I am starting to resent my best friend

You do what you feel is right. Talk to her if she’s a friend she will understand if your not ready, maybe you can help with something else too. I’m sorry for your loss

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I am so sorry for your loss move on from your friend

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I doubt a best friend would tell you to just move on. Geez. That’s so callous.


I understand your feelings and I’m so sorry. Her response to you is not love, it’s ok to pull away while you heal from your loss.

I miscarried when my youngest was just a few months old, it was a surprise but also a scare as my son was born five weeks early and by cesarean birth. People thought it was funny, comments like oh, you dodged a bullet there or l😕ike my doctor said, Maybe this is God telling you it is not meant to be. I stopped saying anything and just grieved on my own😭

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The only thing your need to move from is her. Your pain is valid, you lost something you never could’ve imagined.

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Tell her to fuck right off

my best friend would never ask me to do something like that. That is not a best friend, Period!!!


Miscarriage is a loss, a tremendous loss that is followed by grief. Grieve your own way and in your own time sweetie. If your friend cannot understand your grief, then she is NOT a friend. You will move on when you are up to it, and expecting her own, she above all should understand how you feel.


Tell her to move on and to show a some compassion


I am going to play devils advocate here. If that is how it really went down I do feel for you, but I don’t think we hearing the whole story. I can only surmise that you both are young, inexperienced, with hormones raging. You said you were steering clear of her, well if I were your friend I would not see that as a positive sign of friendship, friendship is a 2 way street. Respect!!! If you walked away you never gave her the chance to be there for you, because you weren’t there for anyone, I wonder if you ever thought that it could have hurt her? True friends don’t walk away, she never did anything to you so why? Life is tough, you teach yourself to be strong with every hardship that comes your way. If you teach yourself to walk away and never face the pain head on, you will be running the rest of your life. And again I am truly sorry for your loss, I lost my little girl when I was 6 month pregnant, she died inside of me, they had to go in and take her. <3


I’m sorry for your loss.

Your friend should have compassion for you. I’m sorry she’s putting you through this. It’s hard to understand when the opposite is happening to you.

You both need to sit down and try to explain how you feel.


I’m so sorry for your loss, it’s a very difficult time for you at the moment and you friend is being very insensitive.


Miscarrying is losing a baby, a baby you bond with in the womb. No matter how early. Your feelings are real and you deserve to express and feel that pain. Maybe she doesn’t understand, but it’s not your job to make her understand. You deserve to grieve and feeling resentment is normal. I’m so sorry


I’m truly sorry for your heartbreak :pray::cold_sweat::purple_heart:
Take your time to heal and mourn :pensive: :disappointed_relieved:

Darlin you need to cut ties with this person right away… they’re not best friend, thats a disgusting way to treat someone you’re meant to love or care about…very selfish :pensive::pensive:

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Tell her to be more understanding towards a person grieving and not do things to remind them of their loss… can’t believe how insensitive and inconsiderate people can be.


She needs to quit being a bully…and needy. She should be being a hell of a lot more kind


You’re not going to move on love, you grieve and remember that there is no timeline on it. Don’t let anyone make you feel guilty for having feelings from one grieving mother to another I’m so sorry for your loss, I’m sending you lots of hugs and positive vibes.


Look I know how you feel , but at the same time I don’t. I and my best friend of Over 20 years were both pregnant… she was 8 1/2 months while I was 11 weeks with twins… (unknown twins til dnc day) I lost my 2 while she got to have her one… she went into labor the day I went in for dnc surgery… she cried on the phone with me while in labor I met her at the hospital in the next county over 2 hours after my dnc because she is my best friend my sister (at heart) and the mother to my chosen nephew… it’s hard she knew it was hard for me but I stayed with her for 2 hours that night holding my little nephew. I told my best friend that I resented the fact she had little man while I had to bury the torn to pieces fleshy tissue of my twins but she understood and stood by me for months and still helps me through it on the day of my nephews birth even though she has a whole ass party to plan… if she was your real friend she would be standing at your side crying with you and holding your hand. I also had my 2 older boys to help me not to mention I was pregnant a few months later with my now 3 year old.

Not right to say even had been several years earlier. … but only three weeks that’s way too soon to move on from anything .

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Yeah you need to move on an get a NEW BEST FRIEND!!!
that was so mean of her to say!


I miss carried at almost 13 weeks in 2002 I still get sad on the day I lost my baby and on the day the baby was do your so called friend is heartless an is definitely not a friend I pray she never has to go through the pain of losing a child


Move on shit happens do not lose your friend

You should move on…move on in life without her as your friend.


Tell your friend I organised and planned my own baby shower. :+1:

She is being insensitive, empathy is so important when your mate is suffering from such a loss. Try to talk it out, all friendships can go a bit rocky, explain you need time and space right now. She is a grown up, surely she can organise her own party.

