I am scared this guy won't like me because I have a limp: Advice?

I am meeting this guy soon. I have mentioned to him that I have a limp he’s all ok with it, but I am scared if I should really meet him or not like most of the guys I always met never kept in contact with me after they we met even though they also said they were all fine now I’m thinking if I should take a video and send it to him instead so that I don’t go through the trauma of being disappointed once again


I would mention it briefly and answer any questions.

My heart breaks for you, I too walk with a limp and have a cane due to several leg fractures and permanent hardware inserted to keep me mobile. All I can say is that if he has a problem with it then he is superficial and you don’t deserve that kind of mistreatment in a potential life partner. I suppose you could explain but personally I don’t feel like you should have to. It took me several years to be okay with the fact that I walked differently than other people but if they are going to judge you for something so insignificant in regards to your entire being then they’re not worth your time or heartache!


I think taking a video would be better then doing it in person. That way you both are on the same page. People can be pretty vain, so it is better to get it out of the way before meeting in person.


If it’s not okay with them, that shows their character, not yours. The right one will find you perfect how you are. Push that :crown: up :kissing_heart:


I limp due to my pelvic being out of line. I have been with my boyfriend for over a year and he just now brought it up to me the other day and asked why I always limped. I didn’t realize it was that noticeable. He’s good with it though.

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I have a limp and my husband could care less. I also told him before we met and it didn’t bother him one bit. If it does bother this guy he may not be right for you


Go and be yourself and shine, you told him about it, he’s okay with it then he’s not worth your time


Then you have not met your lobster… (mates for life) forget sending him a video. Meet him in person and go from there. Just keep being you! :tornado::earth_americas::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Just meet him! If he is the right one he will like you for YOU. You need to find that person you can be 100% vulnerable with.


The real man for you wont care what you look like sweetie :blush:


Those other guys suck. This might be one of the good guys! Meet him and be yourself. Rejection hurts for sure… BUT what if this is the guy who will love everything about you? And honestly, I think you would be just as hurt if he decided not to go out with you because of a video. At least in person he can see you are more than girl with a limp.
Oh! And be confident even if you have to fake it lol! Good luck! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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It’s possible that you are projecting your insecurity as their motive. Lots of people go on dates then ghost the other person. Stop assigning motives unto others. You’ll be happier for it.

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I’d be sarcastic about it. That’s just my personality. If you look at it negatively and always focus on it, they will too! It’s part of who you are so there’s that. I have flaws about myself that I don’t like but my personality makes up for it and I try not to focus on those flaws!

I have spina bifida and scoliosis. That’s never prevented me from finding someone who loves me for me. We all are flawed in our own ways…it’s how we present ourselves. We attract what we see in ourselves. Be yourself and be real. The right one will embrace all of you.


If he decides he doesn’t like you because of a limp, he’s a chump anyways. You go get your free dinner girl :smirk:


This is what I like to call the trash taking itself out. If you are meant to be with someone, they will love you no matter what. I can imagine it’s super tough to go through it, but at the same time, it’s better to not waste your time on someone who doesn’t love you for who you are.


Don’t send the video. You’re practically setting yourself for failure. They guy is going to think is she so insecure that she has to send me a video. Don’t think about the possible negative outcome. He will stay with you if he has a good heart. If he leaves then it shows he was not going to be a good person. Just let the doors keep opening for you. Don’t be discouraged. I’m sure you will find someone that cares more for feelings than looks. We are all God’s creation so we are all beautiful. Hey I’ve accepted I’m not 104 lbs anymore. I’m 177 lbs and short. Yet, I know I have a lot to offer the world. God put me on this planet for a purpose and I’m going to focus on that instead of my flaws. I love my husband and he’s tall, chubby, and 240 lbs. If someone is going to love you they are going to accept you how you are.


You only know you. If you’re at a point where you are tired of showing up only to be disappointed later then do the video. Obviously you are more than just a limp and anyone worthy of you will see that. However, I can see where you are coming from with the disappointment time after time. But if you do the video don’t just do a walk to show your limp. While walking talk about you, what you like, the side of you that’s more than the limp. :star_struck::smiley: Good luck!

If you’re scared that he won’t like you because of who you are, then fuck that nigga! He ain’t worth your time if you think he’s that shallow to judge you based on who you are.

Be yourself, if he has a problem with it it’s on him not you. Your Beautiful.


Go meet him and hold your head up. I’m 100% positive you will find the right one who will treat you like the queen you are. Remember hold your head up high you’re wearing a crown…:slightly_smiling_face::crown:

Be confident meeting up. If this guy is apprehensive in any way, get to stepping and fast. Give him a chance but always remember you are perfect as you are so make sure you understand that as soon as you meet up. This could be the guy of your dreams. Or might not be.


Honey if the trash takes themselves out we should be applauding lol. The right one will come to you in time


There’s nothing sexier than self confidence. Go meet him in person, be confident. Don’t go with the expectation that this will be the one, go with the expectation that you’re going to find out how your personalities mesh and see if he could be. You might not like him. Don’t let what you see as a flaw in you take over your perspective. The date is not about the limp. The date is about seeing where things might go. You can do it!


