I am pregnant with low platelets: Advice?

I am 17 weeks pregnant and have been told I have dangerously low platelets. Currently I hover around 45,000 microliters of platelets in my blood. Average is between 150,000- 450,000 microliters. I’ve already been told I could not have an epidural or anesthesia, and should it get lower we will have to have other conversations. I am seeing a Hematologist Oncologist this week for further testing on why my platelets are so low and have been for about a year. No treatments have been started. Previously other doctors noted my low platelets during an unrelated exam but never mentioned to me the severity. I absolutely would’ve addressed this. So here I am mid pregnancy trying to put things together and not live in fear. Has anyone had any experience with this?


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. I am pregnant with low platelets: Advice?

I had this same situation with both of my pregnancy and did not have a single complication. I also ended up with CS for both and all was smooth sailing! They just monitored it closely and it never fell below the initial concerning levels.


I’ve always been at the low end of normal I have an autoimmune disease…they warned me at the start of my pregnancies they’d have to keep and eye on it never had any complications from it however when my daughter was born she was having some issues eating checking her platelets was one of the test they ran…at 3 mos I was told hers were dangerously low they warned me of all the complications that came along with that and that they would test her every month if it got lower we might have had to do other scarier things…hers leveled out at about 2 yrs they never got any lower the the initial test at 3 mos. I never had a definitive answer to why this happened or if it will happen to her again. They thought it might have been because she had a protein allergy then which she has since grown out of. it was one of the scariest thing to ever happen. She is perfect and healthy now. I feel u!!!

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I was diagnosed with gestational thrombocytopenia roughly 6mos into my last pregnancy. I believe mine hovered around 70,000 - 100,000. I did biweekly labs and they monitored me closely. I had already planned to have a natural birth but the thought of no epidural did make me more anxious. I didn’t want to have to pay to go to a specialist. (I was told there is not much they can do besides closely monitor your blood and treat if necessary.) I was also told that sometimes platelets appear low because they clump together. I was offered to do extensive testing, but I declined. I had a perfect natural birth at 39wks with no complications. My platelets have since been normal and he is 13mos old.

I had low plates up until 4 years ago

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Hi :wave: I did have low platelet levels during my 1st pregnancy with my daughter she will be 10 in couple months & completely healthy & smart! I had to go to Anderson cancer center to keep getting checked so often I remember it pretty clearly so many times. My platelet levels went back up like normal after I had her! :heart: I was also very anemic had to take iron 2-3 pills a day which constipates you. And I also had sciatic pains in my leg esp at night time then also Carpel tunnel In one hand at night all this during my 1st pregnancy then went on to have 3 more pregnancy’s all good & healthy! Hoping for the best for you & baby!

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