example you want them to follow.

Seeing as you’re in love with both following your heart alone wont help with this.

Make a list of pros and cons and that usually gets the ball started about your wants and needs and who can offer what etc.

Or if after all that you still dont know… sit them both down tell them the truth get it a out and in the open. I recommend you do this anyway but it’s your life your secret.

And their reactions will lead you to your conclusion… unless they are both cool then you will have to have a talk with them.

Or if all else fails. Keep your secret and flip a coin.

Good luck.


You might not have a choice if neither guy wants to be with you when they find out the truth.


Love is a chemical imbalance in your brain, just use better drugs

It may not be your choice once he finds out you not only cheated but are pregnant with the other mans baby, just being honest.


Have you considered being polyamorus? Humans can love more than one human being at a time. Its completely normal! Od discuss it with both parties. A sit down talk :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


If a friend told you everything you just shared here and your friend asked you what to do- what would you tell her? Whatever you told her to do is “your answer.”


Don’t be with either men. After your child is born you can do a dna if you want


Get a grip. Grow up and deal with it

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You got a problem only you can solve. Grow and take responsibility.

You don’t love either one if you think you love both

Maybe it is lust not love


I think if you really loved the first guy you wouldn’t have slept with the second. You dont cheat on someone you love and then keep it from them until you decide it’s time to tell him. If you felt any guilt he should have been told immediately. Especially if you guys were just on a break and didn’t discuss sleeping with other people. Besides, once he finds out what happened it will no longer be your choice. I’m betting he wont be able to get past this but who knows?


Just tell the truth & deal with what comes​:woman_shrugging:t4:. You have awhile baby on the way. There’s no covering that up. You fucked up!!! Then again Idk why TF he would ever allow someone you were involved with in the past move in with y’all :woozy_face: I’m sure he already has a thought. Best of luck :crossed_fingers:.

Your never.loved tour significant other. You cheated and got pregnant. Tell your so called so and amitt to the affair. In my book Once a cheater always a cheater.


You obviously don’t love your significant other because you never would have been able to sleep with anyone else just tell him the truth don’t wait it’s not fair to him he needs to know and the other guy needs to know he’s gonna have a child sounds like you just want your significant other around for your daughter just let him know your just keeping it from him more and more that it’s gonna blow up in your face

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If you truly loved the first guy, the second guy would have never even been a thought. The first thing you need to do is be honest with everyone, including yourself.


Man up girl!! You would never have slept with someone else’s if you loved your S.O . Do the right thing. You screwed up now own it!


Without judgment, you should tell him. The more time passes the worse it’ll be.


If you are on a break and you’re obviously not having sex with your SO then it seems that relationship was over. You definitely need to tell him the sooner the better.

Don’t waste the first man’s time. Congrats on your new family and I hope you learn how to co parent better than your ability to stay faithful.


Wow y’all are mean😂 lol

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Kelsey Knight its called tough love :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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So your S/O is someone you and your daughter live with? You cut him off a year ago? Yet, you slept with a newer roommate and got pregnant. It sounds like you used him for a place to stay. Why didn’t you move out when you decided to “take a break and focus on yourself”? You didn’t love him. This isn’t a relationship. He isn’t your S/O. It sounds like he has 2 roommates that he needs to serve an eviction notice to! None of this is love!


None of this is love. This is you just trying to make what you did okay… bottom line you boned someone else and got pregnant… you did this to yourself… Reap what you sow


The women saying you can’t live two people at the same time only say that based off how they would feel. Ignore it . Welcome to real life.


Your spouse deserves better


go for the second because if you really the loved the first , there wouldn’t be a

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So why not go for a poly relationship? Have a sit down with both of them if thats how you feel. More people are having poly relationships and its getting to be more socially accepted. Love who you love but dont string along with lies. If men can do it women can do it too.

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Just own up to what you’ve done. Tell both what you need to tell them and go back to working on yourself and focusing on starting healthy and learning how to coparent.
The rest of that stuff can wait.

You’re not in love. You’re just in love with the idea of them. Certainly not the first one, because if that was the case, the second would’ve never ever even been an option, regardless of this so called break. You dont just move on like that from someone you love to someone on the side. Secondly, the way you’re describing your relationship with your new guy/old previous flame makes it sound like he doesn’t mean much to you. Like it was just a fling to occupy you while your SO decided what he wanted. But now it’s OOPS there’s a pregnancy and sh*t suddenly just got serious? And now that you have yourself in this predicament, you can’t decide which one to stick with. If you dont have real and true feelings for either of them, then end both “relationships” because you don’t seem like you are ready for true commitment. They both deserve someone who is honest from the start and doesn’t hide things and who is willing to commit, EVEN when things aren’t perfect sunshine and rainbows. If you were a dude, these ladies would be calling you a player and telling them to dump you because you don’t know what you want. Just because you’re pregnant, doesn’t mean you have to keep one or either of them. I suggest you take the rest of the pregnancy off and figure out yourself first. Once you do that, choosing between or one or neithee of them would be much clearer.

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So working on yourself meant sleeping with someone else :unamused: move on you are not in love with your s/o you are glad he is what you need to make life easier.


You broke up to find yourself but if doesn’t even seem like you even tried to do that. I think you need to be done with both of those guys and live on your own.

First you must put the children s needs as priority, they did not ask to be in this situation. You need to be honest with yourself, and know, the pregnancy will be obvious to all soon enough.its time to think about what you will say to your so. At least then you will know how he feels. Then you can make a decision one way or another
Worrying about it won’t help.