That is their loss not yours.

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How do you know they were ghosting you because of your limp? Maybe they were intimidated and didn’t feel worthy of you. Maybe they are married and decided they didn’t want to deceive such a nice person. Maybe they felt like you weren’t invested in them, or maybe their own insecurities took over. Maybe they liked you a lot but then met the person of their dreams. Or maybe you have a crappy personality (LOL)! Stop blaming everything on your limp. If you focus on it and it bothers you, they will act the same.

Feel free to ask the guy how the date is going, and give him some possibilities vs. putting him on the spot: do you feel a spark, see us getting to know each other better, hanging in the friend zone, or just keeping each other’s phone numbers for a business contact? Ask what scared him and what he found attractive before you met, what he finds scary or intriguing about you now that you have met, and do the same for him. Might save you some heartache.

Plus dating is a numbers game. Like the saying goes, you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince. Just like it may take 100 applications before you get a job offer, the bulk of your dates won’t work out. Be prepared to have an open mind and not take things too seriously. How about you? Would you date someone with one leg, who is blind, or uses a wheelchair? How open minded are YOU?

BTW, good luck! And I have found that there are worse things than being single. You can have a happy life without a man and a really unhappy life with one, as well as the opposite.


Anyone who walks away for such a small reason has done you a favor. Do you really want someone who is so narrow minded and broken souled?


If he doesn’t like you for you then he isn’t worth it.

Be confident. Whatever happens just hold your head high. No one should judge you on that. Whatever the cause of the limp, it is not everything you are and if anything it probably has made you a stronger person than most because there are jerks out there (men and women) who could not cope and rise above their own issues and know deep down that they are not as strong as you and use ridicule or bs to hide their insecurities. People tend to put so much on the physical, but we all age, all our our bodies break down, wrinkles, arthritis, lost limbs, whatever it is…be proud of who you are and the struggles you have conquered…cause sadly there are alot of people ( and we all struggle with this) that focus in on one thing they do not like about themselves even if they are happy with the other 90 percent…that 10 percent overshadows the rest. Don’t let it…life is too short and the people that are meant to be in your life will not care about a limp…

So do not worry yourself over it too much. Be proud of yourself and own who you are, don’t apologize for it. He knows and he still wants to meet. You are not hiding anything. If he or anyone ghosts you because of a limp and just because of a limp…it says more about them than it does you.

Nothing to do but be yourself and meet him. Was afraid I wouldn’t find anyone either. Have bone deformities in feet that cause me to limp when it rains or gets cold,plus numerous scars from several surgeries…including 2 heart surgeries. Been with my hubby now for about 8 years married…11 years altogether. Right person won’t care. Have two kids…plan on having more…

Be confident it’s the sexiest thing ever

I don’t know if the person on here can see this post but I totally understand where you are coming from and believe me I hate meeting new people I hate going out in public going in store if I’m always so scary people are staring at me it really brings me into depression if you can see this please message me

I wear hearing aids in both ears
But I don’t have the speech impairment
So if you didn’t know me and you met me you would have no idea that I was deaf
When I met my other half, I told him the day before our “meet up/date”
That I was deaf and he didn’t care then and nearly 2 yrs later he still doesn’t… although he gets annoyed if I take my hearing aids out if he’s annoying me :sweat_smile:

That and we have a bub on the way that has a small percentage of being deaf which he doesn’t care about either
Confidence is a good thing “and attractive” when meeting someone new, even if on the inside your terrified of rejection “because I was until I got comfortable with him”
But it also shows a lot about a person and their nature when it comes to any kind of insecurity you might have

Rock up to this date with your head held high strutting your stuff
And if he has an issue with it or ghosts you after, as hurtful as it will be at the time, remember you’ve just dodged a major deadshit bullet

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If you’re not comfortable with you, he won’t be comfortable with you. Perhaps these guys are turned off by insecurity or obsession than they are of your perceived shortcomings. Do you bring it up a lot? Not saying that is always the case, or that your concerns aren’t justified, but there is a fine line between allowing our insecurities to drive people away and people pushing us away because of our insecurities. There is no way that you can fully love someone else until you fully love yourself. So maybe you should work on your confidence before you work on dating. Just a thought.


Your belief that no one will be okay with your limp is what is holding you back. Your own belief.
Anyone that isn’t okay with it is not the person for you anyway. Even without a limp half of us don’t hear back from guys

Honey, I don’t know you, but you are AWESOME! No one should care that you have a limb! If they do, you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life. You are a queen👸, fix that crown👑 … Please don’t let anyone tear you down… ESPECIALLY a man!

Your limp shouldn’t matter…

My guy saw me flopping around on the floor and peeing myself… before we got super serious… he knew I’m epileptic ahead of time…

This stuff won’t matter to the right person… just go with the flow luv…

If after you meet, it bothers him, then he’s not the one… and it’s got nothing to do with you or anything :woman_shrugging:

Be confident in you, the rest shouldn’t matter… if someone is interested in YOU… not just appearances or whatever… this is a non issue…

You’re just better equipped to weed through the garbage and it just takes itself out :woman_shrugging:


Don’t let anyone make you feel like you’re hard to love