I am pregnant and not sure who the dad is: Advice?

Guys, I need advice, and I’m kinda ashamed… I was on Mirena. It got moved, and I didn’t realize it. Now I’m pregnant, not sure who the dad is (between my kid’s dad been apart over a year just hooked up after he got out of jail and a coworker). I’m terrified, not sure if I should tell either or just say Idk who the dad is and leave it at that help!!


Tell em both. You’re grown and so are they!


Put your big girl pants on and tell both, each have a right to know they might be a dad and the kid has a right too


be honest and go from there.


Tell both get DNA test when baby is born

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Be honest from the start. Its scary but it’s honestly the easiest way to go for everyone


I’d be honest about it. It’s not your fault, you used BC it just happened to fail.


Well you kinda did that to yourself now you have to woman up and tell. Nothing wrong with sleeping around but when it ends in pregnancy you will have to tell your sex partners


I also went through not knowing and told both it was a possibility. My husband (then boyfriend on and off) decided he was going to be a dad to him either way, while the other possibility decided he wanted nothing to do with him either way. We eventually did a DNA test at 2 years and he is biologically (my husbands) but we weren’t 100% til then. Just like we have choices so do they, but make sure they both know so they can decide what they want. Hope everything turns out well!!! And congratulations!!!


Someday that child is gona wanna know who its father is… and if it’s just a choice between 2 guys then there is no reason not to find out


Best idea is to let them both know and then do a paternity test after the baby is born. If you don’t tell them ahead of time, then you’re going to blind side them after baby is born when you request paternity testing to find out who dad is. Not finding out who dad is isn’t fair to the father of the child.


been there. be honest. tell them both. do DNA when the baby is born. nobody can fault you for being honest


Tell them both be honest about the situation then get a DNA test


You can do a DNA test while pregnant, it would definitely ease your mind knowing who the baby belongs too

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Honestly, I would wait to tell them. At least until after the first trimester when you’re risk of miscarriage decreases… either way don’t keep it from them, just tell them. Then go from there.

Yes tell them both and be honest that you don’t know who the father is. This happened to me when I was pregnant with my first son. I told both and then did a dna test when he was born.


Be honest and tell both of them… No judgment… but just because you’re on birth control you still have to take precautions with whom you have sex with… You could have contracted a sti or something… You wanna sleep around… Go right on ahead lol but just take care of yourself and protect yourself from everything.


Be responsible and own up to your part. Advise the dads to prepare them to take dna test’s.


Honesty is best in this situation


Be straight up with both of them. It’s an honest mistake! Plenty of people have sex with multiple people in a short period when they are single it’s totally not something to be ashamed of!


Tell them both soon. That way they can mentally prepare for potential fatherhood instead of being blindsided with a baby after the child is born. Get a dna test as soon as it’s safe to do so. You did nothing wrong, you were on birth control. Good luck.

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Lucky you ! Behave don’t worry it’s your kids Dad. God bless your family. Did prayers for your kids Dad! Prayers to you also

No matter what enjoy your pregnancy! I went through this. Was honest and open, they did a test and I ended up being right anyways but we made sure! Just don’t let anyone ruin it for you with the opinions!


You need to tell them both and do a DNA test. If they don’t want to be a part of its life then have them sign off all rights but don’t just not tell them the kid will eventually ask and there’s also medical information that you may need for the child later on


Tell them both and get a paternity test.

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Whoever chose to laugh at this, FUCK YOU.

To the OP, I’m sorry you’re going through this, I know it won’t be easy. Ultimately, you have to decide what’s best for you. There are so many options…you owe it to yourself to consider all of them, and choose what works best for you in your life. I wish you the best of luck, and virtual hugs.

Imma be real here, why you having unprotected sex? Cause 1, STDs and STIs aren’t always seen by a visual inspection. Two, it clearly states that you should always use a condom anyways just in case SOMETHING LIKE THAT HAPPENS?!?

otherwise, just be honest


Similar situation be honest and tell them both

you should always wear a condom while having multiple partners… birth control doesn’t stop STDs and is never 100% against pregnancy either… but you’re going to have to tell them both you’re pregnant and they could possibly be the dad and then do DNA afterwards.


Tell both and get dna tests… Be up front and honest

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But a test steal somebody toothbrush


I wouldn’t tell anyone anything till after the baby is born and paternity test done. Who knows who will still be in the picture by then.

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Tell them both and get a dna once baby is born so you know which one is the father

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I think you can do DNA testing through you’re blood test at 10 weeks, so it’s completelysafe forthe baby. I would say test it compared to one of you’re kids DNA, to see if they are related. then tell the other person once you have the results.


Its about the child. If you’re keeping it, then he/she ndeserves to know. Be honest. You have no relationship to lose, you’re single. Honestly is everything.


I’ve never been in this situation but I see no reason to be ashamed. Just be honest with them both & take paternity test after the baby is born. Hugs & prayers mama :two_hearts:


If you weren’t in a committed relationship with either of them then really you have nothing to be scared about :woman_shrugging:t2: if there was no committed relationship then I’m sure they weren’t expecting you to be loyal to them, and if they were sleeping with you without protection then im sure they knew there was a risk of pregnancy :woman_shrugging:t2: just tell them. If there was no commitment then there should be no risk of hurt feelings or destroyed relationships, therefore you should be confident enough to tell them (I know it’s not that simple lol just trying to give you a little pep talk to build some logic in the situation and confidence) best of luck!


Wait until the baby’s born then go on Maurie for a dna test.

Totally joking. :rofl: i agree with everyone. Be honest and up front and dna test when he/she is born.

I had the same issue with my son but when he was born it’s easy cuz one guy was white with blond hair the other was mix with black hair and baby came out with black curly hair but they were going to do a dna test and I told them I was not sure who was his dad

I was in similar situation. With a black guy and Mexican. Luckily was able to save money on a test. But i was honest with both from the beginning.

Don’t beat yourself up it happens!!!

Grow a set of balls then tell them :joy:

Talk to both of them, and when the time comes get a DNA test done. It would not be fair for the wrong one to end up paying child support.

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I have been in a similar situation and I was honest and open with both men.

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Talk to your doctor to see if you can do DNA with a newborn baby and your kid that would give you a clue if your child’s father was this child’s father or not

I was literally in this same situation just over 10 years ago. Just be honest and do a DNA test. Or you can wait until after baby is born and do a test that would compare to one of your other kids to see if they’re full siblings. Then you’d know who to inform. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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There isn’t an option here. Tell the truth. Its not only about you anymore.

Abort and tell no one :joy:

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Congratulations :heart_eyes: and you’ve nothing to be ashamed of x :heart: it’ll all be revealed in time and in the meanwhile can you maybe narrow it down with dates?