I am struggling to get my toddler to eat...advice?

Hi ! Does anyone have a hard time with their toddler not eating ? I have a 3 year old . He was doing fine & all of a sudden i have to chase after him & spoon feed him . I feel like he’s bored of the same foods but he wont try new things


My almost 2yr old is the same.
He takes maybe 1-2 bites of something and is done.
It’s frustrating

I been having trouble with my 5&4 year old last 3 days with not wanting to eat outta nowhere!! They will want snacks but refuse to eat anything I make :disappointed: tonight I finally convinced them to take at least a few bites! Must be something in the air! Best of luck mama!

Typical at that age
One of my relatives had a toddler that ate peanut butter sandwiches :sandwich: morning /noon / night for a long stretch… kid grew up healthy :smile:

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Make snack plates with small servings of several options and don’t forget to put a favorite thing.
Allow no thank you bites.
Introduce pediasure.
Vitamins and water.
I promise if he’s hungry he’ll eat, they’re born knowing hunger, it’s literally the only thing we don’t have to teach.

Just make what they like or put out a snack board of fruits veggies nuts and snacks they like. Don’t force them to eat something they don’t like or want

My boys are 5 and 6 and they fight me on it every meal… :unamused:

He is just not growing right now. Do not force it. He will eat when he is hungry. As long as he is drinking fluids he is fine. Just keep offering but chasing him is going to cause more issues.


If he’s hungry, he’ll eat.

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A child will eat when they are hungry

It’s a phase. Kids go through periods where they will eat nothing. A few days later they may want to eat up everything in the house. My sons are in their 20s now but the oldest went through a phase where he would only eat cold hot dogs and cheeto puffs. My youngest only ate lettuce and eggs for the longest time. Just let it go. He will eat when he wants to.

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There’s a bunch of picky eater pages that have great tips too.

Kids eat when they want.
Sit them to the table at meal times , no exceptions.
Offer small amounts of foods .
Sit in a chair for snacks of fruit.
And juice, offer water between times.
Why are you spoon feeding a 3 year old?
Don’t stress but make rules to save your sanity

I use to stress this with my kids.
I even consulted our ped about it… who told me a few things.

  • Always offer a meal, a child will eat if they’re hungry. If they’re off playing or uninterested at the time, leave the plate on the table/counter so it’s out when they get hungry
  • It’s ideal for a child to have a healthy well balanced diet… but that’s not always the case. Offer new foods with every meal, try to negotiate them to try it even if it’s just one bite… but if they refuse, save that battle for another day. Just make sure they’re fed.
  • As long as they’re gaining or at least maintaining a healthy weight, and there’s no other cause for concerns… just roll with the flow.
  • Contrary to popular belief, kids can be picky no matter what you offer them or how they grew up. The saying, “kids are picky because that’s all you feed them or all they see you eat” is inaccurate. (99% of the time, there are exceptions)
  • Kids go through times where they don’t want to eat… it’ll be different ages for each kid and some may last longer than others. Again, kids eat when they’re hungry.

I am not picky at all, and I love trying new foods. My husband is. But I always have offered my kids whatever we eat or cook, and I have bought them healthy snacks and different snacks. When they were younger, as in babies, they were a little more open. But as they grew and developed their own taste, my 6 & 4 year old became pretty picky. They like a fairly wide variety of snacks… but as far as meals we rotate the same things. My 2 year old is more like me and eats a lot or at least likes to try it.

Just make sure you’re offering and at the end of the day they’re fed🙂


Put different snacks around for him to get

My 3 year old is the same way. She recently started Feeding Therapy.

I literally thought my son was going to starve to death at that age

Don’t chase him. Make a snack plates, grapes, cut up meet stick, cheese… and let him graze.
It’s a phase.

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Kids will eat when hungry, don’t chase him, let him tell you when he’s hungry. As long as he’s hitting the milestones with your dr then don’t worry.

It’s a normal phase most kids go through on and off. They’ll have their no eating phase, then the eating you out of house and home and having a growth spurt and slowing back down again. Just keep healthy things he likes available and if you are worried about him getting full nutrition you can give him some pediasure or pedialyte in place of his normal drinks to sub in those nutrients he needs.

Try finger food snacks, and healthier alternatives. Like veggie sticks, fruit, and such. If you feel like he didn’t get enough nutrients that day, give him a pediatric shake. If it’s something new to try, cut it in funny shapes or small portions. I just saw a video of mom hiding veggies in chocolate chips lol.