That’s not a friend, that’s a toxic person in your life. I’m so sorry for your loss


I’m sure she feels bad for your situation but at the same time she’s happy for her situation. Why does she have to feel bad in her situation?

A Nope for me, she’s insanely insensitive.

Be honest and tell her you are going through too much right now and can’t help her. You just lost your child. Take the time for you.


Thats just ugly of her

So sorry for your loss. That is definitely not how best friends behave, you will “move on” when you are ready, not at her convenience.

That was really insensitive of her, so just be honest and tell her you need space to heal.

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Honey, she’s not even a friend let alone a best friend. You DO NOT “just move on” and how INCREDIBLY insensitive and self-absorbed is this person…because she needs your help?! She should be HELPING YOU work through your devastating loss.


Have a serious discussion with her. Tell her how hurt you are that she does not understand the grief you are going through. And expecting you to help her with something that is too painful. If she still does not understand, then lose her as a friend. She really wasn’t one in the first place. But at least give her a chance communicating with her. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. So sorry for your loss.

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To put it blunt. If I ever had a friend say this in those exact words, I’d tell her to go fuck herself, and remove her from my life. Might be hard but im sorry that’s like the worse thing anyone can say to you while you are grieving a Loss of a child, you are not obligated to get over anything, she honestly should’ve had enough common sense to not even ask you or if she did atleast ask if you were in a place that you felt like you could help or if you needed time to work through things.

Feelings of resentment is normal when the pain is fresh, it goes away with time but you need to try and remember to not get taken away with it. Your friend sounds like she needs to be more sensitive & empathetic. Maybe speak to her & lay it all out. Let her know you are still happy for her but right now you are struggling and doing that is hard for you etc. if your friend can’t be understanding & be respectful of that, than she’s not a true friend. Her response will let you know where you take it from there but communication is always the key.


I am so incredibly sorry for your loss.
As a mom to several angel babies, I can say you will never get over it.
I don’t think it’s right to resent her for still being pregnant.
But it was very very wrong of her for being so insensitive. I would talk to her and explain how insensitive that was and that you don’t think you can be friends with her until she learns to be empathetic.


If you feel like avoiding her, then do so.
I would; after losing my baby; I would not appreciate all of her flamboyance and not having empathy for what I may be going through mentally.


Thinks the world revolves around her, hell no. Tell her move on and find someone else to plan/do her baby shower :fu:

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That’s not a friend :disappointed: I’m so sorry for your loss :pray:t2:

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If you have told her how you’re feeling and she’s still bugging you about it then that’s a bad friend but if you haven’t told her anything and she has no idea why you’ve been avoiding her then think about it from her perspective some people can take miscarriages like a grain of salt some can’t. But if she found out doesn’t respect your decision then yeah she’s a bad friend

I always heard you don’t give showers for yourself, even if others help.

At this time I need to heal from what has happened to me and although I know you want me to help you with this and still have me be part of your joy, my heart is broken and I ask that you give me the time to heal and ask your family to help you with this part. Maybe in a few months I will feel like I can join in your joy and help you out with something then. But I hope you can understand my feelings. I love you.

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Seems like you might need to seek counselling.

Oh be there for her so sorry for your loss

Would you feel better if she also lost her baby…?? No you wouldn’t…my sister in law and I where both pregnant at the same time…she lost her son…she threw me a wonderful baby shower…I felt so bad that she had lost her child…you have said that she is your best friend…I know your grieving the loss of your child…please celebrate her and her child…my sister in law never did have another baby…I pray you go on to have as many as the Lord permits…

It is “my friend and I” not me and my friend

I think telling her how you’re feeling would be more beneficial than avoiding her, people can’t read minds and although it’s very insensitive for her to tell you to move on, you can express you’re feeling really sad and dealing with your loss as well as trying to remain happy for her situation but you will find it hard to be in that sort of environment and to go so far as plan it for her is something you’re not capable of doing whilst dealing with your own loss and grief, you want to remain friends but some space for soul searching would be good for you and hopefully if she’s the friend you hope she is, she will be more aware of how you’re feeling and you two can work together to celebrate her pregnancy aswell as grieve your miscarriage together.

Going through things with people you love, helps you grow and having someone to lean on is so important. We aren’t programmed to deal with hardship alone, nor are we meant to celebrate huge things like new life alone either… trying to meet in the middle could hopefully save your friendship as my god, good friends these days are hard to find (even though it doesn’t feel like she’s being a good friend, she’s focusing on her new baby whilst your focusing on your huge loss)

It’s ok to deal with it however you want but closing her out could really end your friendship long term.

Good luck and I’m so sorry for your loss xx

I’m so sorry, Shes not your friend. A friend would be considerate of your feelings.

You do need to move on, from that person as a friend.

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Whoa @ move on. You need to find a therapist and maybe a new best friend.