I am pregnant and very itchy

Hi moms I’m 2 months pregnant and my legs are extremely itchy and I mean extremely like nothing makes it go away. Wearing pants make it worse laying under blankets make it worse so I thought it was just the pants or blanket but I’ve switched both and it’s still itchy! I don’t remember my legs ever being this itchy with my first! Please help! If not this is going to be a long 7 months


Please get this checked out! Itchy skin during pregnancy CAN be a sign of issues such as diabetes or liver issues. If you get the all-clear, ask a friendly druggist to sell or make you aqueous cream with menthol. If it’s dry skin caused by pregnancy it will help and soothe and the menthol stops the itch so you stop scratching.

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I had cholestasis get checked and I itched like this

I totally agree, get checked. Just to be safe.

I’ve used. The qv flare up cream on my legs that are very dry from cellulitis maybe try this

Being that itchy during pregnancy can be signs of other things… go to the doctors immediately please.

Sounds like PUPS rash…nothing helped me. I had it for 2 months before I gave birth…once I gave birth it immediately went away. Hopefully it’s not PUPs…

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Get checked for choliostasis though mainly hands feet itch with it but worth ruling out. I’ve had it 4 out my 6

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sounds just like cholestasis! tell your OB and have them check your bile acid levels! best of luck mama and congrats!!🩷

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Sounds like cholestasis. I had it from my pregnancy. So itchy. Talk to doc. The thing I found the most as it went on was ice packs to cool down my skin. Keep that in mind if u have it

That happened to me during my 3rd pregnancy, my whole body was itchy. I had to take Benadryl every day and soak in oat baths, also had to rub calamine lotion on, super uncomfortable. It went away about a month after my pregnancy.


I was that way with 1 of 4 kids… he was pressing towards my liver and something with toxins made me itch/burn. He was too big for me.

I had cholestasis with both pregnancies and it was the same situation…it was awful. They put me on histamine blockers.

Talk to your OB and see what they say but you can take Benedryl and that may help or use Benedryl cream. (Consult OB first for those 2 options)