You need to do the right thing. This isn’t about judging you, you made your bed, you need to lie in it. No matter what happens in your first trimester or the fact that you’re pregnant, as an adult, you need to talk to him he deserves to know that you’ve decided to sleep with someone else. With the fact that you are pregnant, you need to do the right thing and leave his home. You did not put your child first when you chose to do this… at least take this time to get your ducks in a row for her… and if it’s even possible you have any love for this man, you need to say something before he finds out another way… you did what you did, you can’t take it back, just own up and make the best out of the situation for the littles. That’s my advice.


the situation at hand now is called first to come first to serve
Since you’re also in love with whom you’re pregnant for, it’s simple, both of them are your choice but one have upper hand than other, I’ll advice you to go with whom you’re pregnant for because I won’t advice you to abort the pregnant

No judgement but you are responsible for the consequences of your own actions. All parties deserve enough respect to know immediately. You don’t get to choose for them and have a say in what happens. As much as you would like things to be a certain way, you should have thought of that first. You very well could have to take your daughter out of her home and lose all of that. You think you love both of them but honestly you don’t love either. You probably don’t even love yourself enough to not put yourself in this situation. Please understand I’m not judging or bashing you but you need to work on yourself for your child and now children’s sake because your behaviors are now effecting their lives permanently. It isn’t just about you.


You are all already living together maybe just be a throuple?

Just be honest with him and yourself. Seems to me like you’re in love with idea of having your family together but not with the father of your child. I’d stop calling him your s/o since you’ve been on a break for over a year. If he
was okay with another man moving into his home which whom you shared a past with then maybe he’s not invested in the relationship anymore either. Your children should be your priority, and a love triangle is definitely not going to benefit anyone. If you were really in love with either one of these men then there wouldn’t be any confusion in the first place.

Sorry there’s a baby involved and you lie to your poeple, your not sure of what you what but you what poeple on facebook to tell you what you should do take, the one that treat you and your dauther better and tell the truth to poeple if you think facebook can resolve your problem maybe you need a break from social media to think about your life

Good luck…
You’re going to need it. LMAO

U dnt no the meaning of love from that statement

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Fuck both life is short

First off, you deserve what ever comes your way! You don’t love either one! You cheated on you SO, and you want us to figure it out for you! Shitty!

Dude just deny deny deny!! Kick him out and make your husband think it’s his! The guy doesn’t have anywhere to live nor even a job it sounds like! You BOTH will be on the streets! Whatever you do don’t tell your husband! You f’ed up!

Do I understand this right? You have a daughter from a previous relationship. You and your daughter live with your S/O more than likely in his place. You are pregnant by the person that your S/O took pity on and let move in as a roommate. You’re not going to tell your S/O until after the first trimester and you don’t want him to kick you out because he’s good with your child from another relationship. What was your question again?

If you both wanted a break that says it all. Move on and be happy. The old one wasn’t truly in it for the long haul or he wouldn’t have needed time away. That doesn’t mean the second one is necessarily for you. Don’t waste your life on anyone who is not sure. It’s just messing with your head. I went through the same thing. They both put up such a fuss I was tortured. In the end neither one really wanted to be with me. They both just didn’t want to be the loser. Raising your child alone is not the end of the world. Plus the real Dad will be there in your kid’s life. Someday you will have to explain it to your child. What story will you be happier telling?

DUH - have you thought you might not have a choice once you’re honest about who the baby belongs too. Your S/O may not be forgiving and be willing to raise another man’s child.


If you loved your so and it was truly love do you think you would have cheated on him? I really think you need to take a closer look at what true love really is. Maybe your answer is right in front of you


You just made your life more sressful. So much for taking a break to work on yourself. It’s called birth control and not sleeping around. You made the decision to mess up your life now you need to be an adult and decide for yourself what to do. You may not be able to choose between the 2. They both may leave you because of your actions.


If you needed a roommate you should have never picked someone you had a previous relationship with! Now fess up and see if you can fix things with your S/O if that is who you choose to stay with!( if he will have you after that)

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So you’re not pregnant with your significant other and you want to be back with him or you’re not sure would he want you back if you’re pregnant by somebody else I’m not understanding I’m confused

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Never knew taking a break to work on yourself involved sleeping around and getting pregnant. Honesty is the best policy in this situation and the decision may be made for you at this point.

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I’m so glad I have my life together and am not young like this. I played after marriage and children now that I’m divorced. I wish I could have woke up sooner. I have an awesome man now

If you truly loved your s.o. you wouldn’t be in this predicament. Don’t be surprised if your s o says goodbye.

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If you were honestly so in love with your SO, you wouldn’t have slept with someone else.


You don’t love SO you just want someone to take care of your daughter if you truly loved SO you would not have cheated


Tell the truth. The situation will deal with itself. Pretty sure if you never discussed seeing other people, and your now pregnant…its not going to go over real well. Hope you have money to move out…

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If he cheated with you he will cheat on you, relationships that start this way end badly. You have unfinished business with daddy #1.

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That situation is a situation that will not have a pleasant outcome.

Tell him the truth whatever the result you have to live with it.

Yup usual story ….tell S/O… (unburden your guilt) and when he tells you to bolt. Then get on your horse and live with your personal responsibility.

Get rid of both of them. Focus on you, your daughter and your future child.

You can not be in love with 2 people. Pick one and make it work. Stop being a cheater.

So one is a man and the S/O is a woman?

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Tell the truth. But if it was me it would be over

Jerry Springer will help you

You are the problem.


Can you email me? Ncms05@aol.com